Some Buddhists say: it makes sense to only refuse meat when it has specially been killed for me.
Now as it happens we live across the road from a pheasant shoot. In winter, every week, a neighbour who works there kindly drops us off a brace.
At my age, and after chemoradiation some years ago, there are a lot of nutrients which my body does not process very well from veg. So why not enjoy these pheasants?
I was struggling being a vegan and I was given a book called Beyond Broccoli by Susan Schenk. It was fascinating and explained to me why my energy levels were dropping and other symptoms appearing.
Now I eat some good quality meat. I would definitely eat the pheasant, I hope you did?
Love the blog by the way 🙂
I would definitely eat the pheasant, I hope you did?
Most certainly! 🙂
Love, Annemieke.
PS How do I pm you?
Anne Mary,
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All Love and Reiki Hugs