Quan Yin Method Sup...
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Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

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I was wondering if anyone has heard of the Quan Yin Method to reach enlightenment and if anyone has tried it. I am having a meeting soon with someone from London who is going to teach me the Convenient Method before I get initiated. But I am kind of suspicious, not sure why - I have been in touch with a few people (buddhists) who say they have never heard of this which is quite strange - they are not charging anything either - which although this is good, Well I think I've been watching too many horror films of people being sucked into cults, I think I am just being paranoid.[:o]

However, I have read the teachings and although I don't agree with all of it (probably due to my non-enlightened mind) most of it agrees with me, I am not always fond of buddhist teachings, but I think this is due to me taking them the wrong way or being offended by them, when it is only trying to make me 'see'- the teachings are detailed and all free to read on the internet.
You can see it here

Let me know what you think,:)

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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

Hi Venetian

You said

"The usual belief, globally, is that while freedom from the rounds of reincarnation is attainable and the goal of life in one sense, it isn't as easy as this "Quan Yin Method" which appears to be simply meditation with basic morality combined? (Not much of a leap for a spiritually-inclined person.) "

Yes, that was what I was getting at, but you put this much better than I could!

Hi Siggy

You said

"Yes, I find the whole 'supreme master' title gets stuck in my throat. I was always taught that being called a 'master' has nothing to do with being a master over other people but that they were a master of themselves. That being said if I was a master simply because I had mastered myself why would I insist on others calling me master? I wouldn't be a master over them, so how would I justify them having to use that title? "

There might be something lost in translation here. I know that in some parts of the East, 'master' has a slightly different meaning to the one we understand in the UK. In Japan, 'sensei' means master or teacher, for example. It's a title used to show polite respect e.g. if your teacher is called Bob Smith here in England, you'd call him Mr Smith (or Sensei Smith?!!) as a sign of respect. It doesn't necessarily mean that you think yourself inferior to him.


"My mind has gone blank now - too much thinking"

Yup, I know THAT feeling well! LOL! 🙂


" I thought how could I question anything she says since my third eye is not open, I am unable to see the truth and she is so how can I question her?
How do we know that she is enlightened though? I mean is there even a way to prove such things? This is why I worry about the word 'enlightened'. "

How about taking the Buddha's advice and trying it? If it works then use it, if it doesn't then forget it and try something else. The quote goes something like 'be a light unto yourself' - don't take anyone else's word for it, try it for yourself.

Thanks for a really interesting discussion!


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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

>>There might be something lost in translation here. I know >>that in some parts of the East, 'master' has a slightly >>different meaning to the one we understand in the UK.

i know Chinese and Asian culture very well
"Supreme Master" is really beyond the "Mr" meaning,
beyond ALL masters

>>trying it? If it works then use it, if it doesn't then forget it >>and try something else.

i think it is not a "work or not work" problem.
There are thousands of paths, each will "work" to a certain degrees.

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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai


I guess what I meant to say was 'if it works for you'.


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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai


i will not just test out a method but not observe the teacher.
i will look at both the teacher and the method

Even you like this method/path very much, this meditation method is not exclusive to "Ching Hai" as she claimed.

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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai


When I use the word 'it' I mean it in the most general sense. E.g. when I say "try it and see if it works for you" I'm refering to a path, a teacher, a practice, a method, a philosophy...whatever you want.

So I agree with you about checking out the method and the teacher.


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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

ORIGINAL: N_GeLz_TeaRz age

P.S. and to whoever thinks that "master ching hai" is dead.. I think that you're mistaken with someone else.

I recommend you re-read the original post. Master Ching Hai's master is indeed dead and his name is as stated by the Buddhist Society 'The Venerable Tripitaka Master Hsuan Hua' who certified the first translation of 'The Dharani Sutra' from the Chinese. I understand from a trusted friend who has spoken to Ching Hai that she is too scared too teach this Sutra and the rest of her masters work due to the power of the mantra's and what she calls magic ! If this report is true ( and the contact is a very reliable source) then she certainly has not reached any level of enlightenment if she still sits in fear.........:D

In the orient you find the word master everywhere it is a famous term used in ancient arts. I think people get to hung up on the term in the West, and those that do have usually not found the master within themself. Hence why Jesus did not wish to be called master or teacher because he was sharing how others could reach spiritual independence by finding their own master within. The ultimate being, that Jesus was leading by example through equality hence why he told the disciples off when they were intoxicated with his energy. 😉 What we resist certainly persists!.

I wonder whether we have any orientals here on the forum who might share with us how this term is perceived in the orient.

Yes Siggy

"No mind, is all mind is no mind at all." 😉 "Enlightenment cannot be attained through desire or aspiration because one has to surrender one's desires to achieve it." 😉 The enlightened child matures like a fine wine into the full embodiment of enlightenment. 😀 from Sacred Words

Love beyond measure

Kim xx

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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

Hi guys,

It was indeed scary to know who we should go to. Sometimes because of the karma hindrance, our prayer may not answer directly so we don't know where to go.
As Master Ching Hai has said, "How can we use our limited human knowledge to understand God?"
"When we are sincere, we minimize our ego, then we will not fear." That is when we are one with God.
To my little knowledge, when we are sincere and forget ourself to help others, God will help us to find the path. We are so scared about many things or feel untrustworthy. That isnot becuase of our fault, sometimes it was due to the enviroment.
To me, Ching Hai was a great teacher, a sister and a guide. I knew her when I was little but somehow because her appearance, I also reject her. Until one day in collegeI saw her video on-line, I realize it is myself, my ego that hinder myself and my preconcieve ideas to stop the road to freedom. We all know Jesus is compassion. Through everyone tells us, through all the paintings, yet we don't really see that in Bible. He seems so strict than those what was present in arts. Why? Because he is not right in front of us, so we have doubts, our self- doubts.

Try this video. 🙂
[link= http://www.godsimmediatecontact.org/RPlayer/300k/emptiness_p3_300.ram ]http://www.godsimmediatecontact.org/RPlayer/300k/emptiness_p3_300.ram[/link]
I don't guarantee anything. 🙂

It may not be the best one, but she looks really nice. I want to learn the "Politeness of Kingdom of God" that includes God everywhere around us. We don't have to go to cave. Yogananda said, "When we see good in all, we see Him (God) everywhere". Silently realize God is also considering a practice. Taking care of your children, and husband is one good responsibility to realize how great you are, be a good citizen on Earth for God. Master always said, "we should bring Heaven on Earth, not escaping to Heaven". You love your children and husband and that is very wonderful. You start from that point, then of course, you will be able to manifest the love to others. Some people don't even know what "love" means because they never have opportunities to learn. I consider you are lucky! 🙂

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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

Hi Jaoanna welcome to HP.

We have been discussing ego and duality mindsets here.

Divine Love

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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

What's in name? A lot, say Godmen
Neelu Vyas

[link= http://www.ibnlive.com/article.php?id=4680&section_id=3 ]http://www.ibnlive.com/article.php?id=4680&section_id=3[/link]#

can watch video too

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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

ORIGINAL: purplehelen

"The Supreme Master Ching Hai promises that if an initiate practices the Quan Yin Method for two and a half hours a day and keeps the five precepts, he or she will not need to reincarnate ever again."

( on this page )

Can anyone really promise this?

She is repeating a quote from the Buddhist sutra discussed above; so many Buddhists must believe this is possible otherwise it would not be in their texts and meditation/mantra's are their form of spiritual practise after all.

The Supreme Master title; I attended traditional Buddhist gatherings in Australia and yes some were called Supreme Masters. Whether this stems from China, Japan or Asia I am not sure, but it certainly is not a title that is used by Buddhists in India or Tibet that I am aware of. There are many strains of Buddhism and some have different beliefs although the core is the same. As far as Ching Hai is concerned her Buddhist teacher did not call himself a supreme master although the words Venerable Tripitaka Master is given to him by the Buddhist society. So Buddhists certainly do embrace titles. My view is the titled Buddhists probably come from the oriental countries because all the martial arts from there have masters titles too. Probably another reason why it is part of Reiki as well, because the roots of Reiki is Buddhism.

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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

Dear Siggy,

In life everyone has a different viewpoint and a different path to walk. Some paths are easy and some are more difficult. It depends on what feels comfortable for you. Did you know that there are 84000 methods of liberation? It's very similar to walking up the mountain. Some will take a longer route, walking all the way around the mountain because they might have trouble breathing or some physical discomfort, so will need to stop along the way. Some just to look at the beauty around them. Others will take a slightly shorter route which will get them there faster. And then there are others still who prefer to take the shortest route which is climbing up the sheerface of the mountain. Each path decided upon is correct..just the length of time it takes you to reach the top differs. From what I know, the Quan Yin Method is the fastest most direct way to the top. I was told that Quan means light and Yin means sound. But it is the inner light and inner sound they speak of. You said in one of your earlier postings that all the Buddhist worshiping seems daunting. With the Quan Yin method they don't do any of that, it's just inner contemplation. Just simple. Just you and God. 🙂

At the end of the day you could ask all the people in the world what they think of anything and they can only answer from their level of experience. The best person to ask is God. Sit quietly with yourself and if you feel that this is right for you go for it wholeheartedly. If you don't feel that it's right for you then go another way, but don't speak negatively about any of them. It's just that those particular ones might not suit where you are at the moment.

Go with God's love, Blessing and Grace


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How to do the Quan Yin Method - The light part

The Quan Yin method of the Supreme Master Ching Hai Association consists of two parts, light and sound. Initiates are told to do each part in proportion of 1.5 hours of light and 1 hour of sound.

At the Quan Yin initiation of the group this is what they teach of the light part of the method:
Light part of method
There are 5 initial regions (dimensions) of the Universe, first the physical, the emotional, the mental, a void, and God (their belief), and each region has it's own God as they call them and to get passed that region to reach the 5th level for this meditation you have to recite the name of that region's ruler.
The five names that the group calls the five holy names are:
1st Region: Jot-Nir-ran-yan (Physical region) - j is pronounced like y
2nd Region: Onkar (Emotional region) - the k is between g and k
3rd Region: Rarankar (Mental region)
4th Region: Sohang (Void) - don't over pronounce the g
5th Region: Satnam (God)
Concentrate on the third eye which is around the center of the forehead and look in front of you (inside) through your third eye and recite the 5 holy names waiting a slight moment before saying the next name. Say each names stretched almost like you're singing it.

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How to do the Quan Yin Method - The sound part

The Quan Yin Method taught by the Ching Hai cult consists of two parts, light and sound. Initiates are told to do each part in proportion of 1.5 hours of light and 1 hour of sound.

At the Quan Yin initiation of the group this is what they teach:

Sound part of method
Go into a completely squatting position with your elbows resting on your legs, or sitting on with a table with the elbows on the table, then block the ears with the thumbs inserted in them and the palms on head, do not put any fingers on the third eye (that is around the center of the forehead). Concentrate on the third eye and you should then hear some sounds. At the initiation they say don't let anyone see you doing this part of the method and quite often during group meditation initiates would cover themselves with a sheet or blanket while doing it. Ignore any sounds from the left, behind or below as they may be from Ghosts or demons, concentrate only sounds coming from the front, right and above. You'll hear 'heavenly' sounds which would be things like a harp, bells, whistles, flute, bagpipe,etc... To increase the chance of hearing sounds sit in the squat position, another thing you can do to increase the likelihood of success in this method is keeping the left thumb fully inserted while having the right thumb inserted but not fully.

There are 5 levels of which you'll hear sounds from, sounds at each level may include:

5th Level - Trumpet
4th Level - Flute
3rd Level - Harp, guitar
2nd Level - Sea tide sound or temple bells, church bells
1st Level - Bells, wind

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How to do the Quan Yin Method - The sound part

The Quan Yin Method taught by the Ching Hai cult consists of two parts, light and sound. Initiates are told to do each part in proportion of 1.5 hours of light and 1 hour of sound.

At the Quan Yin initiation of the group this is what they teach:

Sound part of method
Go into a completely squatting position with your elbows resting on your legs, or sitting on with a table with the elbows on the table, then block the ears with the thumbs inserted in them and the palms on head, do not put any fingers on the third eye (that is around the center of the forehead). Concentrate on the third eye and you should then hear some sounds. At the initiation they say don't let anyone see you doing this part of the method and quite often during group meditation initiates would cover themselves with a sheet or blanket while doing it. Ignore any sounds from the left, behind or below as they may be from Ghosts or demons, concentrate only sounds coming from the front, right and above. You'll hear 'heavenly' sounds which would be things like a harp, bells, whistles, flute, bagpipe,etc... To increase the chance of hearing sounds sit in the squat position, another thing you can do to increase the likelihood of success in this method is keeping the left thumb fully inserted while having the right thumb inserted but not fully.

There are 5 levels of which you'll hear sounds from, sounds at each level may include:

5th Level - Trumpet
4th Level - Flute
3rd Level - Harp, guitar
2nd Level - Sea tide sound or temple bells, church bells
1st Level - Bells, wind

Why is it called Quan Yin, which is the name of a goddess?

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Why is it called Quan Yin, which is the name of a goddess?

There are at least two other names for that meditation method: Sant Mat and Surat Shabd Yoga. The cult leader Ching Hai learnt the method at another cult called Sant Mat and then changed the name to hide it's source. Why did she choose to call it that, good question.

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