spiritual churches
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spiritual churches

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i have been on my path for a few years...
i kept thinking about joing a spiritual church,to learn more...
as its the first time,i went last night with my daughter..
to a clairvoyance evening....
we sat thru it...
i did not pick up good feelings...we went thru to the back for a coffee..
i thought,i'll chat with a few ppl,and ask how to join the circles,ect..
they were very unfriendly...
even..kerry,said they were totaly not nice...
the readers were only amatuers...and there readings could of been for anyone....i over heard some one say....they were not ready....they were only in the circle for 2 months....
so i had a bad experience...a total let down...
all i can think of now,is to look for another sp church..

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i have been on my path for a few years...
i kept thinking about joing a spiritual church,to learn more...
as its the first time,i went last night with my daughter..
to a clairvoyance evening....
we sat thru it...
i did not pick up good feelings...we went thru to the back for a coffee..
i thought,i'll chat with a few ppl,and ask how to join the circles,ect..
they were very unfriendly...
even..kerry,said they were totaly not nice...
the readers were only amatuers...and there readings could of been for anyone....i over heard some one say....they were not ready....they were only in the circle for 2 months....
so i had a bad experience...a total let down...
all i can think of now,is to look for another sp church..

Sorry to hear of your experience; if you feel drawn to this sort of thing I'd recommend that you look elsewhere for another such church; they won't all be like this one. By the way these are 'Spiritualist churches'; not all churches are 'spiritual' IMHO.


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thank you apollo
im still looking......

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angelroses, as you've posted about spiritual churches, I've moved the thread over from Spirituality to the Spiritualism forum, which is in the Religions section of HP.

If you look down the index page here:

you'll find quite a number of previous threads on Spiritualism, which I hope you'll find of interest in your quest for information. 🙂

HP Mods

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thanks holistic,
wasnt sure if it was on the right thread....
i will check the other thread out now...

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Some churches can be very friendly
Others can be very clanish (take a long time to settle with some people)
You find where you are comfortable
And go on from there
There are lots of sites that will tell you where the churchs are
Mystic-mouse, thespiritguides etc
Sometimes they are a little lax about site updating
However, it helps in the search in to the gray area's of local life

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hi hermit
thank you,
i have just been on mystic mouse,and the spirit guides site,
the spiritualist church ,i wanted to check,there updating the site,
i'll have to keep checking,
unless some one knows a sp church in walkden manchester...

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Someone may well know of one or more, angelroses, but in the meantime you could put spiritual church in walkden manchester into Google and get some results.


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HIya Angelroses

I used to go to a Spiritualist church about 7 years ago, I stopped going about 5 years ago. They were very clannish! The mediums gave the same messages week after week and almost always went to the same group of friends in the circle. The readings could of been meant for anymore, for example a favourite line of one medium was...."You will know where there is a very long street." Who the heck doesn't know where there is a very long street.

So last Wednesday I decided to go back to one, I am despratley wanting to know something about my dad who passed away in December. When I got to church the same people were still there and they gave the same messages....even after all this time. I too recieved a message, but again it was cold....

I have a grandparent in spirit (Okay I am 37, what's the chances of that been wrong) this grandparent would have lots of brass years and years ago and it was their job to polish it. (Again Brass was very common years and years ago and someone had to clean it).

I'm not knocking the churches, I am a big believer, but some of those readings were just dreadful. One thing I did recall about going years ago, I used to always come away feeling dreadful, almost ill. The other night when I went, I forgot to ask for protection before I entered the building, and I came away with us much anger in me....now that can't be right now can it!

Angel x

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I agree that church groups can be clannish - sadly it's often what's found in group situations anywhere.

As for mediums going to the same members I have a few comments. Incidentally I have no axe to grind - I'm a supporter of churches and centres but don't use them any longer.

Mediums come in all shapes, sizes and qualities - they're humans, not gods. So we should expect human weakness or bias. Each week they often serve a regular group of churches so almost inevitably they will meet regular attenders who become friends.

Similarly the unseen friends on 'the other side' also get to know the mediums and will know their loved ones are church regulars who they can reach through familiar mediums - see the picture I'm building?

As all these individuals get used to working with one another, almost inevitably there can be a bias towards regulars. I'm not saying that's right, just that it's understandable.

Newcomers need time to settle in to the church scene. Their unseen friends (if any wish to communicate) need to get used to the church situation and the medium(s). This could take a time although well-experienced mediums should be watching for that (along with their helpers) and trying to draw in newcomers with messages for them. As with all communication, there ain't no guarantees...

Strong discarnates may overwhelm the efforts of the medium's discarnate helpers and 'push to the front' of the queue. An inexperienced medium may be unaware it is happening or how to deal with it even if they are aware....

In a perfect world there would be messages from the loved ones of everyone attending but that's not how things work. Even that ideal would be limited by the time needed to identify individuals on both sides of the divide before any exchange of messages can occur.

Add to the picture that not all senders or receivers will know how best to 'work' the meeting and you can perhaps see why real-life situations can be so disappointing...?

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hiya angel
i came away from the church feeling very dissapointed..
my son inlaw,said it was not very good,and he is very psychic...
he wanted to go ,same as me to join a circle...
as yet,we have not found an sp church...
and were still waiting for the web site on the ...farmworth site...to be re done...as soon as we check that out...we will be trying that one...

thank you mac for your information...:)

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Hi Kath, I go to Christian spiritualist church here in Gillingham, I love going as they have a nice service to start with including hyms, abesent healing blessings then the medium gives communication from spirit, when the sevice is over we have raffel and all join around a table for refreshments and a chat all new commers are always made welcome and the church dose not charge entry fee, you can give what you can in a collection that comes around. Shame you don't live round my way, but keep looking and ask spirit to guide you to the right one.

Wendy xx

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Hi Kath, I go to Christian spiritualist church here in Gillingham, I love going as they have a nice service to start with including hyms, abesent healing blessings then the medium gives communication from spirit, when the sevice is over we have raffel and all join around a table for refreshments and a chat all new commers are always made welcome and the church dose not charge entry fee, you can give what you can in a collection that comes around. Shame you don't live round my way, but keep looking and ask spirit to guide you to the right one.

Wendy xx

Wow this is an old thread!

I find the aspect of services and hymns are the very thing I dislike most, especially if they are based on a Christian format.

For me Christianity and Modern Spiritualism are like chalk and cheese. But if the message of survival reaches someone needy, then choices can later be made about the suitability of any particular church style.

Modern Spiritualism has many churches and centres which are not based in any way on Christianity - to my mind, and to many other Spiritualists, these far better reflect Spiritualist teaching and philosophy.

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hiya wendy
still looking for the right church.....not found one yet...
have a nice day ...kath.:)

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hiya wendy
still looking for the right church.....not found one yet...
have a nice day ...kath.:)

Do I take it that you've found one, or some, which haven't been the right one or that you're just trying to find a church?

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Hi Angel roses... I hope you do find a nice spiritualist church that is very welcoming and resonate with like minded souls.

I have been very lucky to have found a really nice church in Bristol. But I have to say sadly there are some spiritualist churches out there who aren't so welcoming. And I went to another one in Bristol and felt I wasn't welcomed.

It is such a shame that this can be the case. You would hope that after preaching the 7 principles of Spiritualism, and to advocate being compassionate and caring to our brothers and sisters that unfortunately there are so many people who find it difficult to walk the walk but happy to talk the talk. I know we are all human, and have lessons to learn and life and it would be naive for me to think that everybody goes around living a life of "light and love " and virtousity but certainly if you are a Spiritualist you are endeavouring to do so and if at times slip as we are humna, we have the awareness, knowledge to correct, say heartfelt sorry and not beat ourselves up over our shortcomings.

But at the very least , I feel Spiritualist churches should make a huge effort to ensure that they welcome people off the street in and this be genuine as it reflects badly on the church when people walk away if it is their first time with a feeling that they are unwelcomed. First impressions count.

I am relatively young, 35 and feel that the church I go to is a bit stuck in the times. I feel I am a "new thinker" or "new spiritualist" and I also embrace all other forms of healing and spiritual thinking which unfortunatley some members of my church do not.
I am very libral minded and open in my approach, this maybe because I am young and also embrace some "new age type thinking" which all of the members dismiss. This really frustrates me to say the least! There is a part of me that has needed to branch out away from the spiritualist church and explore my own spirituality as my path takes me there.

But on the whole, it is a good place to meet like minded spiritual people, learn about the philosophy, and see mediums work and receive healing.

I guess what I am saying is that in my expereince I am feeling that the Spiritualist church that I belong to could do with being more modernised and then maybe more younger people will feel that they can relate and want to come on a Sunday service and then perhaps decide to develop their spiritual self through the churches devleopment awarness groups and then sit in closed circles which is one way to develop your mediumship and healing abilities.

Hope this may be helpful thought provoking!

warm blessings : )

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Hi Angelroses,

I can completely understand your experience. Some so-called 'Spiritualist' churches are in need of some spirituality themselves. I have a had some very disconcerting experiences (not in my own churches though, I have to say) in churches that I have either served or have been part of the audience. Some can be downright hostile.

I would agree with mac that some people go so often that mediums pick up on them because their 'dear departed' know that they are frequent visitors. However, you can get the odd jewel amongst the junk. When you find a church that you are happy with, keep going and see what happens. Sometimes our loved ones in spirit need to know that you are there, so before you set off for church, send a thought out to spirit and it may pay off.

Good luck!

