osteopathy is GREAT...
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osteopathy is GREAT for these problems, believe me

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I'll be brief, I just had my first osteopathy treatment today and it was amazing: after years (since childhood maybe..) of not breathing properly and bad posture: I am feeling like I have new lungs, new chest, new back!!
thank you goddess of osteopathy! I advice it to anyone having any breathing problem, definitely. No other treatment has such direct and radical effect. And i am not an osteopath trying to promote the therapy, I am a genuine "patient" with restricted breathing capacity (won't get into details)
Please write to me if you have experience similar results, with osteopathy or other complementary therapy!!
I am so excited!! sorry!

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RE: osteopathy is GREAT for these problems, believe me

It's good to hear positive feedback on a problem that many wouldn't necessarily consider osteopathy for.

Orthodox medicine seems very quick to prescribe steroids & other medication for chest complaints, when there is usually much that can be done to improve the function of the breathing mechanics.

Stetching & releasing the intercostal muscles and therefore loosening the ribs to enable them to function properly. Release the tension from the respiratory diaphragm, etc.

All of whichusually have various knock on benefits includingreducingsympathetic nervous activity and lymphatic drainage;

  • reduce proneness to stress & anxiety,
  • improve gut function in cases of IBS or colic in babies
  • reduce mechanical strain on the neck & shoulders.

I could goon. [:o]


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RE: osteopathy is GREAT for these problems, believe me

so much knowledge....

I have a querry and hope you could advise me.
I am training to become an aromathrapist/masseuse.

As well as being very interested in ess. oils, I am attracted to traditional Chinese medicine, and would love to combine aromatherapy and Chinese medicine, wether in the from of shiatsu or acupuncture...or whatever method.

What would you think I should enquire about?

I have a SHiatsu (Zen) practionner in France and he uses ess. oils in a shistsu (acupressure) massage on (undressed) clients..

However after much googling, I have not found any school or practitioner that combines acupessure with aromatherapy.

Indeed, the idea to work on a fully clothed person is unattractive to me as the contact with the skin is essential for me to feel the condition(s) and to transmit warmth or energies...

I really hope you can give me a hint of your opinion, as youseem to bean osteopath AND an acupuncter, so you use Chinese medicine (meridians, energies...) with touch.

many thanks.


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RE: osteopathy is GREAT for these problems, believe me

There are courses in acupuressure massage in the UK and I believe they are based on the 5 Element traditional Chinese idea. This is not the same as shiatsu, which originates from Japan, although I believe 5 Element Acupuncture does take alot from Japanese acupuncture. If that makes any sense?

I've also heard of these used with aromatherapy. Whilst it's likely that oils of various sorts have been used with massage since before there were any written records, the actual development and naming of aromatherapy as suchis a relatively modern Western thing.

I think the French particularly have done much work on essential oils & aromatherapy.

Suggest you ask around in the aromatherapy, massage &/or acupuncuture Forums.

Other phrases you could Google or Yahoo are 'Tui Na' or 'Tuina' & 'Ayurvedic Massage'. I'd recommend using Yahoo as Google seems to have sold out & gone to the wall. [:o]


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RE: osteopathy is GREAT for these problems, believe me

thanks a lot.
will try researching acupressure massage, tui na and ayurveda...although Ayurveda is Indian medecine, isn't it? completely different, no? I am waiting for a book on ayurveda to be delivered to my place and I should find out about this mysterious form of medecine and massage...I cannot wait!
