Quan Yin Method Sup...
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Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

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I was wondering if anyone has heard of the Quan Yin Method to reach enlightenment and if anyone has tried it. I am having a meeting soon with someone from London who is going to teach me the Convenient Method before I get initiated. But I am kind of suspicious, not sure why - I have been in touch with a few people (buddhists) who say they have never heard of this which is quite strange - they are not charging anything either - which although this is good, Well I think I've been watching too many horror films of people being sucked into cults, I think I am just being paranoid.[:o]

However, I have read the teachings and although I don't agree with all of it (probably due to my non-enlightened mind) most of it agrees with me, I am not always fond of buddhist teachings, but I think this is due to me taking them the wrong way or being offended by them, when it is only trying to make me 'see'- the teachings are detailed and all free to read on the internet.
You can see it here

Let me know what you think,:)

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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

Daer Siggy,
The initiation is free .the group itself can be hard to get into in a sense if you are an english speaker because of where it origonates.However that should not be a problem where you are and it is being offered to you.Obviuosly further investigations and questions on your part are necessary to be comfortable though if it does not feel okay to you then you have to trust your own intuition in this matter.
The 5 precepts ie no alcohol etc are a normal part of initiation in tibetan buddhism particualarly when you take refuge formally in the Buddha though the precepts are well known the world over .
So it is a big step to be asked to and agree to these in order to have the initiation.So you do have to think carefully and seriously about following this path at this time in your life.You could have the initiation and then carry on in your life as you would normally but agreeing to something like this should not be entered in to lightly.
The precepts in themselvers challenge us to be aware of our everyday lives and very simply make us aware of our everyday actions ,easy for me as I am a vegan anyway.
What are the reasons for you considering this ???
I would suggest looking further at website for further discussion and advice to help you make up your own mind.
I hope this can be of some help to you, there are many people who work with Kuan Yin there and are available to give you the low down on such matters.

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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

My reasons for considering Buddhism? It is the only thing that resonates truth...for me anyway. I am not one to agree with any religion, simply because it is a 'religion' - I don't agree with pigeon holes and labels etc - but the concept of meditation to achieve enlightenment, I believe is the missing link in my life. I wouldn't expect anyone else to understand this - I don't believe that this world is all there is, I know I am here for a reason but I can't see clearly enough to know what that is. I believe meditation and enlightenment is the answer - and if I can play a part in bringing unhappiness in this world to an end by starting with myself, that's what I will do.

The precepts to me aren't that difficult to follow. The vegetarian is a little difficult simply because my husband disagrees with it, but I can normally talk him round so I don't have to cook 2 different meals. I have stopped eating eggs too. But I still sometimes have milk - though not out of the fridge, it is usually hidden in packaged food and this is the only milk I have. The rest of them are easy - I gave up alcohol a while ago coz it triggers my asthma. The rest I don't do anyway. At the moment I am try to eat only one meal a day to help with meditation. I think self discipline is important, people keep saying I will turn into a monk - but I think what is wrong with that - do they think I will be bored or boring if I don't drink alcohol? Insane!?! I think I have a long way to go before I achieve REAL self discipline, I would love to go to a cave somewhere but I have taken vows to my husband and I have kids that I look after so that is not an option for me.

Thank you for your help

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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

Sig, this is a syncretistic mixture of Buddhism and the Sant Mat mantra meditation cult. It is not pure Buddhism.

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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

Hi Sig

I think that if you really feel this is the right path for you, then go for it. It doesn't sound like you're entering into it lightly, you're doing a lot of research and preparation. But when I read the comment below, it made me think...

"The Supreme Master Ching Hai promises that if an initiate practices the Quan Yin Method for two and a half hours a day and keeps the five precepts, he or she will not need to reincarnate ever again."

( on this page [link= http://www.godsdirectcontact.org/eng/quanyin.html ]http://www.godsdirectcontact.org/eng/quanyin.html[/link])

Can anyone really promise this?

There are many other buddhist traditions that can help you on your path if you decide this isn't the one for you. A certain amount of nervousness, challenge and discipline is OK, but if you're feeling suspicious, then maybe your intuition/gut feeling is trying to tell you something. (And I don't mean to suggest that these people are dodgy, just that maybe it's not right for you at this time in your life :))

Take care


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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

Yes - I KNOW what you mean!! I have some niggling doubts about it. However, I have got some other options. I have been in touch with a meditation teacher and he said he would like to come and meet me. He is the bristol meditation group or something like that - I asked if they did any publications - he said they did Tharpa publications.

Anyway i ignored him as I always ignore people giving me good advice[&:] ;)and I went on amazon and bought a book on buddhism that looked interesting. When it came through, I got a bit of a shock - it was a book by Tharpa publications of course! - might be a sign that it's a better path to follow. I will wait and see what unfolds.

i have read a little of the book and I find it quite daunting - I know it is buddhism but all this worshipping Buddha I find a little uneasy - maybe it is because I was brought up christian, (I believe christ was a Buddha anyway!) It's just I find it difficult to visualise and connect with Buddha - Is it someone outside of myself or the Buddha within myself?

I hope I am not sounding too naive 😀

It's just I study certain religions and there is always something I take to heart as it rings true - and the other stuff I disregard - well I don't disregard it, I take it on board, but I don't use it. Like I use to be interested in Wicca or Witchcraft - they believe that nature is sacred and there is a pattern or circle of changes - this is what I took on board as truth - but when they say to worship the God and Goddess, i just didn't want to do that - I know this might sound silly, but I believe that there is something responsible for everything something like God/Buddha - but it has a reflection in me, something I relate to - I already have a relationship with it- It knows what I feel, it knows what I think, it already knows how much respect and love I have, and I am showing my commentment by forever searching for it - when someone tells me to worship something, it's like it's telling me to worship something else, and I feel like I am going against myself. Buddha/God/Allah/Goddess -isn't it really all the same thing?

I don't know if I am making much sense :D:eek: sorry...;)

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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

Dear siggy

I started working with Quan Yin in 2000, following this I started to see what was about and discover the website of the people that you mention. They do not teach the full information since their master died and they are afriad of the power of the information and that other's might abuse it. I was told that they basically teach meditation.

I have the information on the original translation of the sutra and their masters name if you would like the information, please feel free to email me. It took me 2 years to track down a copy of the sutra from an international library.

There is a wonderful Kuan Yin discussion forum I can't remember whether it is by yahoo or msn however I am sure you will be able to track it down. The guy that runs it is Dale he is lovely and he can probably share more about these people than I.

If it is Quan Yin that you seek then Reiki is a good way to meet with her and I recommend a book by John Blofield called The Boddhisattva of Compassion.

I feel sure that if you ask Quan Yin to guide you on your path to enlightenment she will surely bless you with the way. Her presence is so gentle just like Mother Mary and love, compassion and patience is endless.

Love beyond measure

Kim xx

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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

Here you can find more information about Ching Hai

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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

Dear Siggy

Check out the 'sacred union with the divine' article published on this forum about a year ago.

The purest essence of Buddhism and Christianity sit well together especially if one get's to the inner symbolic meanings of the Christ teachings. Buddha taught us the path of wisdom and Jesus taught us the way of love. Buddhism helps you to find the Bodhisattva within and Esoteric/Gnostic Christianity helps us to find the Christ within. So seek not outside of yourself but seek within. There is a lovely Sufi quote that sums up my own journey. 'I was looking for the self and I found God and when I found God I found the self'.

Buddha said 'To those that can be brought to enlightenment by a God I will come as a God, to those that can brought to enlightenment by a King I will come as a King, to those that can be brought to enlightenment by a woman I will come as a woman and to those that can be brought to enlightenment by an animal I will come as an animal.

The famous Vietenmese Buddhist Monk, Thich Nhat Hanh said 'When you are truly happy Christian, you are also a Buddhist. An vice versa' he wrote 'Living Buddha, Living Christ'.

Please stay in touch.

Love beyond measure

Kim xx

PS I also recommend a wonderful book by Martin Palmer called the 'Jesus Sutra's it is amazing !

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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

>>I am kind of suspicious, not sure why

specifically on what aspects ?

>> they have never heard of this which is quite strange

your buddhist friends may seldom explore others

>> they are not charging anything either

if it is, no need to emphasize it,
all religions do not charge people a cent too

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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

Dear V

And do not many Buddhists write books and sell them? What is the difference?

How do you think that religions pay wages? Where do you think this money comes from?

The more one has the more one can give is a wonderful philosophy, sadly religion is known for taking rather then giving to the poor.

Sadly western civilisation in the main does not value anything that is not paid for, sad but true. So time to share a new philosophy to enable humanity to share all in equality and that includes money. For all is energy and there is plenty in the world for everyone.

Love beyond measure

Kim xx

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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

ORIGINAL: Vrindavan

>>I am kind of suspicious, not sure why

specifically on what aspects ? Just a gut feeling, nothing definate

>> they have never heard of this which is quite strange

your buddhist friends may seldom explore others It does state she is very well known and I would have thought my meditation teacher would have known about her

>> they are not charging anything either

if it is, no need to emphasize it,
all religions do not charge people a cent tooYes but the link you sent me seems to suggest they may expect you to buy merchandise

I know everything has good and bad press - that was the reason for this thread, to see if anyone had actually experienced it themselves - so I could hear from them and it might help me to make up my mind.


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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

yes she is very well known,
at least i know her

>> Yes but the link you sent me seems to suggest they may expect you to buy merchandise

I think the truth is they "may not" force you.
But most of her disciples are very fanatical,
they are ready to spend money on anything related to her master, ching hai's designed jewelley, fashion, etc

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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

Oh dear V desire of material things........certainly not the teachings of Ching Hai's master. He is probably turning in his grave.......watching the happening. 😀

Love beyond measure

Kim xx

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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai


excuse me,
i do not understand what you said

Hopes you are not attacking me in words

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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

Dear Vrindaven

I was commenting on the Ching Hai not yourself in response to what you shared with us. See quote below.

ORIGINAL: Vrindavan
>> Yes but the link you sent me seems to suggest they may expect you to buy merchandise
I think the truth is they "may not" force you.
But most of her disciples are very fanatical,
they are ready to spend money on anything related to her master, ching hai's designed jewelley, fashion, etc

Dear M

What is going on? It does make me wonder sometimes whether people actually read the posts and think about them before reacting? Is it me or is everyone very sensitive at the moment? Totally bemused by this 'that such attacks on fellow members WILL NOT be tolerated.' Can you show us where there is a proven case for this statement on this thread? Saturn in Cancer culmination sure does feel like it is making people overreact.

being love

Kim xx

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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai


The following is your post

Oh dear V desire of material things........certainly not the teachings of Ching Hai's master. He is probably turning in his grave.......watching the happening.

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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

Feel free to lock this thread
it was not intended to be used this way,
People have certain beliefs and people are swayed by different things whether material or not,
We just have to live and accept everyone as they are,
I appreciate your opinion vrindavan, as I do sacredstar and everyone else who has participated in this thread ---you have helped me, thank you.

Do not forget, this is only text, you cannot see peoples faces or expressions, or how they say things, it is easier to misunderstand. Try not to surcumb to negative thoughts, try always to see the bright side of what people are trying to express.

Love and Light to you all,

Sig xx

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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

Dear Siggy

Perfectly true!

Dear Vrindavan

ORIGINAL: Vrindavan


The following is your post

Oh dear V desire of material things........certainly not the teachings of Ching Hai's master. He is probably turning in his grave.......watching the happening.

Now as far as I understand it the Supreme Master Ching Hai is not your teacher and neither is her master? (who is now passed away)

Did I understand this correctly from your postings?

The material things related to what you wrote about the followers of Ching Hai not yourself, apologies if this was not obvious in my post.

Why would Ching Hai's master be turning in his grave at you if you were not a follower of Ching Hai?

I may have touched a sore point but it certainly was not intended, I know nothing of your life nor would I make make any assumptions about you or anyone else. For Spirit have taught me that perception is an illusion that has no basis in reality.

I make no assumptions
I take nothing personally
I have an acceptance of that which is
I am listening so that I may understand

Love beyond measure

Kim xx

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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

Hi Sacredstar

Thanks for explaining your post.

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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

Thank you sacredstar,
glad it's all been cleared up.

Love & Light to you
Sig xx

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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

No problem!

Dear Vrindavan,

Now I have just noticed your signature, did I blindly put my big foot into it after all?:eek:

Dear Sig


being love

Kim xx

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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

dear siggy79,

I've just found out this website today while browsing the web.
and to answer your [first] question.. yeah I've heard of
this method and practicing it at the moment, and i liked it very much.
my whole family also practice it for years. If you think its good for you,
then why dont you give it a try... to me, i think it is very good, I have been
a practioner since i was a child, and i still am. (only 15 years of age :))

Here's my advice to you,
give it a try, if you dont like it, then it doesnt matter... your free to go where ever you pleased...
good luck and take care!

(please excuse my grammers)

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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

To sigg,

hey..supss..im is merelydreamer's fren..which is also a practitioner of the Quan Yin Method...n btw..me n her registered for this site just to reply ya post...c how nice fren we r.. ^_^
neway, to answer ya quest. yes, this is a good method..my family also pratice it too..its okie if ya havin doubt at it rite now..since this is ya beginnin..but i no as time goes on, u will get to like this method..also, u'll get to meet new frenz 2..just like how i met merelydreamer n other ppl...n no..im not advertisin this method or anythin...im just tellin ya wat i no...yup..keep it a try...!!!!! later..

P.S. and to whoever thinks that "master ching hai" is dead.. I think that you're mistaken with someone else.

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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

ORIGINAL: purplehelen

"The Supreme Master Ching Hai promises that if an initiate practices the Quan Yin Method for two and a half hours a day and keeps the five precepts, he or she will not need to reincarnate ever again."

( on this page [link= http://www.godsdirectcontact.org/eng/quanyin.html ]http://www.godsdirectcontact.org/eng/quanyin.html[/link])

Can anyone really promise this?

I'd agree that this is impossible as a promise. Because such a process as freedom from rebirth is not "mechanical" but depends upon your own inner application. Just for example, what is going on truly in your head during the two and a half hours' of meditation? So the time-period isn't the essential thing. That's mechanical thinking. The usual belief, globally, is that while freedom from the rounds of reincarnation is attainable and the goal of life in one sense, it isn't as easy as this "Quan Yin Method" which appears to be simply meditation with basic morality combined? (Not much of a leap for a spiritually-inclined person.)

This is the best sub-forum of HP to place this, yes, as it hinges a little on Buddhism, but doesn't sound too Buddhist to me (from the outside). I'd be happier with less emphasis on the personality ... always sets off the alarm bells 😀 . (If related to living, incarnated people.)

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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

I'd be happier with less emphasis on the personality ... always sets off the alarm bells 😀 . (If related to living, incarnated people.)

Yes, Me too...


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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai


Let's call a spade a spade then! There's no way I could imagine myself, even if I were 10,000 percent wiser than I am in my present limited state, calling myself or allowing others to call me as a matter of course: "The Supreme Master..."

I think it's fine among followers who have reverence for saints and sages of the past who are now gone, but Jesus while he lived was called by one, "Good Master..." to which he retorted roughly, "Who callest thou 'good master'? There is none good but God."

There's no ego involved if the person is no longer alive, but when they are ... such titles may indicate ego, and ego will indicate a flawed doctrine IMHO. I've often found that the greatest masters walk among us as if ordinary people, and do all they can to appear just like us. Only gradually does one realise the kind of person one is in the presence of, but they don't advertise it.


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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

Yes, I find the whole 'supreme master' title gets stuck in my throat. I was always taught that being called a 'master' has nothing to do with being a master over other people but that they were a master of themselves.
That being said if I was a master simply because I had mastered myself why would I insist on others calling me master? I wouldn't be a master over them, so how would I justify them having to use that title?
And 'supreme master' - don't get me started on that, it just seems so contrived.

I am sorry if this offends people, but the fancy clothes and the jewellery - it doesn't smack of buddhism to me, I mean serious buddhist shave their heads and don't glorify their appearance. I know you don't need to shave your head or anything but it is just a way to detach yourself from being superficial, or worrying about your appearance, plus you don't want to be happy because your beautiful - that's not true happiness - and I thought buddhism was about finding true happiness within yourself not on outside things.

The problem for me was the fact that she said she was enlightened and her third eye was open. I thought how could I question anything she says since my third eye is not open, I am unable to see the truth and she is so how can I question her?
How do we know that she is enlightened though? I mean is there even a way to prove such things? This is why I worry about the word 'enlightened'. I once read that there is no 'enlightenment'. There is only illusion and truth and when you realise the truth you are enlightened. I believe the word enlightenment gives you something to achieve and in turn gives you some status which the ego loves - Not something which is good IMO. We all know that enlightenment is not achieving anything, in fact you are losing something - the truth is already there, you have to drop the ego and the lies. Then all you are is truth.

My mind has gone blank now - too much thinking[&:]:D
Love & Light,
Sig xx

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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai

Loved that post, siggy.

ORIGINAL: siggy79

My mind has gone blank now

So you arrived! 😀

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RE: Quan Yin Method Supreme Master Ching Hai


i like your post

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