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Best way to clear negativity from office?

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Our department has had a number of bad things happen this month: Someone was hit by a car, someone had a miscarriage, one employee's mother fell down the stairs and was seriously hurt, another employee's father just died, another's is dying. There are only 25 of us, so that is beyond statisitics.

I want to do some sort of clearing and protection, but not an obvious one, like smudging, since that will bring on the fire brigade after the smoke detectors go off! What can I do surreptitiously?

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RE: Best way to clear negativity from office?

Sorry to hear of your run of bad luck.

Could you get a quiet moment when no-ones there and use a drum or rattle to shake the energy up a bit.

I sometimes use a visualisation which I could PM to you if it's of interest.

Hope things improve.


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RE: Best way to clear negativity from office?

Hi sorry to hear things aren't so good in your office at the moment. have you considered burning Fennel essential oil, you could usean electric vapouriserto avoid afire hazard. Fennel is great for clearing negative energies. Alternatively, you could make a room spritz containing fennel. Some grapefruit oil in with it would help to uplift the mood too.

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RE: Best way to clear negativity from office?

I always use the Violet Flame to cleanse work places and other negative areas.

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RE: Best way to clear negativity from office?

I recommend a largish Quartz crystal to absorb the negativity, an amethyst for calming the atmosphere and rose quartz for love. Remember to cleanse them first. Also you need to think positively. If you expect the worst, then the Universe provides. If you need more inf P.M. me.

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RE: Best way to clear negativity from office?

When I suggested bringing in some crystals into my office the boss completely freaked out!

I do, however now have a little Amethyst cluster by my computer 😉

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RE: Best way to clear negativity from office?

A great friend nof mine had the same problems with her office - she just put the crystals on the desk - didn't have to ask permission and cleared the Office with Reiki symbols - it really worked and the crystals became great talking points. They are lovely in their own right - you don't have to tell anyone about their properties.;). If you are not into reiki, I can clear it for you - but I need your permission and the location and name of the place of work.

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RE: Best way to clear negativity from office?

Hi there

I have a similar thing going on at the moment - in our office one person suffered a very unexpected and traumatic bereavement, and then within a few months she also had her car written off and then two days later ran someone over with her new car. Someone else was seriously assaulted and generally there's a very bad vibe going round. I've been thinking about what I can do to alter the office energies.

I attended a crystal healing course last weekend and got homework tasks from it, one of which was to cleanse a workspace. I chose to do our tiny office here at home, where I've never felt comfortable, find it very claustrophobic and get very panicky when I go in there. I grounded myself and tuned into the energies and asked for guidance on which crystals I should use to cleanse the room. I felt that I should use rose quartz, so I placed two larger chunks of it and one smaller piece of it in the room and assessed it over (a) 24 hours and then (b) a week. Even by the second day it felt totally different - much more airy and calm, a nice feel, I didn't feel panicky, and I can now sit in there for much longer. I've since learned that my boyfriend's grandparent had died in that room when it was a bedroom, so whether that had affected the energy or whether it was just down to electricity from the computers I don't know.

So I'd recommend something that like for your office. You don't have to use rose quartz, just ask for spiritual guidance on which crystals are best.

As for the ethics, people do suggest you seek permission before healing...this is causing me issues at work. The people I work with know I like crystals but I can't decide how comfortable I feel about asking people's permission for me to try healing the office! I'm sure they'll all think i'm barmy so I was debating whether to just put them there for "decoration" and see what happens?

Good luck with your office, I hope it helps! You'll have to let me know!

Tanya x

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RE: Best way to clear negativity from office?


Hey..why not take some total responsibility...??

Eh..What am I talking about?

Sorry..I'm off my's a link instead. You may find it totally gobsmackingly interesting..or not..;)

[link= ][/link]

Cheers 😀

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RE: Best way to clear negativity from office?


If you get the opportunity when no one is around in your office try some space clearing by that I mean you can utilise some techniques that are in Karen Kingston's book - use sound tibetan cymbals, bell - use light a crystal (multifaceted) hung up at a window that will reflect prisms of rainbow colours into the room - or if you can light a candle. You can clap out the energy especially in corners where it seems to get stuck.

As said before the Violet Flame is a very effective method of clearing any negative energy. Visualise the violet light filling yourself and everyone one in the room clearing any negativity and transmuting it into light.

Luv Binah

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Our department has had a number of bad things happen this month: Someone was hit by a car, someone had a miscarriage, one employee's mother fell down the stairs and was seriously hurt, another employee's father just died, another's is dying. There are only 25 of us, so that is beyond statisitics.

I want to do some sort of clearing and protection, but not an obvious one, like smudging, since that will bring on the fire brigade after the smoke detectors go off! What can I do surreptitiously?

Change office or open own one
