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[Sticky] M69 Indian Head Massage Exam Questions

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Hi everyone

I have being trying to recall some of the questions from the M69 indian Head Massage exam questions. I recalled a few. I thought it might be good to post them for future referance to the people who will take the exam. Can any one else recall the other questions?

(In any order...wording also changed as I can't recall the exact wording used.)

1. Which is the deeper tissue movement
2. What is the name of the muscle that covers the shoulder to arm joint
3. Which of these is not a contra indication? (Answer was Stress)
4. On the epidermis, what is the bottom layer called?
5. What is partial baldness called?
6. Which carrier oil contains Phosphate?
7. What is the name given to the colour of the skin?
8. What is meant by Hypo-allergenic massage oil?
9. What is the best position for the client to put her head during the facial massage?
10. What is a link movement called?
11. How long does a IHM treatment last?
12. IHM is benifical for....
13. What is the first movement in IHM called
14. How often should a clinet come for treatment?

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RE: M69 Indian Head Massage Exam Questions

Hi Angel

There were a couple of questions on why a consultation shoul be carried out

Your question 6 should be which oil contains Iron and Phosphorus


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RE: M69 Indian Head Massage Exam Questions

Hi Rakhee, thanks for the heads up on question 6. I recall the consultaiton ones but can't remember on how they were worded so I have missed them out. Wasn't there a question on hormons, i remember on of the possible answers been adrenalin.

Love Gail xxx

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RE: M69 Indian Head Massage Exam Questions

hi its sounds like you had the same exam as me

the question was what hormonal gland comes into play in an abnormal situation (someting like that) Pituitary, pinal, adrenal, or thalamus. Some of our class thought pituitary although our tutor thought they may have been looking to deeply into question. I put adrenals. although as with some of their questions the answer is debateable between the choices. Two questions seemed to have the same answer which was to revise treament plan but again one of thoughs could have been to make sure client is happy?

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RE: M69 Indian Head Massage Exam Questions

I agree! Itook the exam on Monday and thought it was really quite apparent that VTCT were inexperienced at setting multiple-choice exams (or certainly that this was the first M69 paper they had written).

There were a couple of poorly phrased questions (e.g. using the term 'abnormal conditions' was too vague for the one re glands), a virtual repitition of the question re client feedback and client evaluation (when there was only 19 questions and SO MANY of the topics we had been told to revised were not covered at all why have two such similar questions), various questions that we had not covered in class (e.g. the alopecia one was too specific when most of the text books we use only refers to alopecia - not full name alopecia areata), various questions that were so common sense that anyone could have answered them, and then to cap it off a spelling mistake on the last question. Really shoddy.

I have the M2 / M74 one tomorrow - has anyone sat that one yet (and are there similar issues with that one?)

Amy x

PS I selected the adrenal glands for the question re which gland responds to 'abnormal' conditions? I interpreted 'abnormal' to refer to stressors or danger - but it was so ambigous!

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RE: M69 Indian Head Massage Exam Questions

Here are the questions from last weeks paper - I can't remember all questions

M69 Indian Head Massage
1. Why is aftercare important (to avoid contra actions)
2. What is the linking movement called (effleurage)
3. Which best describes effleurage
4. Which muscle covers the shoulder and upper arm (deltoid)
5. Which of these are facial bones
6. Which is a contra-indication in IHM
7. What should clients be advised to drink after a treatment
8. True/False – Customer care is important at all times
9. Why is it important for a client to breath deeply
10. Which best describes the main benefit of IHM
11. What does holistic mean
12. What best describes the meaning of professional
13. Why is the hair tugged
14. What is allergenic
15. At what age does IHM start in India
16. True or false, IHM only takes place in families in India

Hope these help for next time round

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IHM Oral

Hi Folks!
I have my IHM vtct on Saturday,
Can anyone tell me what sort of Oral questions are asked?

Wish me luck and I will try to remember as many question as possible and put them on here.


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RE: IHM Oral

Hi Dottie,

I didn't do VTCT IHM, but I think they'll almost definately ask you 'what part are you working on now?' (eg stermomastoid or whatever.) Sometimes they might ask you something like 'why do you tilt the head forward when doing the circular neck massage?'

I have heard of people being asked 'what would you do if your client had a nosebleed now?' or 'how would you adjust the treatment if your client was pregnant?'but usually that kind of questionis in your theory paper.

Wishing you the best of luck,


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RE: IHM Oral

Thanks for your advice, I am really panicing now! I have just massaged my friend and I kept haiving moments of blankness and panic. What ever is the matter with me! I am so frightened that I am going to sit down to do the exam and totally blank or start the massage and freeze.
I want to do this so much, I have never been so stressed about anything.

This is a great site. Will check back on Saturday eveing after it's all over x

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RE: IHM Oral

keep calm pet! its only an exam, not end of world!
have not sat that exam but most are same.
just learn ur basic muscles (say them as you massage people)
basic aid on fainting, nose bleeds etc
general physiological and psychological effects
aftercare and home care
that shud cover you!
(i shud really start taking my own advice and get off computer[sm=idea.gif]

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RE: IHM Oral

I did it! I passed yippee

Thanks guys fro your support. As soon as my feet are back on the ground I will post some Qs and As for you


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RE: IHM Oral

I was wondering how you got on Dot.

Hooray for you, I was positive you'd pass.

Many Congratulations!

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IHM Questions

Hi folks,
Well I passed my VTCT IHM on Saturday 4th March. I'm going to try to remember some of the questions for you so here goes:

We had to label a cross section of skin

Label bones in head, shouldersand neck

Label muscles in upper arms and back.

Name muscles in face and their actions

Which oil is used to moisturise

What are the benefits of Efflaurage

Oh hell I've gone blank, I will have to feed them to you as I remember them -sorry

But it was not half as bad as I thought it would be, I think if you truly revise it's not a problem.

Speak soon


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RE: IHM Questions

Dot congratulations for passing your exam.

Was this an external exam set by VTCT. If youre not sure what this means this is a VTCT exam paper that is sent to your college from VTCT and marked by VTCT. Or was it an internal exam which was set by your college and marked by the college also?


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RE: IHM Questions

Now you've got there.... It was marked by an internal accessor but has to be verified by the external accessor, does that make sense?
If it's any help I did my training at the Holistic Training Center, Southamptonwith Helen Mcguiness, told our qualification is vtct diploma level 3 (M69, M2, M74). Does that help.


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RE: IHM Questions

It sounds like the exam paper was set and marked by your college then Dot. The reason I asked was that as far as I knew VTCT werent doing external exams for the last two years and also when VTCT were setting and marking them there werent any that had diagrams.
Youre at an excellant college with one of the best in training ;o)
Well done again and good luck in your holistic future.


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M69 Exam Paper

Q.1 What is the deeper tissue movement called?
A Frictions
B Effleurage
C Petrissage
D Tapotments

Q2. What is the name of the muscle that covers the shoulder to arm joint?
A Biceps
B Deltoids
C Clavicle
D Sternum

Q.3 Which of these is not a contra-indication?
A Diabetes
B Blood Pressure
C Migraine
D Stress

Q.4 On the epidermis, what is the bottom layer called?
A Clear Layer
B Horny Layer
C Granular Layer
D Prickle Cell Layer

Q.5 What is Partial Baldness called?
A Alopecia Areata
B Alopecia Totalis
C Alopecia Universalis
D Alopecia (something else)

Q.6 Which carrier oil contains phosphate and iron?
A Sweet Almond
B Mustard
C Coconut
D Sesame

Q.7 What is the best way for a client to put her head during the facial treatment?
A Straight ahead looking forward
B Tilted back against the therapist’s chest
C Tilted forward
D Bent down onto the chest

Q.8 What is the link called from one movement to another?
A Effleurage
B Petrissage
C Tapotement
D Frictions

Q.9 How long does an Indian Head Massage treatment last for?
A 10 -15 minutes
B 15 – 30 minutes
C 30 – 45 minutes
D 1 hour

Q.10 The Vertebrae Column is made up of:
A 7 Cervical bones with Atlas & Axis
B 7 cervical bones without Atlas & Axis
C 6 Cervical bones with Atlas & Axis
D 6 cervical bones without Atlas & Axis

Q.11 Indian Head Massage is beneficial for
A making lots of money
B Relieving Stress, giving relaxation to the muscles
C (something else)
D (something else)

Q.12 What is the first movement in Indian Head Massage called?
A Effleurage
B Petrissage
C Tapotements
D Frictions
Q.13 Which gland responds to abnormal?
A Pituitary
B Adrenal
C Pineal
D Thalamus

Q.14 What is the name given to the colour of the skin?
A Melanin
B Keratin
C Desquamination
D (something else)

Q.15 What is meant by Hypo-allergenic oil?
A Oil that smells very nice
B Oils that should not cause any reactions
C (something else)
D (something else)

Q.16 How often should a client come for a treatment?
A 2 times a week
B Once a week
C Once a fortnight
Once a month

Q.17 A question about the name of then tiny veins in the body

Q.18 A question about why we ask clients afterwards about the treatment

Q.19 Another similar question about consultations

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i am takinf the health and safety exam , i am doing the indian head massage vtct course, anybody can help. thank you

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Hello all. New member here, and glad to be...I have my exams on the 18 July 09. Just thought I would see what questions would be asked... Now I can learn all the answers! This site is so so helpful. I did the ITEC Holistic Massage -so happy to say I passed. Keep well and All the best!

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Hello, welcome to Healthypages and congratulations on your pass! 🙂

May I just draw your attention to the 'sticky' at the top of this forum:

*Please read: NEW GUIDELINES *

concerning what may or may not be requested or posted, in terms of past and current questions.

Good luck for the forthcoming exams.


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New guidelines

Yes I did read the new guidelines and I am all for it. It would be cheating...Glad you put a stop to that...I printed all the questions and spent a few hours yesturday going through my text book for the answers - a great help. I am now looking forward to my exams and really studing hard for it...Thank you and god bless. 🙂

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Yes I did read the new guidelines and I am all for it. It would be cheating...Glad you put a stop to that...I printed all the questions and spent a few hours yesturday going through my text book for the answers - a great help. I am now looking forward to my exams and really studing hard for it...Thank you and god bless. 🙂

Thank you for your kindly post, Hands-r-us, and glad to see you appreciate the reasons for the new guidelines being there 🙂


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exam questions

M69 Exam Paper

Q.1 What is the deeper tissue movement called?
A Frictions
B Effleurage
C Petrissage
D Tapotments

Q2. What is the name of the muscle that covers the shoulder to arm joint?
A Biceps
B Deltoids
C Clavicle
D Sternum

Q.3 Which of these is not a contra-indication?
A Diabetes
B Blood Pressure
C Migraine
D Stress

Q.4 On the epidermis, what is the bottom layer called?
A Clear Layer
B Horny Layer
C Granular Layer
D Prickle Cell Layer

Q.5 What is Partial Baldness called?
A Alopecia Areata
B Alopecia Totalis
C Alopecia Universalis
D Alopecia (something else)

Q.6 Which carrier oil contains phosphate and iron?
A Sweet Almond
B Mustard
C Coconut
D Sesame

Q.7 What is the best way for a client to put her head during the facial treatment?
A Straight ahead looking forward
B Tilted back against the therapist’s chest
C Tilted forward
D Bent down onto the chest

Q.8 What is the link called from one movement to another?
A Effleurage
B Petrissage
C Tapotement
D Frictions

Q.9 How long does an Indian Head Massage treatment last for?
A 10 -15 minutes
B 15 – 30 minutes
C 30 – 45 minutes
D 1 hour

Q.10 The Vertebrae Column is made up of:
A 7 Cervical bones with Atlas & Axis
B 7 cervical bones without Atlas & Axis
C 6 Cervical bones with Atlas & Axis
D 6 cervical bones without Atlas & Axis

Q.11 Indian Head Massage is beneficial for
A making lots of money
B Relieving Stress, giving relaxation to the muscles
C (something else)
D (something else)

Q.12 What is the first movement in Indian Head Massage called?
A Effleurage
B Petrissage
C Tapotements
D Frictions
Q.13 Which gland responds to abnormal?
A Pituitary
B Adrenal
C Pineal
D Thalamus

Q.14 What is the name given to the colour of the skin?
A Melanin
B Keratin
C Desquamination
D (something else)

Q.15 What is meant by Hypo-allergenic oil?
A Oil that smells very nice
B Oils that should not cause any reactions
C (something else)
D (something else)

Q.16 How often should a client come for a treatment?
A 2 times a week
B Once a week
C Once a fortnight
Once a month

Q.17 A question about the name of then tiny veins in the body

Q.18 A question about why we ask clients afterwards about the treatment

Q.19 Another similar question about consultations

I am starting to worry now, because there are questions here that I have not covered in class or in my eku's or anywhere in fact. Who actually writes the exam papers ? I am really struggling to make sense of my IHM portfolio case studies questions etc ............

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Hi missym - haven't you recently started training? I think you may be worrying unduly if you are only just into the course work - all the questions (previously posted last year) will/should be covered as you progress. You should also be given guidance on portfolios in due course.

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hi jabba

Hi missym - haven't you recently started training? I think you may be worrying unduly if you are only just into the course work - all the questions (previously posted last year) will/should be covered as you progress. You should also be given guidance on portfolios in due course.

Yes I have, but my IHM class was only one day in class, I have my vtct homework to complete like ekus 5/6 case studies to do at home and 3 assessments and test to do back at the school, but some of the questions in that test paper were not discussed in class are not in my manual and not in my homework sheets, ??? :confused:

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Yes I have, but my IHM class was only one day in class, I have my vtct homework to complete like ekus 5/6 case studies to do at home and 3 assessments and test to do back at the school, but some of the questions in that test paper were not discussed in class are not in my manual and not in my homework sheets, ??? :confused:

1 day? 😮 What sort of work book have you got to go with this course - sounds like it isn't particularly large??? (Sorry - don't know what ekus stands for). 5/6 case studies? 3 assessments? All very demanding. I really think you need to talk to the course tutor, and ask if she has any past papers for your particular course that you could use to 'brush up on' - I doubt that many of the questions in the selection above would feature in an exam following a course quite as short as the one you have done. You need to talk to the tutor.

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1 day? 😮 What sort of work book have you got to go with this course - sounds like it isn't particularly large??? (Sorry - don't know what ekus stands for). 5/6 case studies? 3 assessments? All very demanding. I really think you need to talk to the course tutor, and ask if she has any past papers for your particular course that you could use to 'brush up on' - I doubt that many of the questions in the selection above would feature in an exam following a course quite as short as the one you have done. You need to talk to the tutor.

Yes ,
I think so!

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Hi ladies,is their any chance you could write the answers underneath the questions? I have my exam tomorrow and I would like to check my answers,thanks 🙂

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8 years on, you may be pushing it to get the answers, especially the day before your exam... which is... well, today by my clock.

Good luck with your exam. Hopefully you had studied enough to know the answers without anyone having to give them to you.


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I did pass thanks. only just found this page and thought it would be handy for future reference for other people to try and pass their exams 🙂

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