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Stop Dieting

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I don't diet. I changed the way I eat for life. But I had help. As a student of nutrition for a couple years, and then working as a ghostwriter for a nutritionist, I really learned a lot about healthy eating. Of course, even knowledge can't always make you change.

Going Gluten Free
That was my first step. I was having stomach issues, and per a friend of a friend, I made the choice to cut out gluten. What an amazing thing that has been. My stomach issues, though not all gone, are over 75% non-existent. For weight loss purposes, I chose to limit the amount of GF bread and pasta I eat, as they tend to contain more calories than their gluten filled counterparts.

EFT and Hypnosis
I used alternative therapies to help cut my snacking. I tried hypnosis first, but it didn't work. Then I found out about Sandy Zeldes at Eat Like A Goddess. Sandy became my EFT Mentor and taught me how to use tapping to remove emotional barriers that were causing me to snack.

My boss the nutritionist didn't believe in portions. He believed that if you ate the right foods (mainly fruits, vegetables and whole grain) you don't need to watch how much you eat. However, I am a meat eater. I like it and I don't want to stop. So I make sure to follow portions for those foods that need to be portioned for proper health and wellness.

What do you do to stay healthy and eat right?

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You touch on some good points.

Only thing is, bad food tastes so good. Sure, there's nothing like the taste of ripe papaya but it's no substitute for McCoy's crisps!

Also, it depends on your goals. If you do stick to eating wholesome, natural food then you can probably avoid obesity. However, if your goal is to build strength or run a marathon, then listening to your hunger cues isn't enough. For instance, if I eat healthily, I can easily eat under 2000 calories. That's no good for building strength or playing a tennis match. My current daily goals are 3000 calories with a minimum of 150g of protein (partly to build muscle and partly to wind up people who think we're eating too much protein). 😉

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Good point!

I think that might be a good way to push me too... Make plans to walk in a marathon or something. Right now I am just content on being "healthy" over being "active."

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Many people do find these kinds of goals help them. You might like this site: [url]Couch to 5k - C25K Running Program[/url]

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Thank you!

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I don't diet. I changed the way I eat for life. But I had help. As a student of nutrition for a couple years, and then working as a ghostwriter for a nutritionist, I really learned a lot about healthy eating. Of course, even knowledge can't always make you change.

What do you do to stay healthy and eat right?

Not a diet but a change in philosophy ;). The diet alterations follow automatically ... 🙂

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Very well put!

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My boss the nutritionist didn't believe in portions. He believed that if you ate the right foods (mainly fruits, vegetables and whole grain) you don't need to watch how much you eat. However, I am a meat eater. I like it and I don't want to stop. So I make sure to follow portions for those foods that need to be portioned for proper health and wellness.

What do you do to stay healthy and eat right?

Absolutely .... Its possible to loose weight by eating more .. 🙂

x daz x

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Interesting you say that. I've been experimenting with calories and protein levels in order to lose weight, lose fat and build muscle.

I've found that eating just 1200 calories a day didn't really achieve much apart from muscle loss and reinforcing fat stores around the middle.

Over the last 18 months I've increased my intake initially to ~1800 and managed to lose more ab fat so I got flatter around the ab area but nothing pronounced.

Then I increased to 2300 which meant I stopped losing fat and started to improve my muscle tone particularly around the lower ab area. It stuck out a bit more but was firm so muscle not fat.

And about 2 months ago, I thought screw it, it's getting cold and I want to eat more so I've been eating up to 3000 calories(!) in order to improve strength and build muscle. Result is my ab fat has not increased but my muscle tone has! There's a vertical line in my low ab area which suggests fat could even have been reduced further whilst the muscle built up?

Not bad for an old git.

Exercise has been mainly strength training (2-3 times a week) and tai chi (4 hours a week) with occasional rock climbing and tennis sessions.

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There are many great points in this thread. I do portion my food, but not as an exact science. I learned from one of my diet gurus to base portions on my fist size, not a scale. After that, I just work on getting the right mix of proteins, complex carbohydrates, fats, and fruits.

One of my biggest revelations was to quit eating 3 times per day and start eating 5 to 6 times per day. I have more energy throughout the day, eat no more calories, and lose weight slightly quicker.

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I use my palm as a guide for portion sizes of carbs, veg and protein. 1:2:3 in fact.

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My particular plan

I have just been diagnosed with pre diabetes and must lose 20lbs. My medical herbalist have given me a bespoke diet towards reducing blood lipids and surface abdominal fat, and herbs but the thing that seems to be making the most difference is having a large cooked breakfast, medium lunch and a small vegan supper. (Take for granted no flour, wine, excess meat etc.) I have lost 4lbs this week and sleeping better and airways clearer at night so I am very excited.

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I like the visual portions... like meat the size of a deck of cards. That is the one I remember most often. I used fist for my grains. When it comes to fruits and veggies I don't use any though!

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I have just been diagnosed with pre diabetes and must lose 20lbs. My medical herbalist have given me a bespoke diet towards reducing blood lipids and surface abdominal fat, and herbs but the thing that seems to be making the most difference is having a large cooked breakfast, medium lunch and a small vegan supper. (Take for granted no flour, wine, excess meat etc.) I have lost 4lbs this week and sleeping better and airways clearer at night so I am very excited.

Well the advice is to breakfast like a ing, lunch like a lord and dine like a beggar. I have to say I normally do it the other way round......

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I started doing the Paleo diet a few months ago and Have lost weight with it. It really does work.

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I don't diet. I changed the way I eat for life. But I had help. As a student of nutrition for a couple years, and then working as a ghostwriter for a nutritionist, I really learned a lot about healthy eating. Of course, even knowledge can't always make you change.

Hi, I'm a holistic nutritionist and transformation coach.
Couple of things. PLEASE Don't worry about the scale. Be very proud of your self and set up non food rewards. I would also focus on Sleep. A full night’s sleep is vital to losing body fat because it resets your hormones. Even a little sleep deprivation can lead to increased cortisol, a stress hormone. Elevated cortisol levels can lead to body fat accumulation especially around the midsection.
I'm starting a private, members only newsletter which will include how to zen out in the daily grind, food swipes for effortless weight loss, how to make and keep more of your money, increase your performance by 10x, more productivity; easy hacks to improve every area of your life. If you want me to added to the list please respond here:)

Going Gluten Free
That was my first step. I was having stomach issues, and per a friend of a friend, I made the choice to cut out gluten. What an amazing thing that has been. My stomach issues, though not all gone, are over 75% non-existent. For weight loss purposes, I chose to limit the amount of GF bread and pasta I eat, as they tend to contain more calories than their gluten filled counterparts.

EFT and Hypnosis
I used alternative therapies to help cut my snacking. I tried hypnosis first, but it didn't work. Then I found out about Sandy Zeldes at Eat Like A Goddess. Sandy became my EFT Mentor and taught me how to use tapping to remove emotional barriers that were causing me to snack.

My boss the nutritionist didn't believe in portions. He believed that if you ate the right foods (mainly fruits, vegetables and whole grain) you don't need to watch how much you eat. However, I am a meat eater. I like it and I don't want to stop. So I make sure to follow portions for those foods that need to be portioned for proper health and wellness.

What do you do to stay healthy and eat right?
