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Is this right? Is Bowens right for me?

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I have been suffering with severe sciatic pain down my right leg for 7 months and it feels like my bum, ham string and calf are constantly cramping.

An x-ray has shown i have a bulging disc. I have tied physiotherapy for 4 months and had traction, muscle manipulation, acupuncture and also on painkillers since christmas every 4 hours.

4 days ago I went for my first session on Bowen, I would say immediately the pain eased but I felt extremly sore (which was what I expected). The next day I had an extreme new sharp pain at the base of my back/top of my bum, however, the pain in my leg had virtually disappeared. I admit I was optimistic and excited at the prospect of being pain free after so long.

Yesterday I seem to have totally reverted back to my previous level of pain in my leg, plus the continued new sharp pain. I have my next session of Bowens in 3 days time but am now doubting if this will work for me?

Is this type of reaction normal? I have searched online, but nearly every testimonial i read people have said there pain has gone almost immediately.

Please help put my mind at ease, i am desperate to get my life back.


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Hi Sunstoney,

It could be a "healing crisis" whereby the Bowen has got stagnant energy in your body moving and your body is in the process of removing all the toxins.

Keep at it, Bowen continues working for several days after the first treatment which is why treatments are 7-10 days apart. I had chronic back ache for nearly 20 days and after the first two treatments I doubted that it could help, but all of a sudden I had a breakthrough and I was pain free for many many years.


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Hi Sarah

Thanks for the reply. I'll keep at it and see what Tuesday brings.


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Ok had my second session of bowens, and it doesn't seem to have done anything this time, i think the cramp has lessened in my calf, but i'm still getting cramp in my hamstring and the only relief i seem to get is if i raise my leg with a cushion when on the sofa. As soon as I walk a little (currently around the house as I know if i go out i will be in immense pain), everything returns.

Is it worth going for the 3rd session?

My Bowen therapist has said to me to seriously think if it is helping, I asked what she expected to see happen after the second treatment and she said a prolonged period without pain. Which I don't seem to be having.

Should i percivere? Or admit defeat that perhaps Bowen isn't going to solve my problem?

Please someone give me some guidance.

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Absolutely the only thing that has ever helped my sciatica is osteopathy. That being said, my mum's had some good results with Bowen technique. However, if your therapist is indicating that you should question it then they may think it's not for you themself. I'd phone them and talk it over. They should have some idea of what's going on. It may just be that how well you heal depends on how long you've had the condition.


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Sometimes it takes 3 or 4 sessions to get results so I would say persevere for another 2 treatments and you may find you will have a breakthrough then.
