I want to stop smok...
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I want to stop smoking

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Hello lovely people.

I smoke and I hate it, I really want to stop and have tried everything from hypnosis to patches but I can't stop. I'm embarrassed as a therapist and I go to bed every night feeling rotten that I've given in to the addiction again.

Can anyone offer any help or advice please?

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Find an EFT practitioner - I saw a smoker quit in front of my eyes during a group session in April of last year - he was taken through the tapping sequence over a period of about 35 minutes - and he hasn't touched a cigarette since!

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Hello lovely people.

I smoke and I hate it, I really want to stop and have tried everything from hypnosis to patches but I can't stop. I'm embarrassed as a therapist and I go to bed every night feeling rotten that I've given in to the addiction again.

Can anyone offer any help or advice please?

Hello Urban_Hippy,

Just to let you know I've moved your thread over to the <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Addictions">Addictions forum where, if you click that link to the index page, you'll find a number of threads on the subject of smoking and giving it up.

Good luck with stopping!

Healthypages Moderator

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hello you.

DONT GIVE UP GIVING UP!! thats the main thing. it took me 2 years from wanting to give up, and by the end of last year i was at my wits end bcos i hated it. it stank everything out, made my skin look grotty and just made my chest tighten up certain times. my inner voice would say, 'nah you dont want it', but then the other voice who was used to it and saw it as the familiar thing to do would make me give in, at which point id light up, but really not like it. come new year, it just left me. and i havent touched it since cos i hated it that much. i reckon you'll do it when you've properly had enough of it and really hate it. i can see you already want to give up quite bad so like i said keep that attitude! good luck and hope this helps a little. 🙂


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Find an EFT practitioner - I saw a smoker quit in front of my eyes during a group session in April of last year - he was taken through the tapping sequence over a period of about 35 minutes - and he hasn't touched a cigarette since!

Agree, EFT could be very effective here - either with help of practitioner or on your own; I suggest you apply it for all of the following:

* physical cravings/ withdrawal symptoms
* any triggers for smoking that you identify (there will be quite a few - situations, places, times of the day, sights, sounds, certain people, etc)
* the memory of having a cigarette for the first time AND memory of deciding to be a smoker (they could be same or different)
* any beliefs you have about smoking and what it means / what it meant to you when you first started (e.g. it's a comfort, a treat, a reliable friend, a sign of being "grown-up", "rebellion", being part of something bigger etc, etc)
* any everyday stresses and strains that would typically have you reaching for the cigarette
* any emotions of regret and guilt of having smoked for a long time and wasting your money, health etc.
* any fears/doubts about your ability to cope without a cigarette

There may be more, but this should be a fairly solid start if you decide to try it!

Good luck


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Thank you all, EFT is next on my list! Dee it did help thanks, and well done you!

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I really want to stop and have tried everything from hypnosis to patches

Do or do not - there is no try!

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Don't feel guilty if you give in. Take things hour by hour. Don't let yourself fall into the trap of having a cigarette and therefore seeing the opportunity to label yourself a failure - you'll just go out of your way to make sure you smoke the rest of the pack because you justify you've already failed!

What helped me strangely enough was having a pack in my handbag at all times which I knew I could help myself to if I wanted one! Knowing they were there and that I could smoke if I wanted to gave me the strength to hold off each time I had a craving and I managed to go 4 months before I caved in. Then I decided I wanted one so did! It tasted vile and it was the last one I smoked! That was a year ago 🙂

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Being in the hospital with last week and seeing the people with lung problems and having chatted with them and family members they were mostly smoking related and some had given up recently.I am now starting EFT for cessation as this has frightened me.I know it works and thanks Masha B for the tips as I was a little unsure on the set up phrases for this.

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Everybody's different - it took me 5 years of giving up and then starting again, sometimes even after 12 months I would start again. But each time I gave up I would notice how much better I felt in the mornings (no more horrible coughing and choking) and eventually the reality of just *how* bad smoking made me feel, physically, became clearer to me.

Something that may or may not be hellpful: if smoking makes you feel bad about yourself, maybe that's part of the addiction. I'm not being flippant, this is a serious point: some people are addicted to things and feel bad about it because they need to feel bad about themselves... and it's easier to feel bad about yourself for smoking than for whatever the real reason is.... This may not resonate for you, I just wondered if it might?

Good luck - you will get there!


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I give up smoking 6 years ago last Monday. I didn't get any formal help but the things that helped me were:

- Realising smoking only exists for the tobacco companies profit.
- Realising that smoking is my responsibility to give up
- Breaking the hand/social habit of smoking, I found the nicotine addiction easier to break.
- Stop thinking about smoking, if smoke thoughts came into my head, do something else, or think about licking out a dirty ashtray.
- Reward milestones with a treat - 1 week, 1 month, 6 months and a year.

I knew I would be tempted to eat snacks, so I avoided that by replacing a smoke with either a glass of water or cuppa. On my desk at work, I had a pair of chop sticks, and would practice picking things up with them when I wanted a smoke. Lots of distraction, both physical and mental help break the habit. Finally I took up karate and found out that being puffed out as a none smoker in actually pleasurable, not like the smoking days when was the pits.


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Something that may or may not be hellpful: if smoking makes you feel bad about yourself, maybe that's part of the addiction. I'm not being flippant, this is a serious point: some people are addicted to things and feel bad about it because they need to feel bad about themselves... and it's easier to feel bad about yourself for smoking than for whatever the real reason is.... This may not resonate for you, I just wondered if it might?

Good luck - you will get there!


Hi Bay, yes you're right there, I've been thinking about this too... I do see it as a form of self harm, I know the dangers....

On a lighter note, I want to thank everyone for their comments also.
KVDP - not sure if you were being insightful or sarcastic, I'm guessing a bit of both. 😉

It's been very reassuring others here have given up, thank you for the tips myarka.
Oddly the day after I posted this my other half said he wants to stop smoking also.

Our quit day is Monday... I might use this thread as a diary.

Wish me luck!

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I've posted before about how I gave up: I was diagnosed with a lung disease (pulmonary fibrosis) and told that I had the beginnings of emphysema also. Funnily enough it was really easy to give up after that! So please don't wait till it gets to that point with you. I had smoked all my life and had tried many times to stop. I honestly thought it wasn't possible but now I've been smoke free for seven and a half years and I love it. Knowing that I don't smell any more, that I have saved loads and loads of money and that I am free of being a slave to the demon nicotine. Honestly, it's just wonderful. Good luck for Monday. So much easier if you do it together....

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Thank you for your post Sunanda, the scare tactics on the packets don't work, but it hits home to hear people's stories.


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Do or do not - there is no try!

couldnt agree more,
theres no short cuts or miracle drugs to help you,
its will power plain and simple,
i did it eleven months ago,
yes it was hard for the first three days but after that it was plain sailing,
all these patches and eft ect are just a way of making money,
its yo that has to stop,

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The scare tactics on the packets don't work, but it hits home to hear people's stories.

I reckon those scare tactics are counterproductive - they're intended to make us feel like smoking is so much bigger than any of us.

It's also my belief that tobacco companies invented the difficulty in giving up to scare us all out of doing it!

Is it hard to give up? It wasn't for me, 20 years now and still not smoking.

However, it is a decision-making process - if you want to then it's easy, you just make up your mind and find a way. If you don't want to, then it's a waste of time trying - you might as well enjoy being a smoker (although I struggle to see how that's possible).

What made me want to give up was the cynical corporate exploitation - I realised that some very unpleasant people were making a fortune out of other peoples' horrible deaths, I wasn't going to let them profit out of mine. There was an easy way to fight back - stop using their products.

As a bonus, you reinforce your identity and shape it how YOU want!

So decide what you want from life, and go for it!

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I was a heavy smoker & quit over 5 years ago. I got to hate it (even though I was totally addicted) because I SO hated being in a group of people and they were all able to relax and sit & chat and there was me having to nip outside to smoke every so often.

It also didn't go with my "image" - of eating healthily & enjoying exercise. It was ridiculous, I'd go to Yoga and feel great and then come out, get in the car and light up which undid all the good work!:rolleyes:

A couple of years after I quit I started going to a woman's house for massage and some beauty treatments. Being an ex-smoker you are super-sensitive to the smell of smoke and I noticed it as soon as I went in. She always said "it must be my woodburner." Yeah, right!:D

Best of luck with your quit.

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Hello lovely people.

I smoke and I hate it, I really want to stop and have tried everything from hypnosis to patches but I can't stop. I'm embarrassed as a therapist and I go to bed every night feeling rotten that I've given in to the addiction again.

Can anyone offer any help or advice please?

Surrender all your will power, you will stop instantly, keep your willpower and it be nearly impossible, as willpower make you smoke. Regards Meta

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Hello Every One

I am also facing a same problem ,I hate smoke and i really want to stop.But it is not posb for me to stop it

Can anyone help me or suggest any advice ?

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Hello lovely people.

I smoke and I hate it, I really want to stop and have tried everything from hypnosis to patches but I can't stop. I'm embarrassed as a therapist and I go to bed every night feeling rotten that I've given in to the addiction again.

Can anyone offer any help or advice please?

Hi Urban Hippy,just wondering how you are getting on with quitting ?

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A little tuppence worth
The nicotine is out of your system 24 hrs (what you crave)
Each craving last for 5 mins (soon comes back tho!!
sometimes hanging on to facts help, i found a bit of revese psychology helped ie if i still crave so bad after 5 mins i will have a cigg, then well i managed that 5 mins i can manage another (wish i had known about eft then 🙂
Its the habit social psychological addiction that causes the problems more so than the nicotine, find yourself something to occupy your hands.
I took up kniting (scarves 8o lots of them lol)
Also loads of fruit and veg to nibble on swopping cigs for sweets wont make you feel better if you pile on pounds yikes!
Best of luck with whatever method you choose, you will find the one that works for you:)x

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I would suggest you look into Bioresonance Therapy. It is by far the best anti-smoking protocol I have come across. I have a machine and so far every case has experienced no cravings for cigarettes. There is a link from my site to the news reports following some cases through their bioresonance therapy. Have a look and see what you think.

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It is an addiction. So, Treat it like an addiction. Learn about it, make a proper plan, set a date, gather many resources and DON'T do it alone.Use the smokers helpline, call or checkout websites for the American Lung Association & The American Cancer Society, consider using nicotine replacement products like the patch or the gum. I know a lot about quitting smoking as I have quitted several times.

I haven't smoked a cigarette in over 11 months and I used the gum for almost five months. Good luck, you should be very proud of yourself for even considering quitting. Knowing it's a problem is the first step, now let that process continue!
