Constant migraine h...
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Constant migraine headache - need a new direction!

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Hi, Apologies if this has been covered already in the Acupuncture forum.

My daughter ((31) has suffered from migraine headaches of varying severity since the age of 14. She has had numerous investigations/scans check-ups etc and a few 'false dawns' re. drug-based treatments. All to no avail, it seems. She is wondering if Acupuncture treatments may be helpful in settling this pain, which can be there day after day sometimes.

I would be grateful to hear from any Practitioners who have experience of this miserable condition. Has Acupuncture been beneficial in dealing with long-standing migraine pain? Maybe other HP-ers may have found it helped their migraines.

Many thanks. A.T x

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Acupuncture certainly worked for me - I was a long time sufferer, and had 3 sessions of acupuncture in 2003 which completely stopped the attacks. Very occasionally I have a break-through attack, but can feel it coming, so contact my therapist who gives me a top-up session and then nothing occurs for months and months.

If your daughter has not tried it yet, then it HAS to be worth investigating.

I have also met people who have had no problems with migraine following Bowen treatments.

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I'm with Jabba on this. After a long gap my migraines got more frequent last year. Doc said it was hormonal so I tried acupuncture. Took about 5 sessions and, while I still get the odd dull headache on one side they're nowhere near as often or painful. Definitely worth a try.

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also consider trigger point therapy on sternocleidomastoid and trapezius, common causes of tension headaches and my migraines (only one if last 3 years)

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Hi Jabba and Jinx, thanks so much for letting me know how Acupuncture treatments help to stop/ control your migraines. I will pass your helpful comments (inc. Bowen therapy too) on to my daughter. She feels she is running out of options and this will give her some hope at least.
BGFL, thank you for your suggestions regarding trigger point therapy. She does suffer from a lot of tension and aches, it could be something else to look at.

A.T x

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Reflexology really worked for me when my migraines and headaches got so severe I couldn't manage them.

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Hi Meadowsweet, thanks for your reply. So good to get this feedback. I am a Reflexologist and have given her quite a few treatments but somehow we have never managed to do a determined series of them - its been a bit patchy, due to her living some distance away, and having a small daughter (split from her husband a year ago)

I do think also, that she doesn't seem to have a lot of faith in "what Mum does" lol.!

Great to hear that it worked so well for you. Did you have many treatments?

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I would seroiusly look at food intolerance as a cause too. All the treatments available will find it difficult to work if the cause is not removed. This might be something she eats or it might be something else. It is well worth looking into.

To test for food intolerance I have found [url]this one [/url]reliable but you can also work with a registered [url]nutritional therapist[/url].

Another possible avenue to try is EFT - see .

Hope it is sorted soon.

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Hi Meadowsweet, thanks for your reply. So good to get this feedback. I am a Reflexologist and have given her quite a few treatments but somehow we have never managed to do a determined series of them - its been a bit patchy, due to her living some distance away, and having a small daughter (split from her husband a year ago)

I do think also, that she doesn't seem to have a lot of faith in "what Mum does" lol.!

Great to hear that it worked so well for you. Did you have many treatments?

I had weekly sessions for 6 weeks, then moved onto fortnightly for another 6 weeks. Really did help.

At the same time I did a food diary and only ate very simple foods. I am intolerant to onion family (garlic, onions, leeks etc) and also citrus fruits, cut out MSG's etc. So worth investigating whether your daughter has some food intolerances. I can eat the above in small quantities.

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Anything and everything is worth considering, so thanks, Caroline and Meadowsweet - much to think about. I feel so sorry for her having to cope with a full-time job and a four-year-old while waking up nearly every morning with a bad headache which continues all day.

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Acupuncture in High Wycombe

Hi there

I have replied to you recommending a practitioner in your area in your other thread.

Sandra King was my practitioner until I moved. She is also a tutor at the College of Integrated Chinese Medicine in Reading.

All the best

