The right make-up skills can boost your professional life

Make-up isn’t just for social occasions. Instead, it can actually go some length to boosting...
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Can acupuncture help with fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a debilitating condition that affects a wide number of points on the body....
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How is your diet affecting your mood?

We live in enlightened times, and most people now know just how important a healthy...
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Live life in the moment with Mindfulness

Our everyday lives are bursting with challenges which our brains are continually solving. Why do...
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What is an Indian head massage and how can it help you?

One of the most popular and effective alternative therapies to enjoy is an Indian head...
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Taking our mental health into our own hands

The media headlines are peppered with discussion about the lack of NHS facilities and personnel...
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What are the benefits of hypnobirthing for both mother and baby?

Childbirth is one of the most intense physical, emotional and mental experiences. Therefore, the more...
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How cranial osteopathy can help tinnitus sufferers

Osteopathy is generally associated with the treatment of back and neck pain, but did you...
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Don’t let SAD get in the way of your life

As the weather takes a dive into more cooler temperatures which see us reaching for...
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How a vegan diet can change your life for the better

For some, adopting a vegan diet is inspired simply by a will to eat more...
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Two great stress relieving massage therapies

Many of us have enjoyed the tremendously relaxing, rejuvenating benefits of a massage before. From...
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Yoga poses for the office

As the demands of working life see us spend ever-longer periods of time sitting at...
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Stress management – 6 techniques that work

Stress can be a positive thing. It can motivate you, improve your focus, and help...
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The Benefits of Detox Therapy

Over the past few years, detoxification has become a popular health measure amongst the rich...
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What is Reiki?

Reiki is a therapy treatment and form of alternative medicine which was developed in 1922...
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Why have eyelash extensions become so popular?

It’s clear that eyelash extensions are a beauty trend that won’t be going away quickly....
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Could acupuncture help you to start a family?

IVF treatment is financially out of the reach of many childless couples. However, did you...
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Alternative therapies and the menopause

The menopause, often referred to as ‘the change’, represents a major physical and emotional upheaval...
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Meditation: three things beginners should know

People meditate for many reasons, such as to relax and unwind, to relieve stress, or...
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Colonic Hydrotherapy helps you physically and mentally

In an age where so much of our food is packed full of preservatives, fruit...
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Reaching your fitness goals with a personal trainer

If you want to lose weight or increase your fitness levels, working with a personal...
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The lowdown on EFT therapy

EFT, or Emotional Freedom Technique, is perhaps one of the lesser-known therapies around for healing...
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Alexander Technique has benefited me

Because I’m a writer, I spend a lot of time sitting at my laptop. As...
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Which herbal teas should you use to treat common ailments?

Herbal remedies are a proven and commonly used way of gently treating common ailments without...
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Psychic Medium – what to expect

When a loved one dies, it’s natural to wonder if their spirit still lives on....
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Managing stress at work and at home

We know it’s bad for us. But like that bar of chocolate or packet of...
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What is colour therapy?

Colour therapy is an alternative medicine approach which uses a technique to project colour onto...
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Don’t delay your next manicure

There are some women who look forward to their next manicure – and there are...
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Stuck in a rut? Time to see a life coach

No matter what stage of life you’re in, if you’re finding yourself stuck in a...
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Pregnancy Iyenga Yoga

BKS Iyengar introduced this style of yoga almost 100 years ago. It has proved to...
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