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Meeting with other spirits in the other realms

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I am a big fan of music, I like to sing and there's certain bands I resonate with and ones I don't.

I overlooked a band years ago when I was first getting into a particular genre.
Recently I stumbled across them again when I was having a trip down memory lane and they caught my attention. I couldn't stop listening to them and I absolutely adore them. I couldn't believe I didn't get into them sooner but they always say that things happen when you're ready for them.

I did some research into the history of the lead singer and quite a lot of it related to my own life at this moment in time when he was around my age. He was behaving in a similar way and I think we are working on similar karmic themes down here. I know on the mortal realm there's certain people you click with and this probably crosses over to those deceased as well.
When people describe him he has a similar temperament to myself, talks in a similar way and astrologically it's quite interesting (he's a leo/I'm leo rising - we also seem to attract lots of pisces friends) He also has similar artistic abilities to me.

He's been dead for the last 14 years due to drugs.
I honestly feel like this was divine intervention and that spirit made me become aware of this band - I'm sure of it.
I feel like I'm from the same soul group as this guy and his close friends. I'm sure they've either been communicating with me from beyond the grave or I have been meeting up and hanging out with them.
I also made a wall hanging a few years back which is in a similar style to what the persons girlfriend would have done. It's too uncanny.

I know this all probably sounds barking and I sound loopy but I'm sure I'm right.

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I am a big fan of music, I like to sing and there's certain bands I resonate with and ones I don't.

I overlooked a band years ago when I was first getting into a particular genre.
Recently I stumbled across them again when I was having a trip down memory lane and they caught my attention. I couldn't stop listening to them and I absolutely adore them. I couldn't believe I didn't get into them sooner but they always say that things happen when you're ready for them.

I did some research into the history of the lead singer and quite a lot of it related to my own life at this moment in time when he was around my age. He was behaving in a similar way and I think we are working on similar karmic themes down here. I know on the mortal realm there's certain people you click with and this probably crosses over to those deceased as well.
When people describe him he has a similar temperament to myself, talks in a similar way and astrologically it's quite interesting (he's a leo/I'm leo rising - we also seem to attract lots of pisces friends) He also has similar artistic abilities to me.

He's been dead for the last 14 years due to drugs.
I honestly feel like this was divine intervention and that spirit made me become aware of this band - I'm sure of it.
I feel like I'm from the same soul group as this guy and his close friends. I'm sure they've either been communicating with me from beyond the grave or I have been meeting up and hanging out with them.
I also made a wall hanging a few years back which is in a similar style to what the persons girlfriend would have done. It's too uncanny.

I know this all probably sounds barking and I sound loopy but I'm sure I'm right.

It is not barking or loopy....same vibrations match...and are attracted
It is no new knowledge either, vibrational matches is all your life is about...the whole spectrum of experiences of life is spun around one's vibrational frequency.

The band or band members don't have to be communicating at all. Vibration does the whole pairing matching and drawing together thing. But if you think that they did or do, that's not a bad belief to have, just be aware that it is a belief. Stronger the belief, stronger its manifestation...that is another vibrational thingy!

We, every single one of us are doing our own circus according to the frequency we are not an exception neither is anyone else.
It is a vibrational symphony or cacophony ( both ends of the spectrum)
As your vibration interests appear, older ones fade away...the beat goes on

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That's fascinating.
I've noticed this how things faze in and faze out.
I hope I do meet with them as it would be so cool.
It's just like an inner intuitive knowing but that's all you have - just your instincts when it comes to otherworldly stuff.
I communicate with spirit so I wonder if that's how I became aware of them. It would be interesting if you meditated on them enough that they were actually there. I'm new to this and I know that spirit work in the most mysterious of ways 🙂

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If he died from drugs then he didn't get to the land of the dead (unless he had help). If he didn't get to the land of the dead, then he's in no fit state to be communicating. You certainly would not want to meet him, since that would mean that you also were stuck between here and there, lost.

It's just like an inner intuitive knowing but that's all you have - just your instincts when it comes to otherworldly stuff.

Unless you have some way of finding out. Shamanism, for example.

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I wouldn't be stuck between here and there because at this present time I'm here on planet earth!
You think people who die from drugs go somewhere else then ??
Do you think drug use can open people up to dark entities ?
Also I guess it's a forced exit from this planet by chemical substance and not a natural death.
Wherever he is I hope he's found the peace he really needed as a soul. Beautiful musician.

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I wouldn't be stuck between here and there because at this present time I'm here on planet earth!
You think people who die from drugs go somewhere else then ??
Do you think drug use can open people up to dark entities ?
Also I guess it's a forced exit from this planet by chemical substance and not a natural death.
Wherever he is I hope he's found the peace he really needed as a soul. Beautiful musician.

Are you then expecting to meet him while you are still alive? I was assuming you hoped to meet him when you died. At which time you won't be 'here on planet earth'.
People who die confused - which includes those on drugs, legal or illegal - will (without help) get lost. They don't 'go somewhere else', they get lost and don't get to the land of the dead. Nothing to do with 'dark entities'. So, no. He won't have found peace.

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Damn maybe that's the spirits who end up in spirit rescue sessions with mediums because they're lost and need to be sent back.

That makes me feel sad 🙁

I can imagine drugs (although must have a fun side too) can't be very good for the human mind/body/spirit.
When I said dark entities I meant in relation to whilst taking the drugs you end up opening up to stuff.

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Damn maybe that's the spirits who end up in spirit rescue sessions with mediums because they're lost and need to be sent back.

That makes me feel sad 🙁

I can imagine drugs (although must have a fun side too) can't be very good for the human mind/body/spirit.
When I said dark entities I meant in relation to whilst taking the drugs you end up opening up to stuff.

No dark entities - occasionally something with a different agenda to yours.

'Sent back' where? They can't be sent back here and they haven't been to the land of the dead. Most spirits that contact mediums are lost. They don't get much help, though. The ones that get to the land of the dead are not generally looking to communicate with the living.

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No dark entities - occasionally something with a different agenda to yours.

'Sent back' where? They can't be sent back here and they haven't been to the land of the dead. Most spirits that contact mediums are lost. They don't get much help, though. The ones that get to the land of the dead are not generally looking to communicate with the living.

Are you sure ? Well how come mediums can bring messages through then from those crossed over ??

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There are the 'living'. Here. There are the dead - in the land of the dead (generic catch-all term :heaven, Valhalla, whatever), there are the dead stuck here (ghosts) and there are the dead stuck between here and the land of the dead. It is those latter that mediums communicate with - souls who need help and are in no fit state to give advice. If 'crossed over' means 'in the land of the dead', then mediums don't bring messages 'through'.

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Okay well how come our grandparents come through to give messages who are definitely in the land of the dead. They can't all be stuck in the inbetween world's - these people have had normal deaths.

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So called heaven and hell is all here. If you have 10 senses or even 6+ senses then of course you can communicate with the dead or any other gods, goddesses, angels and demons that 'live' in different realms. Only if you know how though. Obviously calling them first is a good idea. And if you say...'how would you know it's not a figment of your imagination?', getting a proof in THIS world, after the conversation, would be helpful. For example, asking the spirit its birthday and getting that confirmed by someone who knew of it etc.

To the OP, yes, one way the spirits communicate is by sending you a particular song. Pay attention to the lyrics. If the message was helpful, light a candle for him as a way to say thank you and make a payment. Offer him whatever he liked....alcohol...dare I say. :p

Do you think drug use can open people up to dark entities?

Drugs and alcohol weakens our aura so your protective layer could be weakened to let dark entities come through.

Many have had unnatural death such as suicide, accidents but have come back.
I am not encouraging anything like suicide here though because all you end up doing is to comeback to where you left off. *facepalm* So you might as well grin and bear it...unfortunately. 🙁
Here is a most credible story of suicide/reincarnation case of an English lady. Fascinating story.

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Okay well how come our grandparents come through to give messages who are definitely in the land of the dead. They can't all be stuck in the inbetween world's - these people have had normal deaths.

How do you know they are in the land of the dead? No, not everyone is stuck. But most are. What would you call 'a normal death'?

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How do you know they are in the land of the dead? No, not everyone is stuck. But most are. What would you call 'a normal death'?

Why should most people be stuck ? And exactly where is the "land od the dead".

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Interesting 🙂
I had a feeling if you died in an unatural way you would probably come back again. God maybe I've already met this guy haha.

When you say spirit give u a song - I meant as in discovering it on youtube not actually hearing the songs being sung to me via mediumistic communication.
The main channels I pick up music from are radio / music TV / youtube / live shows.

It just seemed so ironic I discovered this band at the age I am now and how some of the lead singers story deeply resonated with me. When I first heard them 15 years ago I thought they were okay but I wasn't interested enough to get really into them. I have to say if it was spirit drawing my attention to them its been mighty fun. I've thoroughly enjoyed getting into this band and it's fully shaken my spirit up - I absolutely adore the energy vibration of it 🙂 It's like they knew I needed them.

Also not sure about offering him a gift as that would involve heroin lol.
The dark entity stuff I find scary but I guess it exists down here 🙁

With the medium work I do it's a case of going with what thought / ideas come into your mind. You just have to trust your instincts that what you're interpreting is what it is !!!

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Normal death would be when it's your time to go. Not suicide or drug induced.

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Interesting 🙂
I had a feeling if you died in an unatural way you would probably come back again.

You come back again anyway.

The dark entity stuff I find scary but I guess it exists down here 🙁

Depends what you mean by 'dark entity' - does this mean you identify as 'light' something? That is, on the opposing side?

Normal death would be when it's your time to go. Not suicide or drug induced.

What about car crashes, war, morphine in hospital?

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Those deaths happen for a reason......
The recreational drug addiction ones are different as you are kind of forcing on death whereas the others are accidents.
I think suicide is the same.

This is only what I think so I could be totally wrong.

Dark entity means anything evil and with malicious intent. Just talking about it is creeping me.

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Reason? So who is directing this?

Dark entity means anything evil and with malicious intent. Just talking about it is creeping me.

That's side-stepping my question. Do you consider yourself 'light'? If so, is this an on-going war?

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No I consider myself light / dark but mostly light hopefully. Hahaha

Well I'm an advocate of everything happens for a reason.

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Interesting 🙂
I had a feeling if you died in an unatural way you would probably come back again. God maybe I've already met this guy haha.

You don't have to have met with a person necessarily. OR that your spirit guide has drawn an attention to this song/band. They wanted you to read the message in the lyrics.

When you say spirit give u a song - I meant as in discovering it on youtube not actually hearing the songs being sung to me via mediumistic communication.
The main channels I pick up music from are radio / music TV / youtube / live shows.

It happens to me either way.

It just seemed so ironic I discovered this band at the age I am now and how some of the lead singers story deeply resonated with me. When I first heard them 15 years ago I thought they were okay but I wasn't interested enough to get really into them. I have to say if it was spirit drawing my attention to them its been mighty fun. I've thoroughly enjoyed getting into this band and it's fully shaken my spirit up - I absolutely adore the energy vibration of it 🙂 It's like they knew I needed them.

Same goes for a book. While back you wouldn't have been too interested but when the time is can't have enough. lol

Also not sure about offering him a gift as that would involve heroin lol.
The dark entity stuff I find scary but I guess it exists down here 🙁

Well, I guess heroin won't be a good idea but you can always offer any dead person you 'come across' a white candle and wish them peace & love for example.

With the medium work I do it's a case of going with what thought / ideas come into your mind. You just have to trust your instincts that what you're interpreting is what it is !!!

You said it. You pay attention to events, learn from it then you build up your confidence in your ability. First hand experience is gold!

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No I consider myself light / dark but mostly light hopefully. Hahaha

Well I'm an advocate of everything happens for a reason.

So you are in this 'dark /'light' 'evil' / 'good' dichotomy? Why?

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Why should most people be stuck ? And exactly where is the "land od the dead".

'Land of the dead' is a generic term for what you might call 'Heaven', 'Valhalla', 'the Elysian Fields' etc. Anywhere where the dead belong.
They get stuck usually because they are confused at the point of death - through drugs, medication, sudden death, illness, fear etc.

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You think it's about the lyrics ??
That's interesting because the lyrics are kind of spiritual / dark. For me I find the sound of the music more alluring and the energy vibration.

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You think it's about the lyrics ??
That's interesting because the lyrics are kind of spiritual / dark. For me I find the sound of the music more alluring and the energy vibration. a possibility but I have no idea of what's happening in your life or what the messages/words in the lyrics is, so it's hard to say. You'll find out. It's your lesson for growth and I don't want to take the learning process away from you other than giving you a hint of possibilities. One thing I can tell you is that keep on asking. Ask and you shall true for me.

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Joined: 14 years ago a possibility but I have no idea of what's happening in your life or what the messages/words in the lyrics is, so it's hard to say. You'll find out. It's your lesson for growth and I don't want to take the learning process away from you other than giving you a hint of possibilities. One thing I can tell you is that keep on asking. Ask and you shall true for me.

Do you think that everything is 'a lesson'?

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Do you think that everything is 'a lesson'?

Why not?

Having said this, we are already perfect. It just that coming into this world, our awesomeness has been blocked/filtered so it seems that we need to learn, to ascend but we don't have to. We are already brilliant. The 'learning' I am talking about, the esperience will help you to realise the illusion of this world (hopefully...if you are inquisitive and that way inclined) and when you realise the big con that's happening in the world, you are enlightened. You take back your power, become god and game over!

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Brings a tear to my eye what you wrote.
I think I know what it all means in my deepest heart of hearts.
You know when you just know.
I think me and the singer would have had similar temperaments from what I've discovered, astrological similarities as well.
People also think he bottled up his feelings and didn't express them which led to depression which I can relate to plus many others. He behaved in a way similar to how I'm behaving at this present time and around the same age but I find it hard to write it here because I don't want to admit to it.
The lyrics are quite depressed & rebellious.
I guess I answered my own question. Who knows ???
Well it's got me inspired and struck a chord in me 🙂

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Why not?

Having said this, we are already perfect. It just that coming into this world, our awesomeness has been blocked/filtered so it seems that we need to learn, to ascend but we don't have to. We are already brilliant. The 'learning' I am talking about, the esperience will help you to realise the illusion of this world (hopefully...if you are inquisitive and that way inclined) and when you realise the big con that's happening in the world, you are enlightened. You take back your power, become god and game over!

Okay. Not my understanding, though ...

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Brings a tear to my eye what you wrote.
I think I know what it all means in my deepest heart of hearts.
You know when you just know.
I think me and the singer would have had similar temperaments from what I've discovered, astrological similarities as well.
People also think he bottled up his feelings and didn't express them which led to depression which I can relate to plus many others. He behaved in a way similar to how I'm behaving at this present time and around the same age but I find it hard to write it here because I don't want to admit to it.
The lyrics are quite depressed & rebellious.
I guess I answered my own question. Who knows ???
Well it's got me inspired and struck a chord in me 🙂

It sounds as though you ARE on the right path. 🙂
You just need to gain a bit more confidence in your intuitive work, you will get it in time.
If this singer has come into your life, find all you can about his life. May be there is an interview on youtube? Fan website? Articles?
I'm sure there are much you can learn from this person's life.
Clarity of 'why' and 'what' will come.

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