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Shiatsu Forum

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Joined: 15 years ago

Shiatsu and the ASA

With all the current problems relating to the ASA, I think that we should take a leaf out of the Advertisers Hand Book and rewrite our copy so that it infers rather than states. If you take the time to sit and actually listen to the statements being made on the vast majority of adverts it soon becomes clear that they are using words and images in a way that the listener/observer fills in the blanks and creates the remainder of the advert in their own head.

An example of what we cannot say in advertising is: -

Shiatsu is used to treat:
Sports injuries, frozen shoulder, sciatica, lumbar pain, leg cramps.

Headaches, migraine, tinnitus, dizziness, insomnia, neck/shoulder pain, anxiety, tension, stress.

Palpitations and panic attacks.

What we can do though is make this statement, one that is true, one that is informational.

In Japan, its place of origin, it is used to treat: -

Sports injuries, frozen shoulder, sciatica, lumbar pain, leg cramps.

Headaches, migraine, tinnitus, dizziness, insomnia, neck/shoulder pain, anxiety, tension, stress.

Palpitations and panic attacks.

I hope that this is of some help.

Posts: 10
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Joined: 15 years ago

Further to my earlier post, I have made use of the tools used by professional advertising companies and have received no complaints about the wording on my site - [url]Pro Holistic[/url]

I have also made use of the facilities on [url]Holistic Pages[/url] where I was able to link to pages of information on the efficacy of shiatsu that had been uploaded by other therapists. As this is a non-advertising website it does not come under the jurisdiction of the ASA.

Both of these methods work and it only takes a small amount of work/time to set up.
