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Hitteons ???

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Can any one tell me what this Hitteon stuff is all about ? Ive searched the web and only came up with mountains of broken links and a vague reference to Christianity and an even more vague reference to Christ Consciousness. I think somewhere it said they attribute to all faiths but Im just not sure.

The reason I am asking is because I looked up an old acquaintenance on witchvox's profiles and he said he had been having some trouble with "the hitteons" as if everyone there but me knew who they were.

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RE: Hitteons ???

Here is a link that works...

Hope you find what you are looking for there...



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RE: Hitteons ???

The above site seems to keep accessing another web design site. Are the Hitteons a Numerology sect?

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RE: Hitteons ???

Thanks for the link but it still seems to be full of broken links though it did give me another small notion about them some kind of lumerian sect of religion but there's no info about them after that.

My friend tells me that Lumerian has to do with a continent during the same time of atlantis. I just wish I had more info about who they are and what they are about and why there just seemed to be a rise in them in the past few years or less

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RE: Hitteons ???


Found this, must admit it does look interesting, what I don't understand is why your friend said he was having trouble with them, can you expand
a little.

The Q'R' Beth

Hidden, until now, the Holy Book of the Hitteons, Secrets & truths never told before, now revealed.

Written 5,000 years ago. Where did the human race really come from? Is there life on other planets? Are space beings living amongst us now? Where did the Yenti come from? Where was Lemuria, Mu, Argo, and Altantis? Where did the American Indians come from? Do we all have God-like powers that we are unaware of? Do we have the power to heal our own bodies? Can we become masters? Who are the mysterious Hitteons? Read the amazing & astonishing answers in the Q' R' Beth.

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RE: Hitteons ???

How come that these 'Hitteons' are privy to information that has eluded everyone else for thousands of years?

In my opinion, they know no more than anyone else.


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RE: Hitteons ???

Hi Songstress,

What they are probably referring to is ancient wisdom that for a time was hidden from the masses for fear of it being used for doing wrong etc. Freemasonry is a good example, the lodges of today only use three initiations but in true masonry there are 33 degrees. Very few of these lodges are even aware that anything exists past the first three. I suspect it was really hidden in those days for fear of persecution from the church and it's followers.

I spent 5 years in two very secret organisations one was an Esoteric School and one was a form of Freemasonry as mentioned above (33 degree's) that took much of it's teachings from The Knights Templars.

You are right in that nothing that was taught in these schools (imho) should be hidden now from anyone today. In fact I think that you could easily unearth these very teachings by daily meditation and study of Yogic texts, because really this is where it all comes from.

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RE: Hitteons ???

Hi Norrington,

The Rosicrucians were/are a similar sect who also profess to 'know all knowledge.' They admit women, and I once dipped my toe in the Rosicrucian water, so to speak. The stuff that was coming out was neither new or mind-blowing.

So I wonder what hidden things these Hitteons have that the others don't. Moreover, any sect that advocates 'sinners' being cast into lakes of fire, or thrown into bottomless pits, can't be all that enlightened.


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RE: Hitteons ???

Well Norrington I'd love to be more elaborate about my friends statement but sadly he was not very specific in his profile. All he said was

"(update) The hitteons found me and it wasn't good...also had some bad posts useing my name around the net so im not looking anymore....

Back to being as I have allways been to bad hitteons were fun for a bit but to stuffy for me."

I think he may have even left out a few words for the sake of lazy typing... he does that sometimes.

I suppose I could find his email and ask him about it but I just havent had much contact at all with him for years. Even when I did have contact with him he was more of an acquaintence than anything.

The one thing he and I do have in common though is the belief that we are Angels in human form. So that's defininite common ground.

I just found his profile so peculiar and it was the first time I'd ever heard of this "Hitteon" thing. I cant even draw any intuition from it. Strange...but what I find even more peculiar was the fact that almost every link on the web is just broken. Its as if they cant keep up with their web hosting's not like hosting is that demanding really. All I know is when I went through broken link after broken link all claiming to be the official site of the Holy Orthodox Hitteon Church, my intuition went on fire but didn't really tell me anything specific except how peculiar

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RE: Hitteons ???

To best honest I think a lot of these groups popped up at the turn of the ninetieth century all claiming that they were age old etc, all around the time of Blavatsky, Steiner and Bailey etc. On closer inspection many were actually just new groups with a vague idea about something they thought was so esoteric.

The source of the teaching may have been 5000 years old but how distorted had it become by the time it reached them. I think there are very few truly original Mystery Schools remaining. Most that have, quite rightly now have dropped the "secret" bit to adopt a more "sacred" approach.

I found it all to intellectual, analysing and rationalising etc. Also most of the contents of Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine can be found in many of the Vedic teachings that are as you probably know reported to be 4000 years old.
Given that the corner stone of all that these schools teach is to "Look beneath and behind that which seems to be real" You eventually get right back to the source. So have these schools merely westernised these often eastern teachings.

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RE: Hitteons ???

I am Hitteon! I have all the writings. It is very secret. I took the classes back in 1996. Yes, all religions come from parts of this religion. Yes it dates back to before 3099 BC. Lemuria was where it originated, which became Atlantis.I actually know the Lemurian writing and there is so much more and so much.It is kept secret for a reason, It is only for those who will follow it correctly, and want it.
Doc J

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@doc-j Greetings of peace 

I am looking for the holy Q’R beth book

can you help me? 

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Hitteonism and Secret Societies

I have been a member of Hitteonism, Temple Circle of Light as well as a few others that I am still active. Why most people do not believe them to have any ancient secrets is because they join and think that all of the secrets will be revealed to them in a week or a month, that is not how they work. They give you the tools to find the answers, but you must do the work, not all of life's answers are handed to you, but the methods of finding them are. On first glance they will look as thought they have little to add to books that one can read. But if a student can stay with the program past the outer circle (beginner's level) and they can make it into the inner circle teachings, they would find that there are things that not every Tom, ****, and Harry on the street knows, nor many of the occult, nor arm chair book readers. These things are for the most part keep secret because members must take an oath, except in cases of the Hitteon teachings, where they tell their members to go out and tell others. You will note that you will have a hard time finding any Hitteon teachings available at this time in 2011. They only offer their teachings at times they deem important. If you think that books that you can buy at the local mall, or through the mail will give you knowledge, guess again! Most books are re-hashed concepts that lack the main ingredients to succeed. My advice is to learn how to reach trance states and meditate daily, you would get much further. Also, always question everything, do not just accept what you told. If you accept without proving it yourself, you will never gain wisdom, only things you memorized.

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Hello mjhoman and welcome to Healthypages.

This is a very old thread, older than 5 years, so it will be unlikely that you will receive a reply.


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Same old story revolving around yet another group with secrets available only to a few chosen people; nothing new there either.
But if you have actually spent time with yourself and not the words of others then you will gain the understanding you need without the control of a supposed esoteric group; there are no secrets!
Its sad just how often people start out working with authentic source and then skew the message to create what they themselves want. same old story.
