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Bowen technique

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I have been suffering with sciatica and a bad back for a number of years. recently had a caudal epidural for the pain. A friend of mine recommended I try Bowen technique and said that it could make my back pain go in as little as 3 sessions. I had a look for Bowen practitioners in Bristol and some were charging £25 and others £50. Do you think the one chargign £25 will be rubbish? What is the average price for Bowen and how does it work? Would it help my back problem? It is one therapy I know very little about.

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I can give you a personal view - and as a Bowen Therapist I am biased:)

I have treated many people with sciatica with Bowen and the majority have had really good results.

I have added Emmett technique to my toolbox over the past two years and find that in combination and often on its own, sciatic symptoms can be quickly eased.

My fees in South Wales are £35 for initial consultation and £30 for an hour's session thereafter. Every body charges different fees depending on their costs. I would think that someone practising from home might be able to charge less than someone who is having to rent premises in a centre of the city like Bristol. Other factors come into play other than where you are but I find it best to chat through with people what they want first and see if they feel comfortable with what I say.


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I am about to start Bowen training, however before doing this I wanted to see if it would help with an ongoing Sciatic problem I have. I have now had 2 treatments. Ist treatment gave me some relief, however after the 2nd I would say that I have seen a 90% improvement in my condition. Bowen therapist feels that my problem is more gluteal and treated for this.

I can't wait to start my training so that I can help others in the same way. My therapist charged £30.00 for an hour. This seemed fair to me.

Good luck.

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Hi there
When do you start your training and with whom?

I'm sure you're going to love it - it's such a lovely gentle but effective technique - it still makes me giggle when the results are so good.

Good luck - let us know how you get on


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I'm taking a course with the ECBS on the 19th October. Ist module is 4 days long. There may be a chance it won't go ahead due to lack of numbers and if this happens I will be so disappointed.

Who did you train with and how long have you been doing it? The course is quite expensive, so I'm interested to know whether I will cover my costs, although profit is not my primary goal it would be nice!

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I trained with Bow Tech and qualified in 2004. The courses change every now and then but when I did the BowTech it was seven modules of two days each with 6 - 8 weeks in between modules for practise and case studies.

Since 2007 I have being doing the Emmett technique training and have loved it just as much.

So enjoy !

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Just booked an appointment for a course of bowen starting next week so fingers crossed it will work. She said that I cannot have any other physical therapy at the same time - why is this? Would I still be able to do exercise - say karate?

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Whilst I have not trained in this therapy yet it is something I have been advised on and also read up on. The point of not receiving other treatments such as massage, physio, etc is so that the effects of the treatment can be monitored successfully.

I believe exercise is fine, walking especially to encourage lymph circulation is good. I'm sure karate is fine as long as its not the cause of your condition, however best to check that out with your therapist.

I hope Bowen works for you. I am having my third treatment on Monday.

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Had my first session. I enjoyed it and found it quite relaxing. I think I actually fell asleep at one point. Alsthough the pressure was light, I could really feel where she had worked. I felt quite achy that night and the beginning of the next day and the pain was located in a different part of my back to where my pain normally is. The sciatica seemed to not go down my leg as far as normal. I casn't tell whether it has improved or not - still struggling to get comfortable in bed making it difficult to get to sleep and pain is still there. I have another session on Tuesday so it will be interesting to see how things are after that.

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Hi Lavandula,

I have now had 3 Bowen treatments and have just finished the first part of my course. From personal experience I felt the greatest relief from my sciatic problem after the 2nd and 3rd treatment, but we are all different.

What is important is that your therapist sets out markers, e.g, where is the pain, is it an ache or a a stabbing pain. She perhaps asked how it limits you, ie, when you sit or lie down - on the next appt she may they ask how this has changed. She may have asked you to judge your pain on a scale of 1-10, has this changed?

Changes normally happen over a period of 7 days, which is why appointments are generally set apart by 1 week.

I truly hope you achieve a result from this fantastic therapy.

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Thanks - will keep you updated. Will stay positive about the treatment.

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enjoy your treatment.

even though I am trained in Bowen, I can't wait to get my next session!!:)

Good luck too, tranquilmoment - it's a great therapy - so rewarding.

Kind regards


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Had my second treatment yesterday and had a really bad flare up with my back pain - it hurt in a totally different way to it normally does and more widespread and even some really sharp pains i've not had before. Has eased off a lot today although still getting some sharp pains. I see this as a positive sign that my body is healing - I have another session next week.

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I'm glad you're seeing it as positive. Change is good as the therapy is clearly giving your body something to think about and we know sometimes conditions seem to get worse before before they get better. Good luck and keep posting.

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Had my last session about 10 days ago now. So 3 sessions in total and haven't had any relief whatsoever which is a shame. Had strong healing reactions after each session but that's it. It must of done something but I'm not sure what!

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Have you tried treatment with someone who also uses Emmett Technique?

I'm sorry that you haven't had results from 3 Bowen sessions - it maybe that you need a few more sessions or that it would be worth trying Emmett - if you would like to pm me I can suggest someone in your area if you want to try.

Kind regards
