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Home remedies for bronchitis?

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Anne Mary
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Can anyone suggest simple home remedies for this awful bronchitis I've had for a week now? I'm improving every day but oh so slowly ....
I immerse my head in eucalyptus/mint steam twice a day, go for short walks and can now do yoga again (hurray!) but what else can I do to move things on?
Much obliged! Love A.

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Try Friar's Balsam instead of Eucalyptus. Or add some tea tree oil to the eucalyptus. Inhalations are good for bronchitis. Consider sing a humidifier if the air at home is dru to central heating

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An old Indian remedy that we use all the time- Liquorice root( It is a shrivelled up old piece of wood, not the sweeties!) is excellent preventative as well as curative remedy for Nose and throat maladies. Holland and Berret do it.
My husband and sons chew on it all the time almost like a chewing gum, not as in the texture of chewing gum but as in habit of sucking at this bark. The juice of it trickles down slowly.
It is an acquired taste and certainly sucking at it needs a bit of getting used to it too. Mind you I don't use it myself, my husband sings songs of it for he seldom catches any colds coughs or similar infections
Certainly works

Anne Mary
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Thanks for the suggestions! Though you can all come down for a cup of coffee (-substitute) and see that there is no need for a humidifier in this house ......

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Have you tried garlic? A long-standing aid in assisting and defending the system against bronchial ailments. (Garlic is a natural anticoagulant, so not wise to use it if you're on pharmaceutical blood-thinning medication e.g. warfarin)

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An old Indian remedy that we use all the time- Liquorice root( It is a shrivelled up old piece of wood, not the sweeties!) is excellent preventative as well as curative remedy for Nose and throat maladies. Holland and Berret do it.
My husband and sons chew on it all the time almost like a chewing gum, not as in the texture of chewing gum but as in habit of sucking at this bark. The juice of it trickles down slowly.
It is an acquired taste and certainly sucking at it needs a bit of getting used to it too. Mind you I don't use it myself, my husband sings songs of it for he seldom catches any colds coughs or similar infections
Certainly works

Old memories came flooding back when I read this jnani! I remember walking two bus stops at home time so that I could save 1 old penny and buy 4 liquorice roots at the tuck shop near my junior school!! I would then spend nearly a week chewing my way through them - this was in 1959!!!

Anne Mary
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Have you tried garlic? A long-standing aid in assisting and defending the system against bronchial ailments.

Hah! I did not know garlic is good for that as well. Which is a pity, for I love it and normally start off the day with two cloves of organic homegrown garlic it in my soup, having cut them exactly 5 minutes before, to 'allow health-promoting alliicin to form' ([url]WHFoods: The best ways to prepare and store garlic[/url]).
My children are still telling their friends about their cruel mother, who used to feed them raw garlic (with honey) whenever a cold appeared! One of them does it herself now.
However, a few weeks ago our garlic ran out, and I thought I'd survive without it, till the new harvest. Well, I nearly didn't. 😉
And it's not as if we can't afford buying a few heads.
Anyway, now I know why I'm sitting here coughing after 66, bronchitis-free years. Garlic, here I come!

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Old memories came flooding back when I read this jnani! I remember walking two bus stops at home time so that I could save 1 old penny and buy 4 liquorice roots at the tuck shop near my junior school!! I would then spend nearly a week chewing my way through them - this was in 1959!!!

jolly good. As a kid I chewed a lot too, especially before singing practice. 1p for 4 sounds funny now!

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Olive Leaf Extract, a natural antibiotic, is worth considering if the bronchitis is more problematic.

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jolly good. As a kid I chewed a lot too, especially before singing practice. 1p for 4 sounds funny now!

Not 1p - pre decimalisation so 1d! We used to buy a giant gobstopper for a hapenny!

Anne Mary
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Olive Leaf Extract, a natural antibiotic, is worth considering if the bronchitis is more problematic.

I'm glad it isn't really, I'm just impatient. But it's going downhill now, I can smell now! I do feel for people with anosmia, it must be dreadful especially doing the housework.

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Not 1p - pre decimalisation so 1d! We used to buy a giant gobstopper for a hapenny!

Jabba, your post brought back wrods- tuppeny, hapanny, thruttany so I had a little look into old English money for amusement. Very pleased they brought decimalization, much simpler this!

Just thought perhaps mudras for bronchitis. I find mudras are strong energetic impact. but you may have to do it for a few weeks to see substantial and lasting changes

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Can anyone suggest simple home remedies for this awful bronchitis I've had for a week now? I'm improving every day but oh so slowly ....
I immerse my head in eucalyptus/mint steam twice a day, go for short walks and can now do yoga again (hurray!) but what else can I do to move things on?
Much obliged! Love A.

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I have which is a bit like C O P D and have just started taking Ginkgo supplements and it seems to be helping. I would check first with your GP if it is ok to take them.

Anne Mary
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My original request was written a year and a half ago and luckily my bronchitis has long since disappeared. I had never had bronchitis before or since, and I think the only suggestion I followed up was buying in some garlic heads and having them, as I usually did, in my breakfast soup. Instead of waiting till our own new harvest.
Thank you all!

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Hot tea - best [url]home remedies for bronchitis and chest congestion[/url], in my opinion....
