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Hi All,

Can I ask, and I feel this is probably the case.

Last night, when my husband and I went to bed (no this is not going to get all steamy) [sm=sleep.gif], I was laying on my right side chatting to my husband who was sitting on the edge of the bed (on his side).

Suddenly we heard a knock-knock sounds, we both stopped and looked at each other. I said "where did that come from", he said "over there" pointing to my bed-side cabinet, which is up against the wall and next to the window. I never said anything but carried on our conversation. My heart was racing though and I felt a bit frightened.

Anyway, we settled down, and within seconds (as per usual) he was fast asleep. I lay there for a few minutes and wondered if I should look out the window, but I was a bit scared and also if I moved at that point I would have disturbed my husband, so I stayed put (I'm such a coward). [sm=hidesbehindsofa.gif]

A minute or two later I realised that it was one of my spirit guides, I didnt see or sense him, I just said "oh was that you knocking (in my head) and it came back..."yes" (also in my head).

So I had a little conversation with him (the dead father of my friend, also in my head) and I later fell asleep.

So, this knocking thing, can it be heard so that others can hear it too? it was quite loud (knocking on wood) and it was so close by, it really did scare me, although I "knew" it was a spiritual knock, I wasnt 100% sure. That's the first time I have ever heard or experienced anything like that.

I've heard knocking in my dreams or bells, drawing my attention to something but I've never experienced it for real, and my husband heard it too.

I'd like to hear from others with similar experiences.

Whiteswan [sm=hug.gif]

6 Replies
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RE: Knocking!

Interesting post here, of how spirit can contact us, yet Spirit should not frighten us, for they know how to contact us in a way that we can accept and will not make us fearful.

So ask if they are of the light 3 times
By the third time they should say Yes clearly


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RE: Knocking!

Hi Ithar,

I think it only frightened me initially because I wasnt expecting to hear a knocking sound (or anything else for that matter).

Once I settled down, the realisation came to me. At first I didnt really believe it was anything spiritul, but then, why would we hear a knock? If it happens again, then I will know exactly what it is and not be frightend of it.

I will bear in mind what you have said!


Whiteswan [sm=hug.gif]

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RE: Knocking!

No problem WhiteSwan

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RE: Knocking!

Sometimes, especially if there's an urgent need that I 'wake up' and pay attention to something, I'll hear my name spoken perfectly audibly, from just behind me to my right. It has happened since I was about 12. It never alarms me now, though it rattled me the first time. Just as it was for you, it's a cue for me to centre down and have a conversation in my head with my guide. But nobody with me has ever heard it, unlike your husband and the knocking - it's the fact that HE heard it which strikes me as exceptional.

Ithar is quite right about the rule of asking three times, spirit doesn't ever take offence as they know we are wise to verify carefully the being we're communicating with. After the third asking they must answer truthfully. That said, I'm sure that if you don't already recognise your guides before they even speak, you soon will.

Love and light
PS wasn't your hubby even slightly curious about the knocking?!?!?

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RE: Knocking!

I've had this once. I was sitting in my kitchen with two friends (one of whom can can do readings and gets messages etc) and I was doing my usual of 'why can't I do that' and she just looked at me and laughed and then my front door knocked - audible enough for the three of us to hear it. I went to the door although I knew there was no-one there because my gate was locked and the dogs who live opposite didnt bark (and believe me they make a noise whenever anybody comes close [:@]) - she said it was my spirit guide just letting me know that he is there and I just need to stop questioning everything :). It freaked the 3rd friend out lol

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RE: Knocking!

Dear Whiteswan

Ah clairaudient you are!

Yes I remember it well hammers coming through walls and balls flying across rooms, great fun! It is usually a deceased loved one that has not learnt how to communicate through the vibrations properly.

I did experience a shared sighting with my son in the mid 90's the whole of our six bedroomed house with 30 ft hallways was covered in white mist/fog.

Just stay relaxed, never anything to fear just be love and all will be well. The more love you are the less protection you need from any possible low vibrations. Love is the most powerful energy in the universe and nothing can overcome you when you stand in the purity of the love and light that you are.

Onwards and upwards and welcome aboard!

being love

Kim xx
