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I can help you in knowing more about Islam

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hi every one in this wonderful site. I am muslim from Saudi Arabia. Any one wants to know more about Islam I can help him/her. It is my pleasure if I can help you and answer your questions about Islam. 🙂

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RE: I can help you in knowing more about Islam

Hi lina,

I'm sure people will take you up on that, if not now, in time. There's also a sub-forum of HP for "Islam".

Venetian 🙂

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RE: I can help you in knowing more about Islam

I do not think they will do that .. I just wanted to discuss with them things that they do not understand in a respectful way.I always talk with non muslims discussing our beliefs respectfully. Any way,thanks alot for informing me that.I appreciate that for you:)

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RE: I can help you in knowing more about Islam

My apologies! Silly me! :DI had not noticed that your post IS on the Islam forum. ;)Somehow I thought it was not.

I can start things off? I recently finished a novel which, while only a novel, was well-researched I'd say. If you are from Saudi, the point was made that by Western standards there are more real human rights abuses in Saudi than the Islamic nations appearing to hold animosity to the West. Most of the 9/11 terrorists - in fact virtually all, came from Saudi, as did bin Laden. But America makes Saudi Arabia its allie and says nothing (Britain too) because we need the oil.

In Saudi a punishment is to cut hands off, and frankly many here don't believe all women dress that way because they truly want to.

This is not Islam-bashing. The book was balanced. It also made the point that decades ago Iran had its own real democracy. But it privatised oil. To get the oil back, the USA's CIA overthrough the democracy and installed the Shah. I was once there. The Shah kept the peace, but with an Iron Hand. So eventually he has been overthrown by the people and we know the present (to me) awful situation there. (Caused by the USA.)

I'm writing that just to kick things off.

You could give your point of view. 😉


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RE: I can help you in knowing more about Islam

hi Venetian,
Thanks alot for sharing me my topic. It is my pleasure to discuss with you what you have mintioned.
I do not agree with you that we show hostility to west. there are alot of saudis go to america to study and spend their holidays there. most of them have american or english friends and some of them marry from american women. I mean if they hate americans or english they wonot go to their countries or marry from their women.
I want to pay your attention that we do not hate american but we do hate the government of america. not only saudis hate american and english government but all of muslims all over the world. the reason of our hate to u.s.a government is that it supports israel. as u know all of muslims do hate isreal because of what has been doing in palestine.
you mentioned that most of terrorists in 9-11 came from saudi arabia. yes that is true. you should know that we do not agree them at all. neither our government nor our religious men agreed them. you should know that terrorism does not belong to a race or religion. it can be found every where. i think it is oppression to generalize the idea about saudis. if those terrorist guys did something wrong this did not mean that all of saudis were like them and had the same thought.
Saudi arabia is an islamic country that always tries to apply islamic rules in its dealings. it takes all of its rules from the holy Quraan and sunna(prophet`s deeds). it regardered the holy Quraan as its constitution for every thing.
saudi government try to apply islamic punishment for murders. u mentioned one of islamic punishment ; cutting hands off. we cut a stealer`s hand off until he has 12 conditions. there are 12 conditions and all of them must be available in the crime of stealing inorder to have his hand cut off. i mean we do not apply any harsh punishment until we r sure that all of conditions has completed in the crime. I believe that makes the number of crimes decrease. we do not have crimes as many countries have.
u mentioned that many don't believe all women dress that way because they truly want to.
I do not agree with you about that. asmuslim saudiwomen we do not wear hijab because of our traditions or customs. we do that because we want toobey God . wearing hihab is mandatory for every muslim woman.if you go to saudi malls you will see many women wearing hijab and on theother handyou will see some western womenwithout it and no one bothers them or ask them to do any thing they do not want to do. wearing hijab and covering hair is not a special thing for saudi women only. you can see millions of muslim women wearing it all over the world. if you ask saudi women if they like it or not they will answer you for sure 98% that they likeit and can not go out with out it.
you mentioned also thatthe USA's CIA overthrough the democracy in Iran. so great if it did that iniran but do u think it did the same thing in Iraq. i think the number of people who were killed nowadays since u.s.a army came to it are more than the number of those who were killed during saddam`s rule of iraq. thousands of american and iraqis were killed and i do not know when will that stop. instead of happiness and freedom that america promised iraqi, unfortunetly they brought to them war and disasters[&o]

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RE: I can help you in knowing more about Islam

Thank you, lina. for your reply. I agree that generalisations are unhelpful.

A few point in reply:


we do not hate american but we do hate the government of america

Quite a few Americans have a dislike of the present government there right now. 😉

we cut a stealer`s hand off until he has 12 conditions. < .... > we do not have crimes as many countries have.

I can believe that!

you mentioned also thatthe USA's CIA overthrough the democracy in Iran. so great if it did that iniran

I don't know if you understood me? I meant that it is an example of America doing something wrong, not good.

Thanks again,


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RE: I can help you in knowing more about Islam

lina = if those terrorist guys did something wrong this did not mean that all of saudis were like them and had the same thought.

it's like saying all americans like the US government! lol - i agree with your point here lina, and having a muslim husband (i am from the US he is from Kosovo) he absolutley abhoars suicide bombers - who call themselves muslim - because it is against the Quran.

i guess i am interested - now we are on the subject of that - is there anything in the quran that says its ok to kill yourself and other innocent people?



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RE: I can help you in knowing more about Islam


Nothing in Qu'ran to say suicide and muder are ok...suicide is a sin apart from when the person who does it is not of sound mind.

Murder is a sin. In Qu'ran there are very clear rules that apply to combat and situation of war. for example, cicilian warefare is not allowed. War or fighting is only permistted in defence or when diplomatic attempts have failed to find a peaceful solution.

Then fighting should only occur between those who agree to fight, young, old, any civilians should never be harmed.


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RE: I can help you in knowing more about Islam

dear lina

first of all i think your wish to reach out to others to share your religion to increase friendship and understanidng isa deep and good thing.

as youmay realise; my chosen approachfollowing a path of faith is through the teachings oftheLord Buddha.

theBuddha challenged the beliefs of the brahmins who were the only peoplewho could conduct religious rituals. this was the basis of a great deal of injustice in indian society that was based on the beliefBrahman the universal God.

i have buddhist friends indiawho feel threatened by muslim believers who dislike buddhismbecause buddhists do not worshipGod.buddhistsbelievethatbeing compassionate to all especially those who would harm them is the most important of all things. this is exactly the same as Jesus' teaching to love your enemy. i know many people in history have claimed to be Chritian who seem to think that it is ok not to follow Jesus' instruction but this does not mean that Jesus would have any more sympathy for their claim to be Christian than he had for the Pharisees who he accused of being hypocrits.

like many peopleall over the worldi find the injustice and double standards applied to problems in the middles east very wrong and canunderstand how suchinjustice leads to hatred. but surely turning to hatred isspiritual suicide and surely Islam does not teach that hatred can help any situation.

how does Islam teach the believers to overcome anger andhate?

wishing blessings on you and all your fellow belivers of the Ummah

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Dear Norbu,

you are making some rather sweeping staements about Muslims there.

Have you been to the middle east or met many people from there? You are describing a lot of people when you talk of those who live in the middle east, which ones? which double standards are you thinking of?

And, do you seriosuly believe that all of us Muslims run on hatred??

Islam as you correctly guessed does not teach us to be full of hatred but actually to be kind, compassionate and full of love. We are taught to be respectful of other people's views and cultures and their spiritual beliefs. Muslims are not supposed to try to convert others or to coerce people into that which they do not believe.

Sure, Muslims as all people will vary, sure you will get the ones who don't like people who are different, but not everyone is that way.

Anyway from my view point, Islam is a beautiful religion based on kindness and decent behaviour, anything that contradicts that is not islam in my book,

