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Paranormal, law of attraction, negative energy

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Being a remote energy healer I do many healings not just on people. Homes are a big deal. What you consider a ghost in my opinion is not a ghost. You may consider a ghost something else but I would consider it ghost energy. The terminology for paranormal and ghost needs updating. When someone says the word paranormal people are brainwashed to think ghosts. Paranormal means above normal and that’s it. Like parachute hence the para means above.

This is strictly my own experience and other people will debate and discuss this as that is their opinion.

If you are sitting in your home and you are in a great mood and all of a sudden you are in a lousy mood do you wonder why?

When you are not at home you are in a great mood but when you come home your mood shifts for no reason.

When the human body crosses or dies, the negative energy that every human carries does not go with the person to the next dimension. It has to stay here. (This has nothing to do with emotional blocks.)

Law of attraction, like attracts like regardless of good or bad.

Negative energy can attract itself into you house. Whatever the reason is it’s there. The more bad energy that attracts, you and your pets, children will start to feel it. This energy is not a person, not an animal not a demon it’s just bad energy. When you put people into bad energy over time it starts to lean on a person. Now if enough bad energy comes in, people can get sick, have mood changes for no reason. If this is your situation please seek alternative help and do not assume its you!

Reasons why negative would be in your home? Its energy so it does not have a conscious. But it feels attracted to negative. If you are negative it can follow you home. If you have objects In your home from deceased family or friends and they were negative. Think law of attraction. Ghosts do not follow people home, energy does. Again law of attraction.

Home clearings do exist. Imagine what happens in museums with 10’s of thousands of objects good and bad energy. All that swirling energy.

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The term paranormal simply means something that is not normal. I believe in the paranormal because I have had experiences I cannot explain using logic and science. I believe in the paranormal - that does not mean I believe in ghosts......whatever they may.....and yes I have had some experiences on paranormal investigations. I have even had an experience I can only describe as saying I saw a ghost...... I should also s ay I am married to a psychic medium.

As someone with a scientific background, for me energy is key because science has shown everything is energy. So I have no problem with ideas of energy that out science cannot yet explain.

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Could be a ghost, a house sprit, some other spirit, a 'memory' of the house ...

amy green
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Another reason why someone might feel unwell at home can be due to EMF (electromagnetic fields, e.g. emanating from electronic devices).

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The term paranormal simply means something that is not normal. I believe in the paranormal because I have had experiences I cannot explain using logic and science. I believe in the paranormal - that does not mean I believe in ghosts......whatever they may.....and yes I have had some experiences on paranormal investigations. I have even had an experience I can only describe as saying I saw a ghost...... I should also s ay I am married to a psychic medium.

As someone with a scientific background, for me energy is key because science has shown everything is energy. So I have no problem with ideas of energy that out science cannot yet explain.

Einstein made the observation that Energy equalled Mass under the right circumstances so for me it goes to explain why, what I presently understand as matter can be interpreted as a form of energy, which is probably how life was created.

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Since mass and matter are not the same thing, I'm not sure that this helps. Nor are matter and energy the same, or different - they are completely different categories.

Vegastarhealings has removed the original post, so I can't check on what s/he actually said but I recall it was something explaining that what all the rest of us poor idiots think are ghosts, aren't. I don't see that 'what a ghost is' is particularly affected by everything being (or not being for that matter) energy.

Scommstech, how does Energy equals Mass (divided by the speed of light squared) create life?

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Since mass and matter are not the same thing, I'm not sure that this helps. Nor are matter and energy the same, or different - they are completely different categories.

Vegastarhealings has removed the original post, so I can't check on what s/he actually said but I recall it was something explaining that what all the rest of us poor idiots think are ghosts, aren't. I don't see that 'what a ghost is' is particularly affected by everything being (or not being for that matter) energy.

Scommstech, how does Energy equals Mass (divided by the speed of light squared) create life?

According to Einstein E = Mass times the speed of light squared. so if you divide E by the speed of light squared we get Mass.
Thought it has been said travels faster than the speed of light. If you think you are on the other side of the Galaxy, your thoughts are instant and much faster than the speed of light.
The Higgs Boson is credited with having the ability to slow down non material properties, properties I assume similar to thoughts.
Once they get slowed down to the speed of light squared they then acquire mass, hence E = M.
This may be the basis of thought healing where thought can "create" matter.
However if the original post is no longer valid then just ignore my post.

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I didn't want to ignore it since I'm still quite interested in what people think ghosts are - this was the topic I meant when I posted before - I'm not sure that quantum physics helps with this question.

I'd always rather discuss something with people who will engage (in this case you, Amy and Sally) than those who won't (e.g. the original poster).

amy green
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Crowan - you say that matter and energy are 'completely different categories' but I would disagree with that - they are connected. There are countless examples of how matter holds energy, e.g.:-

- when a psychic can hold a ring belonging to someone and accurately detect vibes emanating from its user
- the power given out by physical matter e.g. batteries
- evidence of heart transplants affecting the donor e.g. one transplant recipient suddenly got cravings for McDonald foods (where they would not normally eat such food) and finding that the donor ate a lot from McD.
- the power/energy of a waterfall....I could go on.

To answer your question about what ghosts may be....possibly a soul in limbo i.e. that has not arrived at its destination due to some trauma.

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Crowan - you say that matter and energy are 'completely different categories' but I would disagree with that - they are connected. There are countless examples of how matter holds energy, e.g.:-

- when a psychic can hold a ring belonging to someone and accurately detect vibes emanating from its user
- the power given out by physical matter e.g. batteries
- evidence of heart transplants affecting the donor e.g. one transplant recipient suddenly got cravings for McDonald foods (where they would not normally eat such food) and finding that the donor ate a lot from McD.
- the power/energy of a waterfall....I could go on.

'Different categories' as in bread and toasters. Those are connected in our minds by the word 'toast', but they are still categorised differently.
'Matter' in physics, can mean different things. But, essentially, it is something objects are. Energy is something they have. Therefore, different categories. Therefore something can be matter and have energy.

The heart transplants - can you direct me to any research on this? (Not saying you're wrong.)

Do you mean power and energy of a waterfall? Or are you using the two words to mean the same thing?

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'Different categories' as in bread and toasters. Those are connected in our minds by the word 'toast', but they are still categorised differently.
'Matter' in physics, can mean different things. But, essentially, it is something objects are. Energy is something they have. Therefore, different categories. Therefore something can be matter and have energy.

The heart transplants - can you direct me to any research on this? (Not saying you're wrong.)

Do you mean power and energy of a waterfall? Or are you using the two words to mean the same thing?

So, by your own modification now, matter and energy are not 'completely' different categories, i.e. there is a connection.

When we look at a waterfall we see what is, i.e. it's physical reality. The power/energy are interelated to its physical component.

Here is a link about heart transplants and the effects it has relating to its donor. (I could have chosen lots of other links - this discovery is rapidly becoming better known now).

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So, by your own modification now, matter and energy are not 'completely' different categories, i.e. there is a connection.

Sorry, this wasn't a modification, it was an explanation. Things can be in different categories but still connected by the way we think about them. If matter and energy are not different categories, which category are you putting them in (apart from 'things we are talking about on HP")?

When we look at a waterfall we see what is, i.e. it's physical reality. The power/energy are interelated to its physical component.

As I asked, are you using 'power' and 'energy' to mean the same thing?

Thanks for the link.

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As I asked, are you using 'power' and 'energy' to mean the same thing?

Yes...what else would power be but energy? It is a quality imbued by something.

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I've looked at the article - there's not actually evidence, is there?

Not that I'm saying it doesn't happen. I don't know. If it does, my explanation would be on a soul level, though. Nothing to do with a made-up 'cell memory'.

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I could post a lot of incidences of established cell memory (not the least bit 'made up') but will just link this one and add my own experience too.

I hadn't read anything about memories being stored in fat when I had such an experience of it. I lost a substantial amount of weight on my thighs and this was accompanied by experiencing a past (forgotten) memory of something traumatic. I won't go into details since it is personal but the connection was very marked, i.e. I was left in no doubt.

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From what I've read about Einstein's theory is that at the time he developed his formulae, he considered the speed of light to be the fastest thing around. Physics is starting to doubt that the speed of light is in fact the fastest thing around, so the equation appears to be true only the material world.
Once the spiritual or "idea" based world is involved Einstein's formulae takes on a different meaning, hence E can = M.
An idea can have a physical effect. The Placebo effect is an example.

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I could post a lot of incidences of established cell memory (not the least bit 'made up') but will just link this one and add my own experience too.

I hadn't read anything about memories being stored in fat when I had such an experience of it. I lost a substantial amount of weight on my thighs and this was accompanied by experiencing a past (forgotten) memory of something traumatic. I won't go into details since it is personal but the connection was very marked, i.e. I was left in no doubt.

These are not evidence of cellular memory. As I said, I can see how this could work on a soul level. Not everyone believes in soul and I cannot give my beliefs as proof.

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From what I've read about Einstein's theory is that at the time he developed his formulae, he considered the speed of light to be the fastest thing around. Physics is starting to doubt that the speed of light is in fact the fastest thing around, so the equation appears to be true only the material world.
Once the spiritual or "idea" based world is involved Einstein's formulae takes on a different meaning, hence E can = M.
An idea can have a physical effect. The Placebo effect is an example.

I'm not arguing about whether E can equal M - that's simply algebra. Nor do I deny that ideas have physical effects - I certainly know that what happens in non-ordinary reality has effects in ordinary reality. But mass and matter are still not the same things and you haven't explained how any of this created life.

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Yes...what else would power be but energy? It is a quality imbued by something.

The relationship is the same as that between wind and air.

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I'm not arguing about whether E can equal M - that's simply algebra. Nor do I deny that ideas have physical effects - I certainly know that what happens in non-ordinary reality has effects in ordinary reality. But mass and matter are still not the same things and you haven't explained how any of this created life.

I agree that E and M are not the same. in the materialistic world, but in the non materialistic world, once the speed of light has been cancelled out due to non material energies ( thoughts etc spiritual) having similar characteristics as the speed of light, (once they have been acted on) then Mass appears as energy.

This is where I see the importance of the Higgs Boson. From what I understand the boson is credited with being able to slow down non matter (thought, ideas). I extend this idea in that the boson is therefore causing the ideas projection to match the speed of light, effectively cancelling speed out of the equation. E and M are then effectively the same.

I suppose that technically E and M are still not the same just as steam is not the same as water, but their identities, foundations, are the same despite one being invisible and the other materialistic.

I see no reason why Creation cannot be working on similar lines, Divine ideas getting turned into matter which we interpret as life.

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I agree that E and M are not the same. in the materialistic world, but in the non materialistic world, once the speed of light has been cancelled out due to non material energies ( thoughts etc spiritual) having similar characteristics as the speed of light, (once they have been acted on) then Mass appears as energy.

This is where I see the importance of the Higgs Boson. From what I understand the boson is credited with being able to slow down non matter (thought, ideas). I extend this idea in that the boson is therefore causing the ideas projection to match the speed of light, effectively cancelling speed out of the equation. E and M are then effectively the same.

I suppose that technically E and M are still not the same just as steam is not the same as water, but their identities, foundations, are the same despite one being invisible and the other materialistic.

I see no reason why Creation cannot be working on similar lines, Divine ideas getting turned into matter which we interpret as life.

Okay - I assume you mean the thoughts of a/the creator creates life. I see that if I believed in a creator, which I don't, that might make sense.

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Okay - I assume you mean the thoughts of a/the creator creates life. I see that if I believed in a creator, which I don't, that might make sense.

It is true that one has to believe in a structured plan for creation to be accepted. I have yet to be convinced that a plan of sorts is not in effect. I have read of many proposals in favour of a divine presence. Most people I feel have been influenced by superstition and have seen too many Hollywood spectaculars, but never the less a Divine influence is still the basis for my reasoning's.
However I cannot remember coming across a constructive argument against creation. To me even Darwin's evolution species had to have been created. Even the arguments that all the wrongs in the world are "Gods" fault fail if analysed.

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I'm not sure what you mean by 'Darwin's evolution species' - and why do they have to have been created?

I have never seen any convincing evidence for creation.

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I'm not sure what you mean by 'Darwin's evolution species' - and why do they have to have been created?

I have never seen any convincing evidence for creation.

It is that there seems to be two distinct beliefs. One being creation, and man being created as he is now by a creator and the other belief that we evolved to our present form from a lower state like monkeys. Both these beliefs however can be seen to be correct if creation is interpreted from the "spiritual" rather than from the material.

As for convincing evidence for creation. No there probably is not any definitive proof, but if we analyse the situation I can't see any other alternative to the idea that something started all this off and that to me is creation. I personally accept the big bang theory, and I can relate creation to that event. There may have even been prior big bangs, and creations, who really knows.

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Okay. I think the quote that

we evolved to our present form from a lower state like monkeys.

indicates an odd view of evolution.
Can you explain to me what 'creation interpreted from the spiritual means'?

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Okay. I think the quote that
indicates an odd view of evolution.
Can you explain to me what 'creation interpreted from the spiritual means'?

Most people I've met regard original creation as being the emergence of mankind in a physical form.
That man is physical and if he has a soul it belongs to the body and emerges after death.

The way I see it is that we were created as an energy and that energy happens on this planet to present itself as a physical form.
Our true creation is in the spiritual, and that the physical body is subservient to this energy.

'creation interpreted from the spiritual ' I was referring to my understanding that the physical man is an interpretation, or expression of the spiritual man. The spiritual man is the true identity that originates through creation from the divine.

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if he has a soul it belongs to the body and emerges after death.


As for the rest, I think it's a case of agree to disagree - people either belive in creation or they don't.☺
