Which herbal teas should you use to treat common ailments?

Herbal remedies are a proven and commonly used way of gently treating common ailments without resorting to more stringent drugs often prescribed by medical practitioners. Herbal teas, for example, are one example of remedies which might be recommended by reputable homeopaths or alternative medicine practitioners, and can be a very effective way of treating a whole host of ailments. If you are looking for some caffeine-free hot beverage alternatives to assuage a coffee habit, or would like to soothe aches, pains, or tummy troubles the natural way, sampling the following teas could be a good way to start.

1. Ginger

As well as providing a punchy flavour, ginger tea is well-known for its anti-emetic properties and effectiveness in treating nausea, indigestion, cramping and diarrhoea. It can also be used to reduce stress and anxiety levels, and has been shown to improve circulation issues. Indeed, ginger is one of the most versatile and useful of herbal teas, although its taste can be a little strong for some people. To make the drink more palatable, it might be advisable to add sugar, honey or extra water.

2. Peppermint

Peppermint is another tea well-known for its ability to settle the stomach, and comes with a deliciously refreshing flavour. In addition, it can be used to clear the congestion associated with heavy colds, treat bad breath, aid weight loss and even improve concentration levels.

3. Spearmint

Spearmint tea comes with many of the same curative properties as peppermint tea, but with a much sweeter and more delicate taste, perfect for those who find the flavour of peppermint tea overpowering. Indeed, just some of the ailments it has been known to help alleviate include nausea, muscle pain, headache, stress, and sinus problems. Unlike peppermint tea, however, spearmint tea is particularly recommended for women who suffer from hormonal issues such as excess hair growth or acne, as it has been shown to lower levels of male sex hormones surprisingly effectively.

4. Hibiscus

Hibiscus flowers are packed with antioxidants and, when consumed in the form of tea, can treat a range of maladies such as sore throats, cystitis and gum disease, due to its anti-inflammatory properties. On top of this, it has been shown to reduce blood pressure and comes with a delicious cranberry-like flavour perfect for mixing with honey or sugar.

Look into our directory of natural healers, for a comprehensive view of what might do for your various physical and mental health concerns. Indeed, making just a few small diet adjustments to include herbal remedies, such as herbal teas, can make a significant difference to your overall wellbeing and personal growth goals.

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