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Hi All.
I was wondering if anyone had any advice as to a new way to tackle this ongoing problem.
A brief summary of what's been going on: I've basically been struggling with health problems (predominantly chronic fatigue, digestive problems/IBS, depression/anxiety, fuzzy head, v bad insomnia, poor memory - to name but a few) for last 15 years, which was finally diagnosed by a nutritionist as a combination of a severe candida imbalance and adrenal burnout 3 years ago.

Since then, I've been on a strict anti candida diet (no sugar, incl fruit, yeast, fermented products, dairy,wheat, nuts, cured meats/fish, etc) as well as a number of supplements (micropryll, thenoregano, now ThreeLacfor candida, strong acidophilus, adrenal supplements, vitamins for immune system, digestive enzymes, etc) to help the problem. Gradually my symptoms have started to improve - I no longer feel tired all the time (only in the evenings) and my fuzzy head has gone, depression is much better, skin is better, sleep imprroved, etc. HOWEVER, about 6 months ago, I reached a plateau, whereby I wasn't getting any better and have remained the same since then: I still feel v tired in the evenings after 9pm (and if I don't go to bed before 10pm I feel exhausted for next 3 days, regardless of how long I sleep for - v v frustrating as still almost impossible to have a social life) and my disgestion & sleep still aren't great. But, most upsetting is that I now seem to have developed (or maybe I had them all along) some severe food intolerances to all the things I cut out, to the extent whereby even if I eat a TINY bit of milk in something by a mistake, or fruit sugar, or vinegar - eg in a restaurant when it's so hard to know/find out exactly what's in things) then I get a terrible flare up of all my old symptoms - horrible taste in mouth, coated tongue, bad breath, bloated stomach/wind, thrush, fuzzy head, anxiety, mood swings, etc - which can last for up to a week (and sometimes means that I can't even make it to work).I'm guessing this means that I still have a very bad candida imbalance and, I've realised,probably a leaky gut that is causing these foods to leak into my blood stream and my body to react so strongly to them.

Since then, I've decided that maybe healing myleaky gut should be the priority, and probably boosting my immune system further, aspurely attacking the candidadoesn't seem to be working. So, Istarted taking Aloe Vera and Gluatamine powder about 3 months ago, which are meant to heal the gut, and they do seem to have helped my digestion a bit, butmy reactions to foods are still v v bad, even though I'm doing my best to avoid them as much as I possibly can, and I seem to be getting more and more of them. I've now had to cut out things like guten, onions, peppers, courgettes, etc, too as well as natural yoghurt and butter (which I used to be ok with). I'm not sure what the answer is but these reactions to foods are all driving me crazy - I'm now not able to eat out at all or go to people's houses - and have tocarry around myown food wherever I go! My nutritionist has all but given up on me now as she says that I'm most complicated case she's everseen and doesn't really know what else to suggest as most people's candida clears up after 3 months to1 year but mine is still very bad even after 3 yearsof diet/supplements- aagghh!

I did read about the NAET system but was wondering if this would work as obviously getting rid of the body's reaction to the foods is important, but if I still have bad underlying candida imbalance woudn't this mean that I'd still get symptoms as these foods will still continue to'feed' thecandida??? I'd really appreciate some advice as I'm getting v disheartened now and find it hard to believe I can ever really feel well now. Any other advice/suggestions to help heal my leaky gut,

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first of all ditto to everything you just said ! , you are not alone, i am in the same boat and its so frustrating i could cry, i am about to embark on accupressure to boost the immune system, it a diy thing and i can e mail you the instructions if you pm me your e mail addy.have you been diagnosed with m.e./cfs did you say? because i ahve and it reflects many of your syyptoms, what has your g.p said?
chin up,
kelly xx

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Possibly you might benefit from a blast of anti-fungal medication like Diflucanazole or Nystatin from your gp. A course for 5 days will almost cvertainly clear the canadida but you will then need probiotics and at least acidophilos to start getting your gut back to normal. But deseperate times etc...

Good luck xxxx

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Hi there

You need to book yourself an appointment with a good Kineisiologist, you may have parasites along with the yeast and leaky guts, in the mean time get yourself something called Black walnut & calendula Formula which is a herbal tincture from the food supplement company it also contains Pau D'arco which yeast hates and garlic which it hates also the Native Americans use Black walnut to rid themselves of parasites and yeast and they also eat pumpkin seeds, if you do have parasites you will need clove capsules to kill off their eggs, the company Metabolics does a good range of these their phone number is 01380 812799, but you should get checked out by a Kineisiologist (excuse my spelling, lol) they will be able to tell you exactly what your body needs to heal itself, in the mean time for a bit of a pick me up drink organic nettle tea, it is full of iron and vit c along with b vits (which should help lift your mood) and many minerals, try and find a therapist with a good bit of experience, I warn you, you may need to spend a bit on supplements or you may not, but honestly it is very well worth it and you can see which ones show up as priority and buy them first and get the rest as you go along, if you want to read a bit more on parasites check out this site [link= ][/link] you may well recognize some of the symptoms in yourself and dont panic it will only make you more determined to call all out war on them if you have them, good luck and please let me know how you get on, love and peace Karin x

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I did read about the NAET system but was wondering if this would work as obviously getting rid of the body's reaction to the foods is important, but if I still have bad underlying candida imbalance woudn't this mean that I'd still get symptoms as these foods will still continue to 'feed' the candida??? I'd really appreciate some advice as I'm getting v disheartened now and find it hard to believe I can ever really feel well now. Any other advice/suggestions to help heal my leaky gut, boost the immune system and banish the evil candida would be most welcome as well.

Candida is an oppertunistic yeast, that quite cleverly has the ability to switch between its fungal form and yeast form.

Whilst several several antifingal angents have been developed over the last few decades, there are not such anti-yeast agents or at lest non that it would be a good idea to ingest.- i.e. bleach.

Essentially, candidafeeds on what is not digested by someone with a compromised system. I'm as certain as I can be that it is a secondary problem. The primary problem being underlying allergies, hypersensitivities and intolerances. I say this not because I happen to be a NAET practioner, but one that has suffered with candida for the larger part of my life.

Clear the sensitivities, your system will start to get the essential nutrients it needs, the immune system will engage properly and deal with any secondary problems, including candida albicans amongst others. Ooops, sorry - candida often has some parasitic friends along for the ride and they need dealing with too. Some also need treating for acidophillus and other probiotics as if there's a leaky gut, then potentially any of the gut content is coming to contact with the blood stream and primining the immune system to react.


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Dear All,

Thank you so much for all your very helpful and encouraging advice. Sorry for delay in replying but my computer has been down for a few days. I think I will definitely book in to see an kinesiologist, Karin,and see if there are any parasites involved (eek!) and try the methods that u suggested to eliminate them. Andrew, thanks for your advice - I'll also try to see a NAET practitioner to try to get rid of some ofthe food intolerances.The only thing I would say is that these food intolerances seem to have developed subsequent to the candida problem (after cutting out the fobidden candidafoods) - do ustill think that this is the primary problem as opposed to the candida?Unfortunatelymoney is a real problem at the moment and I've got a feeling that I might need several sessions so I may havedo it instages...

Kelly - I'd love to have the details of the acupressure techiques you were telling me about - my email address is Thanks so much! I was veryvaguelydiagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome 10 years ago, but I think it was more becuase the specialist was completely baffled what to do with me, so have never been convinced that that is my primary problem, (andthe tirednesshas got much better now due to the adrenal supplements I've been taking) but it is def still a problem, as well as general crap immune system,so the acupressure might just help... Thanks! How's it going for you so far?

Crystal- I did trya 5 day course ofDifflucan about a year ago, and it give me the same die off reaction as the natural anti-candida supplements, but no lasting u think it would be worth trying again?

If anyone knows of a good kineliologist or NAET practitioner in SW London area (I'm in Clapham Junction but can travel) then I'd be most grateful if u could let me know.

Thanks so much all of you! Will keep you posted on my progress...


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Hi there,

Ive found a Kinesiologist in Clapham junction her name is Dee Platt and her number is 02072236795 she is in the Lavender Hill area, you can check out other therapists in your area on the ASK website its address is [link= ][/link] good luck and let us know how you get on, all the best, love and peace Karin

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Dear Karin,

Thanks sooo much for taking the time to find this out for me..she sounds great and lives very near me so this could be good! Thanks! I'll keep u posted as to how I get on...I've also found a NAET pratitioner as well so need to decide which to go for first, and if there will be any overlap. Thanks again and have a great day!

Best wishes,

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Hi Silvie

you are welcome, keep me up to date on how you get on coz I have some of the same symptoms as you. I dont know anything about the NAET I have used Kineisiology and thought it was excellent, I am going to look into the NAET myself as well, but I dont think there are any practitioners over here, anyways good luck and keep us informed with your progress, love and peace Karin x

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Hi Andrew

Do you know of any NAET practitioners in Northern Ireland? It sounds very interesting and I would love to give it a go, love and peace, Karin

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Have just checked the NAET practitioner database and there's no one listed for any of Ireland.

[link= ][/link]

If you email them, there may be someone that has recently done the Basic Course, but haven't put on the database yet.


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I have had the same issues! It's like my body is a garbage disposal and the smell is seeping up my throat and coming out of my mouth! When I stand next to people, they itch their nose, then I see they try to smell their breath, they think its them.

I don't know what to do, I too have tried acidophilus, nyastatin, diflucan (in fact the doctor told me I had so much I could kill a horse), amoxicillan, three meds for h.pylori, prevacid, protonix, and the whole family of acid reflux drugs, allergy medications, anti-biotics for nasal infections! I have seen the ear, nose and throat doctor, the dermatologist and the gastrointestinologist. I had an endoscopy which revealed nothing...I am starting to feel crazy...

The latest I have tried is the black walnut oil and so far no results...can anyone help. I get a thick white coating on the tongue and my breath is like that heavy morning breath that never goes away. Gum and mints do nothing.

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I would definitely go an see a Kinesiologist.

I did the anti-candida diet years ago and took Citricidal (grapefruit seed extract). Tastes fowl but seemed to work together with the diet and other supplements.;)

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don't know if this will help..but i take 30mg of zinc every day which is good for building up immune system.. works for me.. 🙂

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I remember seeing a Kinesiologist for the first time a couple of years ago, my mum took me because I was an emotional mess at the time. I was'nt aware that I had any physical ailments, however, the kinesiologist detected that I had candida. After three months of a diet without any sugar and yeast and a mixture of probiotics and Acidophilus (excuse my spelling) I felt sooo much better! My energy levels may sound extreme but it felt as if l had woken up from years of napping! I have to be careful with my diet now, I can feel the aches and pains reappear if I ever eat a lot of sugar!
I'd recommend plenty of natural bio-yogurt, a nibble of healthy snacks through out the day and drink a lot of water.

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This sounds so similar to my story - from everything from the food intolerances and cutting out anything that tastes nice, through to trying all sorts of things to fix it.
How are you getting on now?

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There's a similar Thread here - [link= ][/link]


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Hi Everyone.
I know how you all feel as I've been there and you can get better. Try this company in Devon. [link= ][/link]They have products for candida.

I am studying the emotional causes of illness and disease and would be very interested in your answers to this question: prior to your illness or around the same time it started, did you go through an upsetting time with a significant other which caused anger, with that person, but mostly with yourself?
I am asking this because this happened to me and since then I have met several people with Candida, M.E. Thrush etc, who have experienced/are experiencing,adeepanger with themselves because of a romantic relationship that has turned sour.

EDITED to remove telephone number and email address, as members are asked not to quote these on the open forums. This lessens the risk of sp*m.

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:)Dear Silvie. There are always people out there ready to help you spend your money on one therapy or another, and believe me I've tried most of them during the last 20 years that I have had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - much of it caused by antibiotics and then the Candida problem.
I Have found two things that Have helped. The first was a substance called CMO which is marketed by Natural Essentials in Peterborough. TROUBLE is after feeling fantastic for six weeks, my old symptoms came back and the stuff wouldn't work again. The company said that I probably needed to have stayed on a maintenancedose? - too late though for me.
The other advice I found in and article on the web under 'Hydrogen Peroxide Its Many Benefits' by DR D Williams. Hydrogen peroxide is, I found a natural substance made by the body to motivate the immune system -which for folk like you and me just doesn't work very well, and you feel like you have the flu all the time. I have been using this for about 7 months now and though not 100%, I have cured the sinus and digestive problems. THing is, H202 Therapy is vile to take, and I haven'y been able to take the large doses for long (it makes you feel nauseous) But it dies work, and it always depends on how desperate you are. On the posistive side, it is dirt cheap.By all means E Mail me if you like on or through this web site. Kind Regards -Robert Davies.

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Hi everyone,

Have any of you come across Zappertek? This is a FABULOUS piece of equipment. I used it to help clear my candida.

My background - chronic fatigue, sore throats, food intolerances, foggy brainetc.... saw a brillaint kinesiologist (now retired) who diagnosed gluten intolerance, leaky gut and candida as well as parasites. My treatment began with a strict candida diet with Zappertek for just 10 days, some milk thistle to help detoxify my body from the dying candida and astragalus herb to help with the leaky gut (I believe). Afterwards, she tested me again and the candida was gone. The parasites were more tricky and needed some other herbs alongside another go with Zapper.

3 years later, I don't watch my diet for candida AT ALL (only gluten intolernce), I don't crave sugar and chocolate at all and I don't worry about yeast in any form, nor do I take any anti-candida "medication" of any form. She succesfully used Zapertek on many patients. I believe it helped my road to recovery. After this, we began rebuilding my immune system.

Just search for Zappertek on google. Please let me know how you get on.


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Hi Sarah,

This is a very interesting subject that you are studying. My digestive problems started 8 years ago when my husband died suddenly, before that I could eat and drink whatever I wanted with no problems what soever.After his deathand a long grieving period I started to notice what I was told by my doctor was IBS but he couldnt tell me what was irritating my insides and basicaly that I had to live with it and take anti-inflammatorys, at my wits end from feeling constantly sore, tired, bloated, down and confused I tried kineisiology which picked up raging candida through my system along with leaky gut and vitamin deficiencies which had arisen from not assimilating the nutrients from food due to the leaky gut, anyway I followed the advice given and took the supplements strictly and found after a couple of weeks my energy coming back, actually I couldnt remember feeling that good since I was in my early teens. Anyway I hope this helps and to anyone suffering from candida or thinking they may have it please try kiniesiology, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Love and peace, Karin

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Hi Lilmo,

Thanx for the info about Zappertex, if im not careful with my diet my candida sneaks back I would love to erradicate it completely, I shall look on google, thanx again.

Love and peace Karin

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Hi Karin,

How did you get on with searching for Zappertek?


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Try Chlorella. Too many antibiotics, you need probiotics to restore your intestinal flora.
Stay away from sugar and flour. Also read the PH Miracle.

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I'm hoping your problems are resolved by now, as this is a very old post. I recently resolved mine through a chiropractor. I was on a diet and took some supps that change the candida from it's fungal form back to it's normal yeast form. I had fatigue, eczema, weight gain, and digestive problems that went away during the diet. Lost about 22 lbs, which I'm loving. Feel healthier. He's not over here, but I was able to order his products and have them shipped. If you look up Dr McCombs, you'll find his candida plan. Also has lots of info in his candida library.

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Hi All.
I was wondering if anyone had any advice as to a new way to tackle this ongoing problem.
A brief summary of what's been going on: I've basically been struggling with health problems (predominantly chronic fatigue, digestive problems/IBS, depression/anxiety, fuzzy head, v bad insomnia, poor memory - to name but a few) for last 15 years, which was finally diagnosed by a nutritionist as a combination of a severe candida imbalance and adrenal burnout 3 years ago.

Since then, I've been on a strict anti candida diet (no sugar, incl fruit, yeast, fermented products, dairy,wheat, nuts, cured meats/fish, etc) as well as a number of supplements (micropryll, thenoregano, now ThreeLacfor candida, strong acidophilus, adrenal supplements, vitamins for immune system, digestive enzymes, etc) to help the problem. Gradually my symptoms have started to improve - I no longer feel tired all the time (only in the evenings) and my fuzzy head has gone, depression is much better, skin is better, sleep imprroved, etc. HOWEVER, about 6 months ago, I reached a plateau, whereby I wasn't getting any better and have remained the same since then: I still feel v tired in the evenings after 9pm (and if I don't go to bed before 10pm I feel exhausted for next 3 days, regardless of how long I sleep for - v v frustrating as still almost impossible to have a social life) and my disgestion & sleep still aren't great. But, most upsetting is that I now seem to have developed (or maybe I had them all along) some severe food intolerances to all the things I cut out, to the extent whereby even if I eat a TINY bit of milk in something by a mistake, or fruit sugar, or vinegar - eg in a restaurant when it's so hard to know/find out exactly what's in things) then I get a terrible flare up of all my old symptoms - horrible taste in mouth, coated tongue, bad breath, bloated stomach/wind, thrush, fuzzy head, anxiety, mood swings, etc - which can last for up to a week (and sometimes means that I can't even make it to work).I'm guessing this means that I still have a very bad candida imbalance and, I've realised,probably a leaky gut that is causing these foods to leak into my blood stream and my body to react so strongly to them.

Since then, I've decided that maybe healing myleaky gut should be the priority, and probably boosting my immune system further, aspurely attacking the candidadoesn't seem to be working. So, Istarted taking Aloe Vera and Gluatamine powder about 3 months ago, which are meant to heal the gut, and they do seem to have helped my digestion a bit, butmy reactions to foods are still v v bad, even though I'm doing my best to avoid them as much as I possibly can, and I seem to be getting more and more of them. I've now had to cut out things like guten, onions, peppers, courgettes, etc, too as well as natural yoghurt and butter (which I used to be ok with). I'm not sure what the answer is but these reactions to foods are all driving me crazy - I'm now not able to eat out at all or go to people's houses - and have tocarry around myown food wherever I go! My nutritionist has all but given up on me now as she says that I'm most complicated case she's everseen and doesn't really know what else to suggest as most people's candida clears up after 3 months to1 year but mine is still very bad even after 3 yearsof diet/supplements- aagghh!

I did read about the NAET system but was wondering if this would work as obviously getting rid of the body's reaction to the foods is important, but if I still have bad underlying candida imbalance woudn't this mean that I'd still get symptoms as these foods will still continue to'feed' thecandida??? I'd really appreciate some advice as I'm getting v disheartened now and find it hard to believe I can ever really feel well now. Any other advice/suggestions to help heal my leaky gut,

i have just joined this site so forgive me if i am reading this late but your problem with candida is much like my own . i have had it for over 20 years now since i had a massive dose of strong antibiotics for 6 months and it left my body a wreak and yes like you i have been fighting it all the time ..i have had all the anti-fungal drugs and taken them for months at a time ..yes you get better for a while then you think why not have a treat it cant harm me can it ? big mistake a few days or even next day it starts again ...i am a man and men are not supposed to get thrush down below like me but i had it big time and my mouth WOW what a mess ..but slowly you meet people and talk to people who can help you now i try and not go "mad" with any food ..i still take carprylic acid ..and probiotics ..and about once a month a course of iodine in water which really helps me . anyway i hope you are feeling well and in control ...good luck ..peter from anglesey

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candida/food sensitivinies/gluten/NAET (my experience)

Hi All.
I was wondering if anyone had any advice as to a new way to tackle this ongoing problem.
A brief summary of what's been going on: I've basically been struggling with health problems (predominantly chronic fatigue, digestive problems/IBS, depression/anxiety, fuzzy head, v bad insomnia, poor memory - to name but a few) for last 15 years, which was finally diagnosed by a nutritionist as a combination of a severe candida imbalance and adrenal burnout 3 years ago.

Since then, I've been on a strict anti candida diet (no sugar, incl fruit, yeast, fermented products, dairy,wheat, nuts, cured meats/fish, etc) as well as a number of supplements (micropryll, thenoregano, now ThreeLacfor candida, strong acidophilus, adrenal supplements, vitamins for immune system, digestive enzymes, etc) to help the problem. Gradually my symptoms have started to improve - I no longer feel tired all the time (only in the evenings) and my fuzzy head has gone, depression is much better, skin is better, sleep imprroved, etc. HOWEVER, about 6 months ago, I reached a plateau, whereby I wasn't getting any better and have remained the same since then: I still feel v tired in the evenings after 9pm (and if I don't go to bed before 10pm I feel exhausted for next 3 days, regardless of how long I sleep for - v v frustrating as still almost impossible to have a social life) and my disgestion & sleep still aren't great. But, most upsetting is that I now seem to have developed (or maybe I had them all along) some severe food intolerances to all the things I cut out, to the extent whereby even if I eat a TINY bit of milk in something by a mistake, or fruit sugar, or vinegar - eg in a restaurant when it's so hard to know/find out exactly what's in things) then I get a terrible flare up of all my old symptoms - horrible taste in mouth, coated tongue, bad breath, bloated stomach/wind, thrush, fuzzy head, anxiety, mood swings, etc - which can last for up to a week (and sometimes means that I can't even make it to work).I'm guessing this means that I still have a very bad candida imbalance and, I've realised,probably a leaky gut that is causing these foods to leak into my blood stream and my body to react so strongly to them.

Since then, I've decided that maybe healing myleaky gut should be the priority, and probably boosting my immune system further, aspurely attacking the candidadoesn't seem to be working. So, Istarted taking Aloe Vera and Gluatamine powder about 3 months ago, which are meant to heal the gut, and they do seem to have helped my digestion a bit, butmy reactions to foods are still v v bad, even though I'm doing my best to avoid them as much as I possibly can, and I seem to be getting more and more of them. I've now had to cut out things like guten, onions, peppers, courgettes, etc, too as well as natural yoghurt and butter (which I used to be ok with). I'm not sure what the answer is but these reactions to foods are all driving me crazy - I'm now not able to eat out at all or go to people's houses - and have tocarry around myown food wherever I go! My nutritionist has all but given up on me now as she says that I'm most complicated case she's everseen and doesn't really know what else to suggest as most people's candida clears up after 3 months to1 year but mine is still very bad even after 3 yearsof diet/supplements- aagghh!

I did read about the NAET system but was wondering if this would work as obviously getting rid of the body's reaction to the foods is important, but if I still have bad underlying candida imbalance woudn't this mean that I'd still get symptoms as these foods will still continue to'feed' thecandida??? I'd really appreciate some advice as I'm getting v disheartened now and find it hard to believe I can ever really feel well now. Any other advice/suggestions to help heal my leaky gut,

I feel your pain!!!! Just know, you are not alone!!
I have suffered from several food allergies (that keep growing by the week) and a gluten sensitivity for years. I have tried the NAET treatments (unsuccessfully), after $800 (about 10 treatments 2ce a week). I stopped the NAET treatment because my practitioner was saying i was "cured" of my egg allergy, but yet I was still getting a reaction from eating eggs. It was also costly. I was suppose to have 15 treatments before ever getting to the allergies that I came in here to treat (he said it's protocol to do the basic 15 treatments first). I was wondering if you rotate your food? I noticed the foods i became sensitive to, i ate often. Also, Dr. Joan Larson (author of "depression free naturally") says that after going on an elimination diet, if you eat a food your allergic too, the symptoms will really flare up. Ever tried "organic coffee enema's"? I was told by an MD/homeopathic doc to try them for my leaky gut/candida to get rid of undigested food in my colon. Dr. Larson told me to take a prescription for Candida for 15 days as well as the no sugar, no foods i'm allergic to, no vinegar diet. I haven't tried it yet, I am contemplating flying over to Minnesota (USA) to her clinic for testing. She also told me that something she only discovered 2 years ago, was BEFORE you do any anti candida program, to do a heavy toxic metal test, by a reputable lab. She said if there is heavy toxic metal in the brain, that feeds yeast, and you will not eliminate it without treating the toxic overload. (She has been doing this for 30 years). She had a patient that felt better after a anit candida diet, medication and suppliments but got it back, discovering through the labs it was toxic metals. Hope this helps?

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Candida can be controlled by eating the correct diet. You might find useful information here:

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Strange reading these posts because I did the anti candida diet and now find that if I stray from it I have serious bloating - things I could eat before that didn't affect me now seem to - I have facial puffiness and bloating which I think is grains but then natural yoghurt does it with probiotics in but milk doesn't so it can't be dairy, if I have a tiny amount of sugar I bloat - anything that is not just plain food seems to effect. Foods I could eat before and that weren't on the candida diet seem to have an immediate effect on me. I wonder is it because you've been on such a restrictive diet your body doesn't like the new stuff you are trying, although I don't feel I have candida (well maybe a little) I could have food before i.e. a bit sugar without the horrendous bloating I seem to get now if I do eat it. But then now I bloat after everything I eat. Tried various probiotics but find that they sometimes seem to make me go up a size and gain weight - why is that - as I don't like it, digestive enzymes don't seem to do anything. Homeopathy seems to be the only thing i.e. nux vom does help but can't stay on that for evermore - sick to death of my stomach never being the same size two days running depending on what I eat, Any help greatly appreciated or advice.
