Dream flashbacks
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Dream flashbacks

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Hello all

I have a question which i have been after an answer for for many years, and wondered if anyone could shed any light.

I have always dreamed every night since a child, and still dream every night.

What i am finding is that on an almost daily basis, sometimes more than once a day that i get a "flashback" of a dream or dreams i have had weeks, months or more often years ago. For a few moments I am right back there in the dream, the atmosphere, a segment of it is there just as i dreamt it. It can happen at any time of the day or night, im not thinking about my dreams, i could be doing the washing up or watching tv, reading etc....and in it pops into my head.....Sometimes when i try to think more about the dream as it has popped into my head, it goes, and i "loose" the atmosphere, aura etc, the image/flashback of my dream goes just as quickly as it came.

My dream "flashbacks" are not always dreams that i have remembered consioucly when I have woken... the flashbacks can be dreams that i have forgotten about until the moment that they "flashback" into my mind so to speak. Then I think "Ah I remember that dream now", then it goes again.

I hope you don't all think im a bit of a loony tune for asking this, but my instinct tells me it must mean something. I have a dream dictionary which i thumb through from time to time, and i now have the animal dream meanings that Stormdeva so kindly posted about the other day, but these dream "flashbacks" i would love to know more about them and what they could possibly mean.

Thanks for taking the time to read this
love and blessings
moo moo

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RE: Dream flashbacks

Hi Moo Moo can i ask what is the most theam of the flash backs in dream.
Thank you.
love and blessings
lightwinds xxx

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RE: Dream flashbacks

Hi lightwinds,

Thank you so much for your reply. The main themes of the flashbacks vary, and the flashbacks are usually a "segment" of a complete dream i have had. However in answer to your question, when they occur, they generally "feel" good, or comforting, pleasing, kind of like a "oh i remember that now!!" kind of emotion, they can also be strange and puzzling, but not in an unpleasant kind of way. They can be flashbacks from "abstract" or "bizzare" dreams, dreams that have been disjointed and dreams that are not.....they can also be of dreams that have made no sense to me, and have had all kinds of odd and jumbled bits and people in, but not unpleasant or horrible things happening. I am not ever upset or troubled by the flashbacks, even if they are a bit puzzling, i never seem to have flashbacks of nightmares i have had, the flashbacks are only of nice, wierd, abstract, odd and puzzling dreams, even if i have forgotten the dream till i get the flashback!!. I always usually dream in colour too, sometimes vividly.

I hope I am making sense here, lightwinds!!:eek:

moo moo

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RE: Dream flashbacks

Hi Moo moo

I know exactly what you mean, I often have flashback and not sure if I have dreamed them last night or years ago - I don't know what it means tho. The other thing that happens is that I recurrent dream but it actually picks up where I left off before! and it could be that the last time I consciously remember these dreams are years ago!

I can remember really vivid dreams which can date back to childhood. It is strange and I would love to know why it happens. I also dream in colour, but have heard only a very small amount of people can dream in colour - but not sure if that is true or not.

With love


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RE: Dream flashbacks

Hi Moo Moo, Maria.........I think with certain people they have chosen to be of servise in some way......Healing in many fields and meeting many people in their chosen path. Maybe we have the flashback dream to help us understand situation that arise in our lives which involes others and colour dreams can play a great part and help you to work on areas of ourselves and others. Seeing colourfull dreams is to me also a sign you have a good spiritual ability to share with others. And as i said if flasbacks keep reacuring then their some issue to deal with that we have not faced maybe....good or bad. I feel dreams are a help in healing are inner spirit and provied guidence how we deal with the subjects at the time of the dream. Our own heath issue as
well.....partnership......family......childhood....going back into dream were we left off can sugest we are looking for a anwer to something again good or bad. Dream are all part of are joruney in life. It's good to have help in understanding dreams but we are still in controll of the out come. If you keep going to a dream were you maybe was about 5 years old and it was a happy time....you are beings told to bring that happyness into your life now. If it was a bad time and you feel you have issue with your parents then it would say it time to heal and let go.....dont carry it through your lifes joruney for your own children would suffer.....or if you have not found love since that time........let love come into your life. To many some dream are hard to recall........some say they dont dream.
But many words that come from a person mouth........is this saying........oh i dream of winning lottory, I dream of finding a soul mate, i dream of etc... So weather we remember dreams or not we still dream in day time as well but wide awake.
And also nightmares....tranma in are life.......and again to much horror films tv. Astral travel getting away from our bodys to feel free from the pains of the earth.
Their is still alot that we dont understand about dreams.....but i think we can only but try to keep working on them.
Some i also feel can come from past lives. Just let me know if i left an issue out and i love sharing your veiws.
Hope you can make sence in what im trying to say.
love and blessings
lightwinds xxx

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RE: Dream flashbacks

Hello Lightwinds, Maria

Yes i agree that the flashbacks could mean an issue (good or bad) that may need to be sorted or reminding about something, you make perfect sense with what you say lightiwnds. I do wonder if they have something to do with past lives, too, as sometimes the setting of the dream i get flashbacks of has been in an old place, but a familiar place all the same. I did'nt know that nightmares were astral travel to escape the pains of the earth, that is interesting. I sometimes have terrible nightmares about my mum who is now in spirit, they really did get me...... I wondered if the flashbacks could be a spirit trying to tell me something or show me something.......My instinct amd gut feeling tells me it is surely can't be co incidence that i get flashbacks, i think i get them for a reason, even though im not sure exactly what. Lightwinds you are so kind. Maria it is nice to know im not the only one who is wondering about this too !!!! xx

I also love to share your views too, i find this subject very interesting, there is so much to our dreams...

love and blessings
moo moo

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RE: Dream flashbacks

Hello moo moo, The best thing is to start by breaking down the dream. First can you remember the setting of the dream...fields...open spaces... house... misty..water... did anyone talk to you? did you know then? where they a stranger? what was the most colours you remember. Did you recive anything in the dream? were their books cup coffee..etc. do you see what i sort of mean. look what going on in your life now and see if there a message in the dream that you can work on.
There just so much and not all in a book for us to look up..
Say i dreaming of flying... it could be saying to rise above something im going through in my life like take a risk and injoy the adventure.
Its like building a house take one brick at a time and check it out, then when happy start laying the bricks one at a time and in the end you have a completion.
By the way " i did'nt know nightmares were astral travel to escape the earth" HA HA:D I did'nt neither my words got mess up.
But asral travel is very intresting subject. And the past life flash backes.
So how about us working on a dream first and then investagating past life dreams..flasbacks. Spirit can tell you so much in a dream when you are aware to this. That why i think some dream are never understood.
love and blessings
lightwinds xxxx

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RE: Dream flashbacks

ORIGINAL: mariaob1

I can remember really vivid dreams which can date back to childhood. It is strange and I would love to know why it happens.

I also dream in colour, but have heard only a very small amount of people can dream in colour - but not sure if that is true or not.

With love


Hi Maria,

Dreaming in colour? Iwould have thaught that it was more comun than b&w. The world in our dreams being a reflection of what we see in reality... Makes me wonder what happens in dreams of someone who is born blind? Only sounds?? Textures?

I do remember a few very vivid childhood dreams. For some of them, the theme has been coming up regularly until fairly recently. It is about an issue I still have to work on. But the intensity/frequency of the dreams related to it has become less as th eissue is getting better in my life.


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RE: Dream flashbacks

Hi Lightwinds, Moo Moo, Artemis

Thanks for all your thoughts and ideas.

Lightwinds what you said made perfect sense, I realise I have issues from childhood, mainly trying to figure out what all these nightmares and strange occurances were. I think the flashbacks are getting me to look at situations from different angles, because the dream is famliar and I always pick up from where I left off I think spirit is trying to teach me different things but in a safer environment (get that?).

I never have nightmares anymore,[8D] strange as that may seem, I still have very weird dreams and everyone else says that they would class them as nightmares but I have changed perception of these as something to learn from. I am still trying to work out what dreams mean and feel that they are personal to that person, help is good to point you in a direction if you are stuck. I think because of my Shamanic training and ideas I am more open to receiving what these dreams mean and am getting more and more apt at allowing my subconcious to work out what it needs to learn from the dreams and visions without me trying to do it conciously as well.

Hope that makes sense!

With love


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RE: Dream flashbacks

Hello again Artemis, maria, lightwinds[sm=wave.gif]

Lightwinds yet again you make perfect sense in what you say, I will do that - break down the dream/flashback more - it would make it easier for me to try and work out its meaning more easily. I think if i wrote details down it would help. Sometimes people in my dreams are people i know, sometimes not, it varies all the time....

I totally agree with you when you say that spirit can tell you so much in a dream when you are aware to this and that is why some dreams are never understood.

When you say for us to work on a dream, would you like me to describe one to you? is this what you mean?. Past life dreams are again another very interesting subject, but like you say it is best to do it one brick at a time....xx

True that dreams can be to do with issues in our lives and us trying to work them out. I do wonder if this has some meaning for me also when i get the flashbacks. Im glad Artemis that the issue is getting better for you in your life x

Love and blessings to you all
moo moo

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RE: Dream flashbacks

Hi Artemis. moo moo, Maria... Im glad i making so sence:D.
Maria traveling the shamamic road is i know very deep and learning to find oneself in a dream is a beging (Our Spirit) I must amit i have learn so much more from the Native American peoples teaching and it has help me in learning to look at every detail of a dream Visons and like A Tree has so many meaning in a dream and can be all differant to each person interpations.
Example..... Tree.... thing to look at.
Did it have green leaves
Did it have brown leaves
Was it bare
Did it have blossom
Was it tall or short
Could you see roots coming from it
Was it a strong tree or weak
What type of tree was it (pine, oak, apple) some times the type of tree can give you answers to healing medicines
Differant flowers in a dream can also be surgesting healing.
Was the tree on it's own or with other trees (could you count how many their was) numbers can be important as well)
Was there a animal in the tree A bird, A nest. ( you can also then look at the animal etc.. start to break the meanin down)

Is there anything you think i could add to this list about a tree.
As we work on ourselves we can also go deep and help other to understand the meanings in the dream visions of past, present and future.
Moo moo yes share a dream if you feel you like to my friend.... thats what i meant see if there somthing you can see more for yourself to understand as we can all help abit . Artemis i feel some blind people can see very well in dreams and in colour more then what sight seeing people can, even if born blind they have a sence they are aware of spiritual assistant.
Well got to nip do some shopping will pop back later with bit more.
love and blessings
lightwinds xxx

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RE: Dream flashbacks

Hi Wendy

Just to add to the list

Is the tree trunk healthy or bare or diseased?
Was the ground around it healthy, grass green or brown and dying.
Also what was the environment around the tree, was it windy or sunny or raining.
It is all about the environment and not just the tree, the tree is a symbol of you but the environment is what is representing the problem and how we can start to sort the problem out! if you get that!

I agree there is so much that we can learn from Native Americans and Shamanism that we can bring into our everyday life. Maybe I need to develop my skills in interpretin dreams and what they mean! I am being drawn more and more towards Native American Teachings and helping people through tat means, dream journeys and shamanic healing etc.

Moo Moo
If you want to share your dreams feel free, it would be good to get a bit of practice with interpreting etc.

With love


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RE: Dream flashbacks

Hi maria...Thanks for adding.. just a note about tree, one time i had a dream about a tree it stood alone in empty space just white surrounding the tree but it was stroung with new growth growing from it. My guide now always shows me a oak tree if i need grounding and to remind me if i need to be stroung and to remind me im never alone.
love and blessings
lightwinds xxx

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RE: Dream flashbacks

hi all

This is very interesting as i also love the native american indians, wonderful stuff!!. I have a cpuple of rings that i wear alot of the time, i only really wear native american stuff or silver anyway if im wearing jewellery, they are so pretty....

One of my dream flashbacks involved me walking down the town, but it was not as i knew it. in the dream/flashback, it was familiar to me, even though in real life i have never been anywhere like it before. The shops and stalls were carved out of caves and the road was dusty, a beige kind of colour, same as the caves. The caves had wooden doors on and were painted different colours, red, blue, etc, but were quite bright. There were lots of colourful little posters around. I was with some friends of mine, just mooching about really. The weather was sunny and cloudy at times, and the feleing of the dream was nice. The town was quite busy with people busy doing their bits and bobs, and i spoke to a vouple of people (male) about something but i cannot remember what. There were little paths off the main road so to speak, which was nice too. There were a couple of plants like grasses coming out of a couple of the caves, and later there was lots of trees which were healthy and lush green, they were similar to palm trees.....Thats about all I can remember, but what i have described is the flashback.

Thank you my friends lightwinds and maria for offering your interpretations, that is kind.
Just to let you know I am away for a week from today im off to start my animal aromatherapy course and unfortunately i wont have accsess to email while im away, so please forgive me if i dont reply till next weekend, but i can't wait to get back and catch up with you all on hp as ill have the hp d.t's by then!! ha ha!!

until then much love and blessings to you all
love moo moo]xxxxxxxxxxxx

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RE: Dream flashbacks

You must be due back will get your dream written down and love to hear how you got on.
love and blessings
lightwinds xxx

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RE: Dream flashbacks

Hello all

am back now from my course, it is good to be back on hp!!.

Hope you are all well my friends and had a good week too. The course was amazing and was a totaly moving emotional learning experience. I have seen so many animals benefit from using essential oils and herbs and start the healing process. They have a profound effect on animals and they can help them so much i feel privaledged to have shared this with them too. There were cats, dogs, horses, donkys and pigs. we went to a rescue centre too which was lovely.

Lightwinds thank you for writing my dream flashback down, and anyone else who wishes to have an interpret is more than welcome!!

tis good to be back and hope to talk again soon

love and blessings
moo moo

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RE: Dream flashbacks

Welcome back Moo Moo and im glad it all went well.
love and blessings
lightwinds xxx

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What I m wanting to know is if anyone else has experienced flashbacks during the day. I still get these. I had one this morning after being up for about 10 minutes, but I ve also had them in the middle of the day. For no reason in particular I will start to recall some element of what I am sure I can only have dreamed or hallucinated.I an awake and aware of what is happening, but the vague images in my mind (which I can never remember afterwards) are accompanied by , panic attacs and sleep paralise for years... But I dont remember having these hypnagogic hallutinations while I am dreamnig or when I am having sleep paralise. These flashbacks happening only when I awake in interactions whit s some elements during daytime. Are these brief "Dream flashbacks" from hypnagogic hallutinations or maybe from night terrors??? This is very disturbing... Should I be worried??? This happening for 5 years on and off... Thank you

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Hi Moo,
sorry seems like a long time since you posted this.

I had some really vivid dreams as a child. they didnt really make sense as such. part of the dreams appeared to be me experiencing different places and people. with lots of emotions too.
in other parts of the dreams I was just an observer, as if floating above and viewing what was happening etc.
I'd say these dreams were when I was under say ten years of age.
I didnt make much of them at the time and believe they ended through my latter childhood.
In adulthood ive had flashbacks to these dreams and they've been premonitions to places I have actually lived, places I have actually worked and the people I have had real relationships with and worked with?
I get a sense of joy physically when I have these flashbacks, they are somewhat reassuring?
if I'm honest it feels like I was taken on a journey and shown large parts of my life as a dreaming child. it sounds odd and people would think I was a bit nuts.
I always thought there must be other people who experienced similar?
