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Need Advice on finding an exorcist for my house - urgent

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Hi guys,

I'm brand new to this site and found it while I was searching for information on exorcism and bad spirits.

I was hoping you might be able to point me in the right direction - I'm a pretty level-headed person but I am also superstitious.

I'm trying to find some information on getting a healer, or priest, or any kind of individual who is able to perform an exorcism of sorts on my house.

Ever since the neighbour next door passed away, his house has remained abandonned with all of his belongings and not even his family will visit. He was an incredibly negative and angry person while he was alive and I feel a tremenous negative energy eminating from the side of my house adjacent to his. We share the dividing wall which happens to be the same wall my bed is against upstairs - I can't move it due to the actual size of the room. This affects me in the evenings so much so that I do not like sleeping alone when my partner is away. He isn't as spiritual as me but is also affected as I'm uncomfortable.

I've been considering buying the house for a while now, but I'm concerned that this will become a major issue.

I appreiciate this may not be your area of expertise, but does anyone know of an organisation in London whom I could speak with? I'm not religious but perhaps a priest could help? Any ideas of how to go about this?

Many thanks for any help you can provide, I really appreiciate it.

Kind regards,


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RE: Need Advice on finding an exorcist for my house - urgent

Hi Alena,

I prefer to call this sort of work a cleanse, when i do this work I remove the bad energy and replace with good and positive energy as well as trying to ensure the causes of the unrest or negativity are removed or the problem solved.

There are quite a variety of people who will do this sort of thing, you might consider a priest or a medium, a vicar, all of these people tend to use different methods but usually have their own good results, can depend on the disturbance though and their understanding of it.

I cannot think of any particular orgnisations specialising in this in your area, I am sure though there are priests or mediums who can help, priests are less likely to charge you.

If not there are things you might be able to do, if you would like some help on that do ask, but if yoyu feel it is all a bit out of controll and you are not confidnet it would be best to ask for help.


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RE: Need Advice on finding an exorcist for my house - urgent

hi there you say the house as been abandonned you can go to you local council and they can trace who would be next of kin to the house for you and you can make them lookin to it and as your local mp to i take its private . even if its rented or council they have policys to deal with the hse and eyes sore to the comunity hope this helps and good luck with the cleanse

love and blessing

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RE: Need Advice on finding an exorcist for my house - urgent

Hello Alena,

Firstly, try to remember what your neighbour was like. Was he a religious person, and if so, what did he believe in? Would he welcome a medium in his house, for another thing?

I have done 'cleansings' and they haven't always been successful. This may be because the spirits (in my case) were too bound to the house that they didn't want to leave it, or because the entity doesn't consider himself to be 'dead.'

You have to be careful when conducting an exocism, because it can go dangerously wrong. If you think that the person who died needs to be banished would welcome a priest or vicar, then speak to your own vicar or priest. The Old Catholc Church operates a minor order of exorcists, and you might like to look up their website. They are Catholic priests, so can be trusted. If the (non) departed soul wouldn't look kindly upon vicars or priests, you could try the College of Psychic Studies, who would be able to investigate and recommend a remedy.

Whatever you do, get professional advice, Alena.


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RE: Need Advice on finding an exorcist for my house - urgent

i personaly don't see this as an exorcist case. in agreeance with songstress that sometimes clearings aren't successful on the first try with releasing's possible to keep the spirit and the houses energy from coming in your home. only problem is the discomfort of knowing an "eyesore" is next door, so i'd contact the owner and express your concerns.

it is possible for a practitioner to do a distant healing on house next door and release spirit to the light....only thing on an energy level in house it wouldn't be as magnificent and also the energy in items of the beholder....

but nevertheless...i'd have someone feng shui and space clear your house.

i personaly recommend a practitioner from one of two following websites that has been trained by denise linn and/or karen kingston


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RE: Need Advice on finding an exorcist for my house - urgent

Hi Alena

I received your mail about your unfortunate circumstances and have replied directly.

I agree with all thats been said here, I believe that your property should be cleansed and smudged. As the property is next door and vacant, I feel that the concentration should be on your bedroom wall and this side of the house but part of the cleansing would encompass the whole house anyway.

I must admit I'm not a great believer in exorcism and your property is not possessed in any way, its just a sponge which is soaking up the negativity and obviously you are sensitive to such energies.

For the moment, some fresh flowers in the bedroom is a good start until a cleansing ritual can be performed.

Love & Blessings


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RE: Need Advice on finding an exorcist for my house - urgent

i personally don't call any clensing an exocism as i find this an unfortunate word, maybe that is just me.

I have had years of experience performing cleanses on houses, palces and individuals, these cleanses might involve certain types of negative energy and systems, some might be caused by jinns, some bad spirit or related problems...mny situations.

usually when someone telephones me, we will have a chat and they will describe what is happening and nine times out of ten i will know what i am dealing with before getting there, however, occasionally i do not, so I never would say for certain until having seen and felt for myself.

It sounds like a simple case of negative energies and in which case one can remove the negative energy and repalce with good, by ritual, smudging etc...personally i have my own method alhough many methods will work...the intention being all imprtant.

However, one does need to be careful in these situations in case there is more to it, assistance from a sensible and experienced person is advisable.

I would for a starter recomend the use of californain white sage for smudging, this is safe for one to do at home for themsleves.

Also, chiastolite tumble stone would be good as it is very protecting.

Also clear quartz to direct good energy into the room, rose quartz to allow the situation to heal and smokey quartz to alow the people affected to alleviate any depression caused.

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RE: Need Advice on finding an exorcist for my house - urgent

princessalena, have you considered the possibility that this is all in your head?

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RE: Need Advice on finding an exorcist for my house - urgent


I'm sure princessalena considered all points before joining and posting to this forum asking for help.


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RE: Need Advice on finding an exorcist for my house - urgent

ORIGINAL: MaleAurora


I'm sure princessalena considered all points before joining and posting to this forum asking for help.


How can you be sure?

If she has firm paranormal beliefs, that there is bad energy, could that not effect how she feels, even if the beliefs in question could be false?

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RE: Need Advice on finding an exorcist for my house - urgent

ORIGINAL: MaleAurora


I'm sure princessalena considered all points before joining and posting to this forum asking for help.


How much of this consideration is reflected in her post?

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RE: Need Advice on finding an exorcist for my house - urgent

Hi Alena
I agree with all the thoughts so far it just seems like negative energy that you are experiencing and that can be sorted with just some cleansing of energy. The word Exorcist is not what people do as you cannot exorcise a spirit if it does not want to go I call the work I do Spirit Appeasment as this is a joint process which includes the spirit and you to work out your differences and get on with each other. If the spirit is stuck and wishes to go over to the other side then that can be done but only if it wishes it. Hope this helps your understanding.

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RE: Need Advice on finding an exorcist for my house - urgent

Hi honey I am part of a paranormal investigations group we could come and have a look for you we do have a medium who would be able to help with this as well. We are based in milton keynes just up the M1 we do travel all around england and would be happy to help you let me know jax xx

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RE: Need Advice on finding an exorcist for my house - urgent

Sea salt in your doorways and windows keep out negative spirits and energys, you can buy cleansing bundles from crystal or alternative shops there many made of sage if you burn this through out the house it will help cleanse it, also if you hang bells near doors and windows when the wind or you knocked the bells it keeps away evil/negative spirits.

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RE: Need Advice on finding an exorcist for my house - urgent

Hi Alena[sm=wave.gif]

This is all in my VERY humble opinion obviously but I just wonder....

You say he was a very negative person, you'd already from your dealings with him formed this view so could it be possible that folk haven't empited his house because they could not be bothered, in the sense he maybe wasn't a very pleasant person/didn't deserve it so they have more important things to do. Or that they don't go in because quite honestly they couldn't care less a no respect issue. Could it be this coupled ( the house not being cleared I mean) with your personal thoughts before he died about him that has made you feel uneasy?.

I only say this because when was pregnant with the twins I went to watch the Blair Witch film. I balme it on my hormones;) ( not for one minute suggesting your hormonal or pregnant) but because I had a very long garden, that was pitch black, right by a nature reserve, very open as such and coupled with trees at the bottom I was convinced that something 'could' be lurking at the bottom of the garden.Truth is, now that I look at it logically I wasalways uneasy about the bottom of the garden, too open, too exposed to anyone hanging around but I strongly suspect the film nade me worse, gaveme a reason why I was unerved. My husband works night shifts and I would feel uneasy and worry myself to death at night time. for a few weeks I even slept with the light on, was that uneased and also rember knocking on next doors crying, I was so worried. I think what I'm trying to say is that the garden, in the dark, always freaked me a little, and that coupled with an event, the Blair Witch film, brought on a massive sense of unease. As though it added fuel to my thoughts of the garden, in your case the thoughts he was a negative man.

End of the day whatever the reason/cause I hope it passes/gets sorted for you.

Much Love

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Hello, I spent my first 12 years of life being raised partially in a hunted house, my Grandma used to have and I have first hand experience I also know of a group of church based Exorcist who I wanted to undertake training with myself - I live in the UK this place is based in the US. There are things you can look out for such as a stench that wont go away no matter how much elbow energy you put in it, random things going missing coming back one at a time or not at all. Full apparitions things that give chills so intense it makes your spine tingle and you simply just have to bolt or lights turning themselves on and then off again on command. It may be your neighbour was living with an entity all along it could no longer create issues when he died so it decided to move next door and live with you instead just like the living I truly believe spirits become lonely as well after all they are disembodies souls though I believe they still can feel in some way. If this is the case you can try telling it to leave the property - it worked with Grandma but it went to the next property that had people living in it which was her neighbors maybe even ghosts still need to have the basics such as shelter since they are physically unable to build once dead even they need to make do with what they can?

Having an entity around you will make you feel jumpy its the energy it omits I think it tunes into a part of our brain that we no longer know how to access and use which would explain the reaction of us.

Simple signs are the easiest to look for and keep a log of anything strange - if you still need an exorcist I would contact Bob Larson who is co founder of International school of Exorcism or when I am trained and you still have issues I can come to London and help you out - I live in Nottingham only an hour by train.
Good luck with everything.

Hi guys,

I'm brand new to this site and found it while I was searching for information on exorcism and bad spirits.

I was hoping you might be able to point me in the right direction - I'm a pretty level-headed person but I am also superstitious.

I'm trying to find some information on getting a healer, or priest, or any kind of individual who is able to perform an exorcism of sorts on my house.

Ever since the neighbour next door passed away, his house has remained abandonned with all of his belongings and not even his family will visit. He was an incredibly negative and angry person while he was alive and I feel a tremenous negative energy eminating from the side of my house adjacent to his. We share the dividing wall which happens to be the same wall my bed is against upstairs - I can't move it due to the actual size of the room. This affects me in the evenings so much so that I do not like sleeping alone when my partner is away. He isn't as spiritual as me but is also affected as I'm uncomfortable.

I've been considering buying the house for a while now, but I'm concerned that this will become a major issue.

I appreiciate this may not be your area of expertise, but does anyone know of an organisation in London whom I could speak with? I'm not religious but perhaps a priest could help? Any ideas of how to go about this?

Many thanks for any help you can provide, I really appreiciate it.

Kind regards,


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I would suspect, if she still needs an exorcist, after 13 years, then she's learnt to live with whatever it is.

Please take care to ensure the threads you respond to are current.

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Hello, I spent my first 12 years of life being raised partially in a hunted house, my Grandma used to have and I have first hand experience I also know of a group of church based Exorcist who I wanted to undertake training with myself - I live in the UK this place is based in the US. There are things you can look out for such as a stench that wont go away no matter how much elbow energy you put in it, random things going missing coming back one at a time or not at all. Full apparitions things that give chills so intense it makes your spine tingle and you simply just have to bolt or lights turning themselves on and then off again on command. It may be your neighbour was living with an entity all along it could no longer create issues when he died so it decided to move next door and live with you instead just like the living I truly believe spirits become lonely as well after all they are disembodies souls though I believe they still can feel in some way. If this is the case you can try telling it to leave the property - it worked with Grandma but it went to the next property that had people living in it which was her neighbors maybe even ghosts still need to have the basics such as shelter since they are physically unable to build once dead even they need to make do with what they can?

Having an entity around you will make you feel jumpy its the energy it omits I think it tunes into a part of our brain that we no longer know how to access and use which would explain the reaction of us.

Simple signs are the easiest to look for and keep a log of anything strange - if you still need an exorcist I would contact Bob Larson who is co founder of International school of Exorcism or when I am trained and you still have issues I can come to London and help you out - I live in Nottingham only an hour by train.
Good luck with everything.

This sounds a badly done 'exorcism'. Just sending something out to be lost somewhere else is not helping anyone and is certainly not compassionate. If I were doing it (I do quite a lot of this work), I would make sure the spirit/ghost/whatever were taken somewhere appropriate.
