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myofascial release course

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Just wondering if anyone out there has done a myofascial release course with a company called " myofascial release uk & ireland ".

The company is run by Ruth Duncan and they are based in Scotland.

I am considering doing their level 1 to start with and was just looking for any feedback. Can't find any previous threads about myofascial release at all which surprises me, doesn't anybody use it out there ??

Looking forward to your replies.

Gardengirl x

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This is something that I always considered doing (for the past four years) However my life as a therapist has taken a different path (I am happy with this) and it doesn't look like this will be.

I have heard good things about the courses and the fact they are still in business after this time that I have known (at least six or seven) would bode well. I did speak to someone who wanted to rent a room who had did the first few parts of the course and appeared happy.

Whilst I do not know Ruth I am aware she appears to have a good reputation.

You could ask for previous students opinions to speak to but would think they aren't going to put you in touch with people who packed it in (lets face it people may have). So I don't consider this a good way of getting an opinion.

Hopefully there may be someone who has been who can give an honest opinion.

I will ask around, as I am in Scotland, so may know someone who knows someon etc etc.


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Just wondering if anyone out there has done a myofascial release course with a company called " myofascial release uk & ireland ".

The company is run by Ruth Duncan and they are based in Scotland.

I am considering doing their level 1 to start with and was just looking for any feedback. Can't find any previous threads about myofascial release at all which surprises me, doesn't anybody use it out there ??

Looking forward to your replies.

Gardengirl x

You can't find threads on myofascial release? :confused: Have you tried using Search? That should turn up a fair number for you, there are discussions in several forums.

In the meantime, I've moved this over to the Student / Training forum which is the place where enquiries about courses are generally made.

Healthypages Moderator

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Here is a link to one of the earlier threads :

[url]Myofascial Release training[/url]


