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sore breasts

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Hello all,

I have been having the worst time with painful breasts. It started about two weeks ago. I woke up with my breasts being so sore inside.

I haven't done anything different, that I can think of.

I have checked for lumps and haven't found any. The nipples are the sorest part, but they look fine, no discharge or discoloration. I almost scream when anything touches them.

The worst is when I take off my bra and gravity sets in. My breasts are not real big, 34c, but they have always been "solid" and a bit weighty.

What it feels like is similar to when muscles get sore from exercise, but I haven't done any in such a long time. ( I truly should start a routine though)

I cannot go to the dr. because of no insurance, and here in the states that makes getting medical help real hard.

I just wondered if anyone had any ideas why this pain came out of the blue and what may be causing it.

I had a mammogram several years ago, and everything was fine. I am in my late 30's, decent health, lots of stress, could stand to lose a few pounds but not too overweight.

Any ideas?

thank you in advance.

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Hi Ravenwulf,

Sorry for such a personal question, but is there any chance you may be pregnant?

No need to post a reply if you don't want to. But I have had very sore breasts a few times in my life and each time I have been pregnant.

But this is again something for a professional to diagnose, easy me saying that in the UK, I know.


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Hiya Ravenwulf

I empathize with you hun, I made this post a few months ago

I had the samw problem, I got lots of helpful advice from everyone on HP, hopefully you find something helpful too.

Just to add, my painful boobs just disapeared.....well the pain did, not the boobs thankfully. lol

Angel x

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Hi cirrus,
no there isn't anyway I could be pregnant. I had a hysterectomy in my 20's due to fibroids. But I don't mind that you asked. 🙂

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Thank you Angel for the link. I saw many recommended primrose oil, but I am allergic to it. But I noticed it was for menstrual situations. I don't have those issues anymore since the hysterectomy. I must say I do not miss the periods. 😉

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Hi Ravenwulf ,

It is always important to get it checked out by your doctor if your complaints have been going on for some time.

For general breast pain and discomfort - this may sound strange from a guy, but as a therapist I often come across this complaint. In my experience, regular daily self-massage of the breasts can make a real difference. Particularly if you wear a bra that is very tight - reducing lymphatic flow.

This should be done, not only when pain occurs but every day 5-10 minutes to maintain good breast health.
After gentle circular skin-brushing of the breasts - massage in circular motion.
As a therapist I have worked with many women over the years who have experienced the range of issues associated with breast pain and discomfort. Manual lymph drainage is soothing and effective in encouraging proper lymph drainage of the upper torso and regular massage and/or daily self-massage can make a difference with non-malignant cysts, lumps and soreness. The breast and axillary regions are very rich in lymphatic tissue which can be affected by hormonal changes. Therapeutic breast massage/self massage if done regularly, can alleviate the sensitivity.

In my experience a course of reflexology treatments can be effective.


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I have to agree with Andre 7,as it sonds hormonal,Reflexology would be of great benefit.You could also have a hormone test done,(oestgogen,progesterone).Do you have any other symptoms like sugar cravings or disturbed sleep.???

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Well, the clue could be in the "gravity". It may be that your heavy bust is pulling down on the muscles and ligaments of the breast and causing pain. Some good exercises for this are:

Make your hands into fists and put them in front of the bust, thumbs on top. Imagine you are pulling a heavy spring apart. Really put some imagination into this, along with the pulling! You should im to pull only about an inch apart - it's a big, heavy spring!

Same with the fists - raise your hands above your head and imagine you are pulling a heavy bar down.

You might also want to look at starflower oil, or hemp oil. Both of these I have found to be good for sore boobs.

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Just an additional note...., if your breasts are too sensitive to touch and massage -Reflexology, working on your feet or hands could make a difference to reduce the pain.
I often give my clients a few minutes daily reflexology "homework" to do, and maintain continuity between the weekly treatments.

Ideally you should try to find a good reflexologist who could show you - what to do, the cheaper option is of course to look at a reflexology chart. ( I'll try to find one on the net later and send the link in a pm.)

Something completely different:
The following theory of mine may sound ridiculous, but in my practice I also found that the cycles of the Moon can influence breast sensitivity, especially during stressful times, regardless of you having a period or not.

You say that the pain started about two weeks ago. If I calculate correctly - about the time of the New Moon. After the full moon, a couple of days ago - people often notice an improvement.


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Putting Flower remedy/ies into unscented body lotion and massaging that on can help too. Or use a Floracologie cream. [they're amazing - aromatherapy and Bach flower remedies!] I do that sometimes. It doesn't make the pain go away completely, but soothes it.
I get breast tenderness about a week or so before my period's due. Evening Primrose Oil worked for about a year, but then stopped.
Homeopathy is also another avenue to explore. I see a homeopath, and am hoping my remedy will help with that, too, as it's reputed to. [Pulsatilla].

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Lot's of good advice and I'd echo see your GP if things don't settle...just to be on the safe side. I had a similar episode and Dr said it was non cyclical breast pain...everything thankfully checked out normal. It did subside and I found wearing a supportive vest top, with fitted you know the type I mean? Really helped 🙂
Obviously I wore a nice bra if I needed to, but otherwise wore my "vest" under my clothes :rolleyes: Actually you can buy some quite pretty ones. Honestly!
Also consider cutting out or really down on caffeine.

Now I'd chat to my homeopath about this kind of thing.

Barbara x

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Hello all,

I have been having the worst time with painful breasts. It started about two weeks ago. I woke up with my breasts being so sore inside.

I haven't done anything different, that I can think of.

I have checked for lumps and haven't found any. The nipples are the sorest part, but they look fine, no discharge or discoloration. I almost scream when anything touches them.

The worst is when I take off my bra and gravity sets in. My breasts are not real big, 34c, but they have always been "solid" and a bit weighty.

What it feels like is similar to when muscles get sore from exercise, but I haven't done any in such a long time. ( I truly should start a routine though)

I cannot go to the dr. because of no insurance, and here in the states that makes getting medical help real hard.

I just wondered if anyone had any ideas why this pain came out of the blue and what may be causing it.

I had a mammogram several years ago, and everything was fine. I am in my late 30's, decent health, lots of stress, could stand to lose a few pounds but not too overweight.

Any ideas?

thank you in advance.

If taken your bra off, cause you pain, it would probably tell you that your type of bra is either too tight and / or you are wearing underwire bras which are well known to cause pain and possibly tumours and cancers. I would stay away from those types of bras. You want a bra which is comfortable to wear and not too tight and also a very good backing to hold your breasts up.
