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Cholesterol and reflexology

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Not posted on here for a while!!
I have a client soon complaining of pain in her shoulders, legs and back and she is taking medication for high cholesterol. She is over 60.
I will do the usual consultation as maybe she will need a docs note, but my question is having not had a client with high cholesterol before are there any reflexes that spring to mind that you may think i should particularly work on or avoid?
Many thanks
Trace x

7 Replies
Reiki Pixie
Posts: 2380
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Hi ya

I personally can't think of any reflex contraindications to cholesterol. High Cholesterol is often blamed on dietary fats, but the body makes it itself and breaks it down. (Cholesterol is a precursor molecule in the building of sex hormones, for example).

This process occures in the liver, so from a reflexology point of view, you need to work the liver and gallbladder reflexes.

Too much long term stress and sugar in the diet can elevate blood cholesterol. May be your client also may need nutritional and herbal advice. Reflexology is ideal to provide relaxation and homeostasis.

Best Wishes

Dave the Reiki Pixie with his reflex hat on.

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I'm sure reflexology will really benefit someone with high cholesterol - is the client on medication - dietary advice is usually given i.e. low fat diet - also exercise helps to increase good cholesterol HDL. As there is good and bad cholesterol.

So a combination of reflexology, low fat diet, and regular exercise should all help.

Luv Binah

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Probably worht getting her to do some research on the net for high cholsterol. I've recently done loads and the general consensus in the US is that high cholesterol actually appears to be a natural and protective condition in older women, and not a contributor to death from heart disease. Apparently, people do not die from high cholesterl! In fact, the drugs given to my partner's mum for this condition (she is 79) caused a very painful skin condition very like psoraisis (spelled wrong I know!). It came up in a few weeks and has taken months to clear since coming off the drugs.

Reiki Pixie
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Hi ya all

I wasn't really going to argue this one out because of the propaganda of the the big pharma effecting the minds of the populas.

Most of the cholesterol in the body is produced and broken down by the liver, hence working on the liver/gallbladder reflex. Isn't reflexology about helping homeostasis in the body?

Just because there is an association with high levels of LDL with cardio-vascular disease, doesn't necessary mean that it is a problem. This was an idea taken from an experment, where rabbits were fed high cholesterol diets. But rabbits are vegans! (Hopefully not from the planet Vega).

Epidemological studies in the USA suggest that as the consumpion of saturated fats has dropped over the last few decades, but cardiovascular problems have on up. So has gone up the consumpion of processed polyunsaturated fats, refined carbohydrates and so on.

Research that has been done since 1975 has shown eating 2 extra eggs per day (high in cholesterol) makes no difference in blood cholesterol levels. (This may be partly to do with lecthin in the eggs).

In an article in the New Scientist magazine in the middle 90's reported about traditional Masai people in Kenya who eat a high cholesterol diet and have no cardio problems. When they checked out Masai who lived in the cities eating processed foods and living an urban lifestyle, there was cardio problems showing up.

I had a Tai Chi student once asked me, "Why is my cholesterol levels high, yet I'm on medication and eat a low cholesterol diet?". This goes back to what I said earlier about the liver.

The reality is the body works well with 1 part HDL cholesterol to 3 parts total cholesterol. In fact, very low levels can lead to psychological problems with aggression, depression and suicide.

I'm slowly going towards the idea Calmintentions has on the subject.

Best Wishes

Dave the Pixie

P.S. Love your Liver and Live Life!:):):)

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My mum had high cholesterol She was v. stressed. Reflexology helped and drinking water throughout the day -the body apparently produces cholesterol when its dehydrated(according to a medical journal i read somewhere)
love frayja

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Also....from the pharma side (boo, hiss) that cholesterol lowering meds interfere with Co enzyme Q10 by inhibiting it which has a knock on effect with the Krebs cycle in ATP production for energy.

The pharmaceutical industry should be held to task about some of the drugs they produce.

......and don't start me about hrt........the medicalising of a natural ageing process..aaaaaaarrrrrrgggghhhhh!!

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Hi ya

I personally can't think of any reflex contraindications to cholesterol. High Cholesterol is often blamed on dietary fats, but the body makes it itself and breaks it down. (Cholesterol is a precursor molecule in the building of sex hormones, for example).

This process occures in the liver, so from a reflexology point of view, you need to work the liver and gallbladder reflexes.

Too much long term stress and sugar in the diet can elevate blood cholesterol. May be your client also may need nutritional and herbal advice. Reflexology is ideal to provide relaxation and homeostasis.

Best Wishes

Dave the Reiki Pixie with his reflex hat on.

I personally can think. He may take medications and have blood problems (incl pressure).
There are contraindications in this case. This is the reason you need to know the whole history picture.
But I agree - nutritional component has to be addressed as well
