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Check list for dreams.

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Hi all thought this might help.
Taken from Keys to self realization by Marilyn Jean Enners.

(1) First, make a list or summarize the major element of the dream experience. Try to get as many details down as possible, even ones which seem inconsequential.
(2) Is the dream in Black and White or in Color?
(3) If the dream is in color, are the tones vivid and striking or solf and muted?
(4) Are there any dominant or outstanding colors?
(5)What is the setting of your dream?
(6) What is the overall mood of the dream? What emotions seem to dominate?
(7) Did the dream leave you with a good feeling or a sense of dissatisfaction?
Did it leave you with a feeling of anticipation or apprehension?
(8)Were there any elements or symbols in the dream which make you uneasy? Which ones?
(9) What is the most dominant or memorable image from the dream/
(10)What category do you think your dream experience falls into?
love and blessings
lightwinds xxx

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RE: Check list for dreams.

Hi Lightwinds,

May I add to your list?
Which are the most significant objects/eleemnts/symbols in your dream? What do you associate them with? Can you make a link -maybe one a bit more "sensical" that the one in the dream!-between all of them?

Wishing you all interesting dreamings!


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RE: Check list for dreams.

May I add this 'dream' web site...

luv & peace
stormdeva x

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RE: Check list for dreams.

Great site to explore! thanks, beats the average dream dictionary in the book store.

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RE: Check list for dreams.

When also in dreams if you remember only one object or one symbole, then make a note of it and look at all the things it might represents. Esample.... A Egg might have been all you remember.
Was it white...brown etc..
Did it have a small hair line crack in it?
Was it a duck egg, or chicken egg etc...

If it was a Ducks egg....look at what a duck represents in life.

There just so much you can learn even by one object.

love and blessings
lightwinds xx

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RE: Check list for dreams.

I can't seem to post my own thread in this forum but i had a really peculiar dream last night and would love to know what it meant

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RE: Check list for dreams.

If you go back to the page that lists all the topics for Dreams, there's a button labelled "New Post", top left. If you click on that, you get a window in which to type your post. Click on OK when done. Suggestion: If it's a long one, type in Word first and copy/paste it over, as they sometimes disappear into cyberspace!

Good luck,


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RE: Check list for dreams.

Sorry, without meaning to offend anyone I think dream books etc are all rubbish. Our dream life contains our own personal symbolism, I think it's up to us to work it out.

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RE: Check list for dreams.

Agree with you in part, whilst some dreams books (sometimes) offer some very abstract and strange explanations for dreams, mainly because of copyright issues and such.. many others show tendencies within a demographic towards certain dream patterns at certain times during their lives. I would not say that they were crap in any shape or form (perhaps not the most respectful way to word that), but yes, we're all individual and the experience we glean from our dreams is always up for interpretation and personaly circumstances often need to be brought into play to fully understand things.

Some scientific study has been done to examine the role of dreams from a cultural perspective and for most part, dreams such as falling or having kids, or losing teeth and the generally common ones appear to feature in most cultures.

For other demographics you often find that what is appropriate to that culture features most readily, but similar situations may appear, losing people, things, childhood memories and such. Obviously someone who lives in a mud hut isn't going to dream of appearing in a movie unless they've got cultural knowledge of this.

For the books in which you're told dreaming of a red hammer means you're going to be chaning career and becoming a palaentologist on 30th September.. or something equally daft, I can agree, that it can be a little beyond what I can comprehend as exact evidence, but for the more emotional side, they can, which has surprised me in the past, be quite accurate.

As an aside, which isn't directly linked, but apparently for those who have near death experiences.. they've found that people from other cultures experience something similar to the white light / corridor phenomenon or something quite similar within the context of their own cultural awareness, which for myself certainly adds some credence to my comments in the first part of this post in relation to dreams and dreamlike states.

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RE: Check list for dreams.

Hi Daydreamer, i agree dream books are just guide lines for people. And it is good for people to work there dreams out themselves........but it's also good to share are dream experience with one another........all it take is a little help in the right direction and sometimes people can see what other can't in there dreams and that little bit of guidence helps that person to look deeper at the next dream they have.
love and blessings
lightwinds xx

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RE: Check list for dreams.

Thanks lightwinds. I think your checklist will be useful as I begin to analyse my dreams more frequently. I too think they are a matter of interpretation, but it helps to have some idea of what you're looking for...

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RE: Check list for dreams.

Hi Everyone

I've had a strange dream? last night and checked out this page. I tried the dream book site Stormdeva recommended it's great, but thats not what I.m looking for.

My dream was that I was in someone elses home I had gone there with a person, (not sure who) and said I was tired and would go to bed, but the noise being made by the people many more that there was to start with that all of a sudden appeared, was so loud I was unable to sleep, I then desided to go out in the park, with the voices, join them rather than fight them, but the noise would not stop, there were so many people talking laughing asking questions, that I could hear not one person. I then awoke physically shouting BE QUITE, this was shouted so loud by myself it woke me up, I was unable to go back to sleep and I am still feeling very tired. Now was this a dream or what, if it was I hope I don't get to many I do need my sleep.
So it there's anyone out there that can help me understand, please feel free to give your oppinions or thoughts.

L & L a tired Magpie

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RE: Check list for dreams.

Im also relieved after seeing this dream website. I had a dream the other day I was pregnant...But Im not 😀 Its just a new life , new things.....

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RE: Check list for dreams.

hey I tried that website a while back and found it really good. Although I find it really hard to make a link between different bits of a dream I understand the symbolic meaning but not the joint meaning
like a while back I had a dream of a purple sun set river and it just started rippeling but I know what a river means and I know what purple means but i don't know what the ripples mean my best guess is cause and effect
any ideas how to make the link?

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Agree with your view, to support you [DLMURL=""]澳洲留学[/DLMURL]

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Dreamimg Rat People

People who dream of rats, have a hidden fear about their health, there bodys, there looks, they try to appear as fearless, but this is not so, they can easly run with a pack of people of like minds , will try to speak up if they feel a injustice has accured within that group.

Rat in a dream tells you to let go of your fears, be honest to others about the way you feel, holding on to fears can bring you down with ill heath, but much is emotional, your mind gose into overload, that can make you very depressed and feel lonley, your lesson here on earth is to find what truly makes you happy, and free yourself from inner struggles and limitations.
Rats will eat anything,but it can mean the Opposite to the Rat dreamer, Rat dreamer like to take pride in their appearence, but can get too Paranoid over the fact, they can also be additive to Routine.
Rat telling you to look at your life and see if you can make changes within your surroundings, dont keep running in allyways try and find a escape rounte.
by Wendy

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I am a Dreams Analyist and would like to warn against "dream dictionaries" and on-line analysis (the "free" interpretations) . We are complex human beings and host both collective dream symbolism that is common to all humans but also our own repertoire of personal images. You cannot therefore get an accurate dream interpretation without spending time with an experienced analyist.

Hope this helps!!

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Im also relieved after seeing this dream website. I had a dream the other day I was pregnant...But Im not 😀 Its just a new life , new things.....

Around a week before I went to for my level 2 Reiki attunement in November I too had a dream that I was heavily pregnant. Within minutes I gave birth to my female cat complete with her little red collar and had to clear her airwaves. Woke up then. The dream was in colour as always and seemed like an everyday occurence.

Started keeping a dream diary since then.

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Recurring dream

Iv been having these dreams that are waking me up at night as I am screaming! It is fear is the obvious emotion and it's night time or evening setting. I'm being chased by a man. With lot of hair and he is usually carrying a weapon either a gun or a knife . It's very disturbing but he never catches me as I usually wake myself screaming:( I also had a dream that someone told me I would get electron electric shock and never see my little boy again! This also woke me screaming. I don't no is it significant to anything maybe a warning ? Any ideas ?

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Hi Everyone

I've had a strange dream? last night and checked out this page. I tried the dream book site Stormdeva recommended it's great, but thats not what I.m looking for.

My dream was that I was in someone elses home I had gone there with a person, (not sure who) and said I was tired and would go to bed, but the noise being made by the people many more that there was to start with that all of a sudden appeared, was so loud I was unable to sleep, I then desided to go out in the park, with the voices, join them rather than fight them, but the noise would not stop, there were so many people talking laughing asking questions, that I could hear not one person. I then awoke physically shouting BE QUITE, this was shouted so loud by myself it woke me up, I was unable to go back to sleep and I am still feeling very tired. Now was this a dream or what, if it was I hope I don't get to many I do need my sleep.
So it there's anyone out there that can help me understand, please feel free to give your oppinions or thoughts.

L & L a tired Magpie

Magpie you may be experiancing a time were you feel you are not heard this may be a time not to be quite as you can look to see what is happening were you want to be heard. Shout out if your being stopped to speak on something there may be those that do not want you to tell something...A Park represents a time to explore as parks have things that you can venture on a journey...You may find that sleeping with the time frame will help you to open your opion so to relaxx a little more. Watch how you say things as to be very walked in things. Gypsee

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hi, just to think 10 years ago and my threads still going, thanks to HP, I remember the good old day with my friends here and HP still doing brilliant work 🙂
Lightwinds xx

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I like to help out as best I can with people dreams, and been doing it for years, but my way is not always welcomed by other dream annalist at times, but if it helps others, I see no problem. Blessings Lightwinds (Wendy)

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It doesn't matter what others dream analysts think, as long as you are finding that what you are doing is helping people.

All Love and Reiki Hugs
