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Cosmetic acupuncture

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Just wondering if anyone practices cosmetic acupuncture or has had it done and what they thought of it?, what is the theory behind it and why is it called cosmetic acupuncture?

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hi star99

in response to the second part of your question 'the theory behind cosmetic acupuncture' there is a good description on the site mentioned below that mentions how it originated with information from results carried out in studies as well as what the treatment can achieve:

i hope this can help

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Thanks MY, interesting, I just feel the word 'cosmetic' puts a false spin on it,cosmetic to me would be superficial and I know acupuncture is far from that.Perhaps it reaches a different market area as in an alternative to cosmetic surgery.:)

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I and many others consider "cosmetic" acupuncture to be several steps away from the heart of Chinese medicine. However, I do accept that some people feel "better" when they look better, and as adults we are at liberty to try what we will. I for one would feel uneasy offering this service as a health-improving technique. True beauty and vitality shine from within.

Interestingly, the new "guidelines" from the ASA do not allow any reference to "facial rejuvination" or "facial revitalisation" in practitioner advertising or marketing, suggeting that there is not enough "evidence". What constitutes evidence is another matter entirely.

If you are considering going ahead with this proceedure, ensure that your practitioner is registered with the local authority, and with a professional body that ensures high standards of training and safety. Anyone can call themselves an acupuncturist, as there is (as yet) no statutory regulation.Some of the practitioners on the wesite link in the earlier post do not seem to hold professional "acupuncture" qualifications. I wouldn't take my car to a plumber for repairs- nor would I do something similar with my body!

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Thanks David, I wonder how acupuncturists explain the procedure to someone who is only interested in cosmetic terms, would they explain the holistic element?.Im also wondering could this be done with acupressure?
I have seen lots of medical clinics in my area advertising this cosmetic procedure but as you say one does have to look at their qualifications etc.

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I'm not sure how others might qualify what they do, or the terms they might use. The quality of vitality depends in Chinese medicine on qi, blood, a free circulation, good nutrition, absence of pathogenic factors and a life free of worry. Oh yes, and good parental health at conception. I'm not sure how any of these could change significantly in one or two sessions, seeing how it often takes weeks if not months to create lasting effects using chinese medicine.

Personally, I think that there is likely to be a localised change in the tissue structures. In the film I watched where the practitioner used dozens of needles in the face, there is likely to be minor swelling that plumps up the tissues. How long this lasts I wouldn't like to say.

Again, speaking personally, I didn't undergo a long and expensive training to work as a beautitian. That's not a dig at those that do, it's just not for me.

Reiki Pixie
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I agree with the points that DM made, and as for the cosmetic world each to his or hers....Got to be better than injecting toxins, and nips and tucks.

As Jack says in this link, it's got to come from inside:


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I provide this service as a means purely to demonstrate that it does work! As for cosmetic acupuncture this is usually applied by beauty therapist that have attended a short course and have no understanding of the internal energy system.
During the process you are generating a lot of energy and directing it for a postive effect on the face, if this energy is not 'grounded' after a treatment it can cause more problems.
I researched and tested this procedure before offering it to others so i would know the true effects of the outcome.
I would not EVER let a practitioner who is NOT trained in traditional acvupuncture with the neccessary years of experinence to work on my face and those interested in having it done shoould seek a classically trained person.
I include full body acupuncture in all treatments to balance to some extent 'control' the energy system while i work.
I beleive this 'cosmetic' acupuncture is just another means of revenue, and people 'using' a very ancient sytem to promote a look and feeling that so many of us aspire to.
The shear fact of beauty acupuncture goes against the grain of traditional application, but you cannot deny that history tells us it has been used for many hundreds of years.
A trained practitioner will get good results, a poorly trained one will cause problems.
There is always a reason why skin, muscles and outward appearence change, sometimes earlier than expected. discovering this and treating it will have far better and long lasting results than ' cosmetic' acupuncture.
I term my treatment as 'facial acupuncture' and i make no claims other than those of whom i have treated.
Marked results are fuller skin, improved hair condition, firmer skin, and less facial lines.
Like i said i provide this a service to supply a correct application and hopefully prevent people from using 'bee venom', snake venom', fillers. etc.


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Good reply Indo knowing that you do it.

Trying not to go off topic, I think one of the problems with CAM is that someone takes a series of skills/techniques and package it, therefore watering down the overall system. This affects CAM is general and you see it in TCM, Ayurveda and Naturopathy. Bits taken out losing it's effectiveness and the underlining holistic principles behind it. It's a bit like buying mince pies thinking that is christmas, not realising that there is a tree, greetings cards, turkey and the trimmings.

Best wishes


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I term my treatment as 'facial acupuncture' and i make no claims other than those of whom i have treated.

Thing is though, Indo, under ASA rules were not allowed to use testimonials for conditions other than those on the "approved" list! I suppose, if your not actually "treating" a condition you might get away with it, but the message that the BAcC gives to its members (who HAVE to comply with ASA regs according to the BAcC constitution) is that the ASA deem that there is no evidence that shows the value of facial acupuncture. That goes for all the other things that we know acupuncture works for as well.:(

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I term my treatment as 'facial acupuncture' and i make no claims other than those of whom i have treated.

Thing is though, Indo, under ASA rules were not allowed to use testimonials for conditions other than those on the "approved" list! I suppose, if your not actually "treating" a condition you might get away with it, but the message that the BAcC gives to its members (who HAVE to comply with ASA regs according to the BAcC constitution) is that the ASA deem that there is no evidence that shows the value of facial acupuncture. That goes for all the other things that we know acupuncture works for as well.:(

Hi David,

If the ASA say there is no evidence than i would be more than happy to present some to them!
Photographic evidence is the only sure evidence that we need to show this is a credible application , if applied correctly.
Have there actually been any sufficient studies? and if the ASA are going to clamp down on what is regarded as 'proven' or not then they must provide a valid testing system.
Only time will tell how this will effect us anyway!

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The ASA has stipulated that RCT trials are currently the only acceptable evidence for acupuncture treatment. This poses a few difficulties for the profession. For an RCT to work there must be "double blinding". In normal drug trials, neither the patient nor the practitioner knows whether the pill or cream being tested is the real thing or a "dummy". That way, the effects of placebo are supposedly eliminated, as the real drug would have to work significantly better than the dummy (which would also work in some patients because of placebo effect).

With acupuncture it's impossible for a practitioner to know if he/she is administering "dummy" acupuncture. Now you can see the problem. For your photographic evidence to be valid, you would have to be able to demonstrate that the proceedure has significant advantage over "dummy" acupuncture, and that neither you or your patient should be able to tell which was which! Then you would have to be able to repeat the same process time after time, with thousands of patients.

This puts the whole profession in a bind. The ASA will only accept trials done this way, but acupuncture is difficult to test this way. A real dilemma. As of March 1st, any website or other marketing materials become subject to ASA scrutiny, and any not complying will become subject to a "steward's enquiry" with the results published in the public domain, and the practitioner "named and shamed", and then reported to Trading Standards if they fail to comply with the findings.

If you are not worried by now, then maybe you should be. The ASA has taken upon itself to decide what we can say, and how we can say it. Many in the profession feel that this is part of a larger "hidden agenda" to discredit what we do, with the eventual aim of outlawing non-medical practitioners, leaving the field open to midwives and podiatrist that have done 2 weekend's training. Not good, as the rules don't apply to them, being "medical" practitioners.

Reiki Pixie
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As an added note for those CAM therapists including the micro-systems acupuncturists that are registered with the CNHC, they have have just announced advertising advice to their registrants:



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As an added note for those CAM therapists including the micro-systems acupuncturists that are registered with the CNHC, they have have just announced advertising advice to their registrants:



Cheers RP!

I didn't realise Microsystems was covered on the CNHC! does that mean we qualify with the W&A?

Pretty soon it will just come down to experience of the practitioner and personal recomendation :rolleyes:

Name.......Job Title......Qualifications.....Experience....

Why are the 'medical' bods running so scared? lack of revenue for drug prescriptions come to mind.


I'll be in the forest, hidden under a large rock if anyone wants any 'treatment' ......for back pain! 😀


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Hi Chris, Micro-Systems from the 14th Feb according to the CNHC website. It should cover Auricular and W&A, that was why we got those extra case studies! It's to do with the agreed industry standards from what I understand.

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Sorry Star, I think we have taken over your thread.

Best wishes


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Dont worry RP, very interesting 🙂

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[url]Cosmetic acupuncture[/url] is done in the same fashion as acupuncture done for general health and specific conditions, with the goal of creating collagen just under the skin to help fill in wrinkles and plump skin, similar to the results of Botox, Restylane or plastic surgery, Lucas says. Like traditional acupuncture, the cosmetic version also aims to balance the body’s energy and create a sense of well-being.
