Seeing things for a...
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Seeing things for a reason

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Maybe I am being cuckoo here but hear me out 🙂
As a psychic / mystical person are we drawn to certain objects and things in a similar way to how we are drawn to people?
I notice sacred numbers a lot everywhere I go and it's not like I'm deliberately looking for them - I just turn my head and WOW there they are ...
This also happens with clothes, furnishings and any other types of objects when I'm on my travels.
I've also noticed photos of people on adverts such as buses, magazines and billboards.
It's only certain images that stand out to me - is this because the images are giving out the same energy frequency as me similar to when you are drawn to certain people in everyday life?

As everything down here is energies maybe the objects have certain energies too?
I hope I am not going completely mad but there is method to my madness 😉
I'm just trying to make sense of this mad planet down here with my 5 senses!
This also applies to hearing certain sounds / words as well. Certain things stand out to me more than others.
Once again with people on adverts etc I'm not deliberately looking at them - I just turn my head and 'BANG' there they are as if to say 'NOTICE ME' 🙂

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Or you could put it down to law of attraction maybe?

Classic example was a time when we went to buy ourselves a new car. We sat there with the car dealer, having decided the make and model we wanted and then he presented us with the colours to choose from. We looked at the different colours and both decided that we liked a particular shade of metallic green that was being offered, as it was a colour we hadn't seen around and we do like to be different. 😉

Well the day came when the car had arrived, and we picked it up from the dealer. Driving home I was amazed to see how many cars there were that were not only the same make and model, but were also the same colour, yet I could have sworn I'd never seen any previously.

The fact is that there are many things our senses perceive all the time, but our minds can only focus on one thing at a time, so most things are just filtered out. Yet, when something is in our current thinking of focus (even unconsciously), maybe because we've developed a specific interest in it, then our mind is more forthright in bringing it to our conscious attention.

In your case, it's perfectly reasonable that, because you have an interest in 'sacred numbers' you are seeing more of them around that you would have previously, simply because your mind is now unconsciously aware that you have an interest in seeing them.

This is how the law of attraction works. When you want something more, you focus on that thing in your mind and make your mind aware of your interest in it. Your mind will then bring to your attention things that relate to that interest, and it's up to you to then act on those things.

Whether you want to call that a psychic ability or not is up to you, though personally I don't relate such events to such an ability.

All Love and Reiki Hugs

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Wow I totally see what you are saying.
I notice that all the time - as soon as I become aware of a certain thing then I start seeing it everywhere around me.
I became aware of owl imagery and then I started noticing it everywhere -
Pillows, handbags, scarves, ornaments even in a work place where it had the '11' number raffle ticket next to it. Lol.
The only thing I don't understand is why I turn my head to look at 'said' items rather than them appearing in my eye line. Am I subconsciously seeing things outside of my peripheral vision - good grief !!!!
I sometimes wonder if ideas are put into our minds subliminally so we become aware of them. Maybe the collective unconscious. But that's going very deep I think.
Also why certain numbers and not others - 13:33, 14:44, 11:11, 21:11.
What makes them so special and the mind only take note of certain numbers. Are they imprinted in the human psyche for some special reason ??

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Another thought. Everything is energies down here.
Numbers, words, people, the environment, material objects so I guess we resonate with certain things.

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Wow I totally see what you are saying.
I notice that all the time - as soon as I become aware of a certain thing then I start seeing it everywhere around me.
I became aware of owl imagery and then I started noticing it everywhere -
Pillows, handbags, scarves, ornaments even in a work place where it had the '11' number raffle ticket next to it. Lol.
The only thing I don't understand is why I turn my head to look at 'said' items rather than them appearing in my eye line. Am I subconsciously seeing things outside of my peripheral vision - good grief !!!!
I sometimes wonder if ideas are put into our minds subliminally so we become aware of them. Maybe the collective unconscious. But that's going very deep I think.
Also why certain numbers and not others - 13:33, 14:44, 11:11, 21:11.
What makes them so special and the mind only take note of certain numbers. Are they imprinted in the human psyche for some special reason ??

Well, we all like to look for reasons for things, but I do think it's more a case of us subconsciously picking up on things and then the subconscious drawing our conscious attention to things.

I always look at the clock at 8:08 or 22:22... 🙂

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Interesting. I see those numbers too 🙂
I guess we all resonate with different things.

I still find it weird that certain things jump out at you whilst others you don't notice but Hey Ho all part of the experience down here and lifes deeper mysteries.
Oh yeah!

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I think it's like that for everyone...
Some things stand out to me more than to others and the opposite. I think it only depends on our awarness, on what's on our mind.

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Another thought. Everything is energies down here.

Down here? There's a direction?

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Lol. U know what I mean. 'Down here' on the mortal realm. I see life as an experience

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We're all mortal - those here, those in the land of the dead, those stuck between, and the spirits.

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I always thought mortal meant actually being physically alive.
When I say down here I mean 'generally'.
Hope you are well. You reply to my posts a lot

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Okay, got it. You are talking about people who are alive at the moment. Funny thing is, most people I know (not me - I go outwards) go down to the land of the dead.

I'm fine. You? I've been away, teaching non-stop for 11 days. Just got back and catching up with new posts - I'm replying to anything I find interesting.

As for your first question - some things we just notice because we have an interest (as Energylz said, this can be subconscious). Some things are being pointed out to us. If it were me, then it would probably be my power animal pointing it out. How significant are these things?

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That's how I feel as if something or someone for that matter is drawing my attention to it. I turn my head and there it is in front of me.

I think the number sequences would be the main ones but now it's followed onto billboards, posters, people on magazines and TV.
Objects in shops, people's houses
People on the street or around the place

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I put it down to similar energetic vibrations like when some people you notice and others you don't

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Sorry, my understanding of energy doesn't include vibrations. But you will notice things you are familiar with, even if you are not aware of seeing them before - like Giles and the car. Then, once you've noticed a thing, you'll carry on noticing that thing in other situations.
For it to be a power animal or other spirit doing it, there would have to be a reason and it doesn't sound from your posts that there is.

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I fell asleep last night before posting.
I think I found the owl imagery interesting as I heard this is connected with native American shamanism as well as witchcraft in general and it does feel like I'm being guided towards certain things. It's just a feeling I get.
I've also always been an advocate of 'everything happens for a reason'.
Maybe I'm wrong and I can be proved otherwise. Always good to have an open mind ......

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You may be right or wrong - I don't know.:)

But owls turn up in any shamanic tradition where there are owls - and there are many Native American traditions. Some are shamanic, some are not. Some traditions see owls as 'good things', some as 'bad things', some just as 'things' and others don't mention them at all. (Apart from all living in the same continent, I don't think there's anything that can be generalised about Native Americans.)

More pertinently, what do owls mean to you?

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I just love looking at them 🙂

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So ... happiness? A deep love for all creatures? Connection with nature and the spirits? Maybe these are the messages.

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I've been connecting with nature much more this past year. I think the spirits probably have influenced it.
I just use all this as a censor as to what I'm attracted to in terms of places, objects and people. If it don't feel right it ain't and if it does then good. I just hope I'm right most of the time and not led towards anything bad 🙂 They do say you should trust your intuition.
I even notice energies coming out of people's houses and energies on streets.

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Since there are 'energies' in everything and since it continually flows, this simply means that you are seeing stuff that most people filter out. This is fine but it can get out of hand. You may need to do some work on boundaries. (Do you follow any path that could help with this?)

Seeing these energies is akin to seeing spirits. It happens when you are in a slightly altered state of consciousness. This is similar to how shamans work - except, of course, part of the definition of shamanism is that it is done in a controlled way, and for a reason.

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That sounds very interesting.
So I'm kind of merging into my environment. I agree with the boundaries thing - It's making more sense to me now.
I always thought I have some shamanistic abilities but not fully understanding them just yet. I am very aware of energies though with places and people. If I'm not fully happy where I am or who I'm with it definitely shows but personal strength comes from within.
