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Tough PCOS

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Hi, everyone! I have been diagnosed with PCOS nearly 7 years ago. My husband and I are TTC for nearly 4 years. The doctors explain my infertility with a tough PCOS. I have already taken metformin, had one laparasocphy and one IVF which came with a BFN. At present, I am recommended to try one more IVF. However, one of the doctors I have visited recommended me to try an egg donation to make my chances to conceive higher. I want to try it, because I’m really sick and tired of all the treatment courses I have passed. They simply don’t work with me!!!! Egg donation is prohibited in my country, so I need to find a good clinic somewhere abroad. Please, share your experience of doing IVF with a donor egg. I’m a newbie in this question, so I’ll be extremely grateful if you give some hints or clues how to find the best clinic.

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Hi, Kattykitty. I’m really sorry for you having such a tough PCOS. I also had some problems with my fertility. I couldn’t conceive because of my endo. I have passed through several treatment courses without any good results. Finally, when my doctor offered me IVF, I said ‘no’. My husband and I packed our suitcases, and we spent two weeks in a very lovely place. When we came back, my test showed BFP. Before this, I also started to do some fitness and eat loads of fruits and vegetables.

Why don’t you try the same things??? Just forget about all these troublesome things and try to relax???

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Hi, everyone! I have been diagnosed with PCOS nearly 7 years ago. My husband and I are TTC for nearly 4 years. The doctors explain my infertility with a tough PCOS. I have already taken metformin, had one laparasocphy and one IVF which came with a BFN. At present, I am recommended to try one more IVF. However, one of the doctors I have visited recommended me to try an egg donation to make my chances to conceive higher. I want to try it, because I’m really sick and tired of all the treatment courses I have passed. They simply don’t work with me!!!! Egg donation is prohibited in my country, so I need to find a good clinic somewhere abroad. Please, share your experience of doing IVF with a donor egg. I’m a newbie in this question, so I’ll be extremely grateful if you give some hints or clues how to find the best clinic.

I had a client who was in a similar situation as yours. Trying without success for a long time.
The first thing I told her was that make peace with not being able to conceive and just enjoy all other things that you can do successfully.

But of course the first reaction you may have after reading is - I don't want to forget about conception!
Often when you are so keen, angst is also apart of the dynamic. Angst is resistance. Effort is also huge resistance.
Quit trying hard and enjoy each other's presence for the present time. As you relax, you are more open to receive...please don't make a hard work of it. it is tedious and the baby should arrive out of love and receptive energy...
Enjoy blessings that have come effortlessly in your life and you will become open to receive more.
Eat, love and play
The client conceived naturally and was blessed with a bonny baby boy.

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Hi, everyone! I have been diagnosed with PCOS nearly 7 years ago. My husband and I are TTC for nearly 4 years. The doctors explain my infertility with a tough PCOS. I have already taken metformin, had one laparasocphy and one IVF which came with a BFN. At present, I am recommended to try one more IVF. However, one of the doctors I have visited recommended me to try an egg donation to make my chances to conceive higher. I want to try it, because I’m really sick and tired of all the treatment courses I have passed. They simply don’t work with me!!!! Egg donation is prohibited in my country, so I need to find a good clinic somewhere abroad. Please, share your experience of doing IVF with a donor egg. I’m a newbie in this question, so I’ll be extremely grateful if you give some hints or clues how to find the best clinic.

I used to work with both PCOS and people having IVF as part of my last job as a pharmacist. I do sympathise with your problem. I know how draining IVF can be. It can be tough. Egg donation is a very valid option to try. I know it is done here in the UK and there are good private clinics in the Birmingham area (where I live) . The clinic I worked at was part of the NHS.

But my experience working in this area has taught me that sadly not everyone is meant to be a parent. It is possible to invest so much time effort and energy (and money) in the attempt to become a parent that the important things like love and relationships get ignored. While I would not put things the same way Jnani did, her advice is sound. Your anxiety to conceive actually makes conception harder.

Good luck what ever you to decide to do
