Taking our mental health into our own hands

The media headlines are peppered with discussion about the lack of NHS facilities and personnel to tackle the UK’s mental health “crisis”. Sadly, there are also abundant examples of when individuals decide to end their pain in the most final of ways. Suicide rates in the UK vary according to the data source, but are around 6,000 each year. Beyond that terrible statistic, there are countless people who live with depression every day and whose quality of life is seriously eroded by anxiety and stress.

There is help available

There is help available; you just need to know where to look. You also need to take a bold step in finding a solution that suits your own individual needs and preferences.
This website lists private providers of counselling, therapy and support who can tackle the root causes of mental health problems and find a path to healing.

Some of the options for you

Just as everyone’s mental health is individual to them, there is no “one size fits all” solution. Among the specialists in this field are cognitive behaviour therapists. “Cognitive” means the way we process thoughts and memories. Some of the distress of mental health problems can be alleviated by sorting through the “jumble” of feelings and thoughts that weigh heavy on the individual. Other times, the trauma behind the hurt is historic, and regression therapy can help air the issues and experiences from childhood and beyond that have left their mark.

Psychotherapists, using non-medical methods such as talking therapies, can assist those who struggle to pinpoint a cause or timeline for their mental health problems.

Sometimes, people simply need an outlet, a neutral and professional third person to unburden to. There are counsellors listed on our site with different specialisms, who aim to offer the healing that can come from “letting go”.

There are stress management experts too, who can equip you with new coping mechanisms and strategies to feel more confident about facing each new day or specific situations.

And of course, the directory also offers meditation specialists, who can help you still the clamour of modern living and learn to relax.

One phone call could change your life

Please take your mental health – and courage – in both hands. Call some of the therapists and experts listed for a chat. From one small step, could come great change and improvement.

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