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Is Psychic Ability Inherited??

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I've been wondering if psychic ability is inherited or not?

It seems that many psychic readers that I know have storied of family members who have similar abilities. It make me wonder if psychic abilities are passed down through their family by blood, or by learned behavior.

For example, if a mother was a psychic reader and had a child who was raised with another family, would that child become psychic or not?

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Hi Oracleavenue welcome to HP.

Only recently I was given a very old lead crystal ball on a sort of black Victorian type stand that she had. I was told by senior family members that my grandma used to be taken by my grandfather door to door doing readings for people. She used to get around by horse and cart. She charged a shilling per reading. I am told was very popular and people began to feel better about life and the passing of relatives..

Another 100 years back again I was told members of the family walked door to door teaching Christianity and would offer spiritual wisdom and insights when asked. again I was told they were in demand for the freedom and wisdom they brought to others.

All this info I was never aware of and only just found all this out earlier this year. Is this in the blood? I couldn't say?

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I've been wondering if psychic ability is inherited or not?

Hi .

There is still a great deal of knowledge that remains unknown regarding our d.n.a. and it is possible that certain aspects of our d.n.a. carry a particular energy frequency / vibration that enables one to interact / perceive on a psychic level, so it is possible for one to inherit such genes but with that in mind one has the capability to activate their own d.n.a in many ways regardless of their ancestral biological make up.

In this respect what one can experience within life energetically speaking can be to some extent be in their own hands .

Also something to bare in mind,

The chakras for instance are at the core of one's expression in respect of one's psychic / spiritual abilities and you cannot I would say in my opinion inherit an open and flowing crown chakra .

Its a deep subject regarding the state of one's chakras so I will leave it there if I may lol .

x daz x

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I've been wondering if psychic ability is inherited or not?

It seems that many psychic readers that I know have storied of family members who have similar abilities. It make me wonder if psychic abilities are passed down through their family by blood, or by learned behavior.

For example, if a mother was a psychic reader and had a child who was raised with another family, would that child become psychic or not?

I believe we all have the ability if we chose to develop it. But there is no doubt some have more natural talent than others - and that is inherited IMO. But that is all speculation on my part. I doubt if there is a definitive answer!

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@tashanie yes I believe everyone is born with Psychic abilities but they switch off slowly as we grow older if not developed upon.  Passed down through generations yes, only because of upbringing.  You would be less likely to be conditioned out of your senses being switched on and be encouraged not scorned when trying to understand them.


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One of my relatives did genealogy on our family and found that one of my female relatives died in jail while she was waiting to be hung as a witch.

But I believe it is more likely that we developed our abilities in previous lifetimes. Then asking to be sent to a family that might be amiable to such things.

I am an artist. Growing up I told myself (when things were difficult) that I came to this family so I could have this talent. I don't think it is a stretch to believe talents run in families. Or exposure in such a family would provoke talents from another life time to erupt.

So a child of 3 or 4 starts playing the piano...well there had to be a piano there? Or a violin there? So some talent had to be in that family?

I know a woman that says she was burned as a witch in a previous life. She does herbs, spells and witch things, but so do most of the women in her family.

Soooooo. Yes, yes, maybe, sort of and of course 🙂

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Sixth sense is quite a common occuring in day to day living of men women, children. Even animals seem to sense things which could come under psychic. Cats dogs, goats, even horses intuitively know the energy, mood, temprament, needs in the moment.

What is uniquely one's own? Not much. Its all there in the pot. strands of it become pronounced enough to notice and one may start noticing more and more and it sharpens more as a result. There are many many people who are highly intuitive- see, hear, know things before time but don't care enough to see it as an ability. It is what it is not caring to make any more of it.
One can also develop naturally occuring sense. Do what one wants to do with it-develop it , ignore it, keep it quiet, keep the family tradition going or whatever one may wish to do with it. But it is naturally occuring in all-just like the rest of the 5 senses.

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It is often inherited, but it makes a big difference if a child grows up in a household that is open to psychic abilities and spiritual matters. Everyone is born with intuition 🙂 x

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I've been wondering if psychic ability is inherited or not?

It seems that many psychic readers that I know have storied of family members who have similar abilities. It make me wonder if psychic abilities are passed down through their family by blood, or by learned behavior.

For example, if a mother was a psychic reader and had a child who was raised with another family, would that child become psychic or not?

Hi there,

I don't think that psychic ability is genetic/inherited.

I say this because I train intuitives, and I've found that people from all backgrounds and walks of life can develop their gifts to a high level.

I do think that if you grow up in an environment where such gifts are respected and encouraged, then that can help.

Reiki Pixie
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I agree with Anna. Living in a household that are "believers" will increase the probability that the next generation will be open to psychic abilities.

To my knowledge there's no psychic or spiritually inclined ancestors in my family, but that hasn't stopped me having such as ability. (Though I do my best not to waste my psychic energy with egotistical readings and psycho-emotional medium exploitations.)

Also it's been said to me by people quite a few times that they are the only member of their families that have psycho-spiritual interests and abilities, with the sense of being a "black sheep". But then you get those who claim they are psychic because of their Gypsy granny, or traditional witchery done a long chain of inheritance.

So is psychic ability inherited? Potential inherited in everyone, whether family lines, environmental, karmic or otherwise.

amy green
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Whilst I see that certain psychic abilities may be learnt, e.g. intuition, some may indeed be borne with certain other psychic abilities. My intuition has naturally improved the more spiritually developed I become.

However, I am also claircognizant and thought that everyone else was too, i.e. having the ability to 'read' people easily (I get bombarded with info from everything about a person). I did not grow up in a household that was pro or anti this. It just dawned on me, as an adult, that not everyone could do this and that it was a psychic ability.
