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Therapy Articles



What is Swedish HypnoBirthing? HypnoBirthing is a philosophy and a set of techniques that prepares parents for a natural, gentle birth. ...


What is Physiotherapy Physiotherapy is a branch of the caring profession which focuses on function and movement. Its purpose is to...
What to expect from an Acupuncture Session


What is Acupuncture The roots of acupuncture can be traced back around 2000 years to ancient China. Complex discussions about acupuncture,...
Counselling Session


What is Counselling Counselling is a talking therapy which is delivered by a trained practitioner. The therapist works with an individual...
Swedish massage what to expect

Swedish Massage

What is Swedish Massage? For thousands of years the benefits of massage have been recognised. Each generation experiments with and adds...


What is Osteopathy? Osteopathy is a branch of medicine concerned with diagnosing, treating, preventing and rehabilitating individuals with disorders of the...
What to expect from Sports Massage

Sports Massage

What is Sports Massage? Sports Massage is a special branch of massage focussed on athletes, to help them prepare for their...


What is Homeopathy? Homeopathy is based on the principle of treating 'like with like.' It centres around the ability of the...

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