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One cheek thicker than the other

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Hey guys,

I asked a question the other day on another forum. I was thinking of adding it to that since it kind of ties into it, but seeing as it may not get answered on there I figured I'd make a new thread instead.

One of my cheeks (left) feels a bit thicker than the other, could this be due to the fact that I seem to eat more on my right side as opposed to my left?.

Thanks for reading, sorry if I should have posted it on my other thread.


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Most faces have slight dicrepency of shape and thickness.
Is it a sensation or does it look that way to you?
My experience is that infections in mouth, ear, nose and throat can bring on sensations into cheek area. My guess is your oral condition, is effecting the cheek. I have had sensations of heaviness in my cheek, during nasal infections, gum infections too. Once those infections sorted...the cheek goes back to feeling normal. I cured my mum-in-law's tic-douloroux (which was a tingling, heavy andslightly painful sensation on her right cheek-as if extra weight was hanging on her cheek) with bio-chemic remedies.
worth mentioning it to your dentist and GP
hope it helps

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Hey, thanks for replying.

It's not something you can notice by looking really, unless you are looking for it. When I touch my face I can feel that it is rounder than my right one. It feels thicker than when I put my finger in my mouth and my thumb on the outside and run them up and down my cheeks. It feels like there is more tissue/muscle? In my left then there is in the right.

Did that make sense?.


Posts: 1838
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Joined: 14 years ago

Hey, thanks for replying.

It's not something you can notice by looking really, unless you are looking for it. When I touch my face I can feel that it is rounder than my right one. It feels thicker than when I put my finger in my mouth and my thumb on the outside and run them up and down my cheeks. It feels like there is more tissue/muscle? In my left then there is in the right.

Did that make sense?.


yes. I would say you are describing how it felt when I had this. It is a sensationn brought on by the condition in the neibouring areas. It felt as though it was heavier( thicker) than the other side.
Only I was aware of it, as it was a heavy sensation even crawling one in one cheek
I was 19 and it lasted off and on for 2-3 years. As I said mine went with bio-chemics.

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Yes it definitely feels heavier than my right cheek. I'll mention it all to both the dentist on Tuesday and my doctor Friday.

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Hey guys,

I asked a question the other day on another forum. I was thinking of adding it to that since it kind of ties into it, but seeing as it may not get answered on there I figured I'd make a new thread instead.

One of my cheeks (left) feels a bit thicker than the other, could this be due to the fact that I seem to eat more on my right side as opposed to my left?.

Thanks for reading, sorry if I should have posted it on my other thread.


No, don’t think so.
1st you need to tell where exactly
Then you history
Then to check your parotid gland and inside the cheek near the 2nd molar tooth (check if canal is unblocked)
Check skin over cheek , check sensations and temperature

There a lot of conditions with such manifestation....

But it also can be just you personal anatomy
