Alexander Technique has benefited me

Because I’m a writer, I spend a lot of time sitting at my laptop. As a result I used to get tension headaches, lost my temper over silly little things, and became known as ‘Grumpy Dad’ to my three children.

I re-learned how to do all the basic stuff in life

That was before I started a course of Alexander Technique sessions. From the very first session, as I re-learned how to do all the basic stuff in life – like how to sit at my desk and how to hold my hands over the keyboard – my headaches began to disappear. I also stopped biting my kids’ heads off.

The Alexander Technique is a practical skill which is learned through doing. In contrast to other skills, however, you learn it by subtraction. Like a sculptor, you pare away all the bad habits you don’t want rather than stress yourself out with new ones. You begin by learning to be aware of the movement habits that cause the stress patterns that lie at the root of your discomfort. Then you learn how to lessen the grip of those habits, allowing your own innate balance to emerge.

Alexander Technique provides you with tools to do everyday activities

The Alexander Technique provides you with a method that can be applied to any activity – even sleeping! It doesn’t seek to change so much what you do, as the way that you do it. It works for people of all shapes and sizes, regardless of age or any underlying health issues.

I’ve only had a few Alexander Technique sessions, but as a result I feel much more able to cope with life as a working parent. I have become a lot calmer, and my children certainly appreciate the change! It’s a simpler and kinder way of looking after yourself than going to the gym and knocking yourself out. It encourages you to look at your body holistically rather than as lots of separate ‘bits’.

I still have a lot of stress in my life. And I still spend hours and hours sitting at my computer. But I now have some ‘tools’ that help me be kinder to my body, and to help it be kinder to me.

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