Met a Gemini
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Met a Gemini

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I'm a Virgo male and have recenty met a Gemini female - she claims she has two parts to her - one kind of her is one of the twins and is very rational, the other twin is the exact opposite and very susceptible to just about any male advance made to her.

I like this woman but don't know if I can accept this type of other personality she has part of the time. At times, I don't even know which one of her I am talking with. The rational side is brillant, the other side is quite amazing in what she has already done and she refuses to limit her activites in this regard. I'm so confused by her. It seems like we have a real connection, but I'm not sure we match from an astrological point of view. Any ideas on this dilemma?

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You say you've only recently met this Gemini woman? So how about really getting to know her first and finding out if you enjoy spending time together. I don't see why there should be a dilemma. Forget the astrological point of view and concentrate on the human side of things. If you like her, give it time.


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I quite agree with Sunanda,give yourself time to really become aquainted with her. When you become really familar with each other,then the good side and the bad side will really show themselves.
Let's be honest,we all have faults and,depends which side outweighs the other.
On the other hand,I was married to a Gemini for 23 years. He was a very kind man,hard working,nothing was too much trouble to him but when he lost his temper,we all ran for the hills!
So be careful.

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I have to say I've never yet met a Gemini woman who is NOT a flirt! It seems to go with the territory...but generally flirtation is all it is. They're very lively interesting colourful people to have around as I'm sure you're aware so it's obvious that these qualities will be attractive to other males as well as to yourself...

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Dont worry!

HI I'm a Virgo (female) and my partner is a Gemini, I have to say everyone is completley different as there is much more to our astrological picture at our time of birth than just our sun signs, having said that though I do understand the twin personality dilemma (my sister is also a Gemini) but mostly I have found this to be a little over stated.

My Gemini man is loving, considerate, extremely romantic and kind but he's also impatient,a chancer, a flirt and doesnt stop talking but this is him and I love it!

Gemini's are gentle and funny and youthful (generally) and I think (and please correct me if I'm wrong) but as virgo's one of our lessons in life is to understand rather than over analyse.

I would pace myself and enjoy the ride becuase if Gemini's are anything they are fun!

Skybud :p

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New Companion

Hello Steve,
Gemini's are very much twosided personalities but I do agree that you must look at the human side of the way that they are centered this is a place were you can teach and be taught as virgo's have a gentle side the gemini has abilities to shift move to the ways of there partners watching this will help you to understand the ways that she looks at things as you will see that you's should have one thing in common looking to humanitarian ventures should bring together the parts of reflective measures that are common in this partnership gemini's yes they will flirt but with the attention they need there should not reason to doubt the love that they have....gypsee

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Hi Steve
i am a Gemini married to a Virgo for over 40yrs and this is a very Mercuial relationship as both signs are ruled by the Planet of communication.As a Gemini i need my mind space and this twin side of me can confuse others.Virgo' s tend to analize and want answers,gemini's can avoid giving you the answer to keep you on your toes,this can worry you more than you would like to admitt,she may not want you to put her into a 'box' however this is a new relationship, you wll have lots of fun and laughter if you go with the flow and enjoy each other.:)

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It seems like we have a real connection, but I'm not sure we match from an astrological point of view. Any ideas on this dilemma?

You do not.

Virgo is an Earth sign, Mutable.

Gemini is an Air sign, Mutable.

90 degrees phase difference.

That is likely to generate conflict.

However, other facors may ameliorate.

Good Luck.


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Thank you all for your comments. What you have said and her as a Gemini and abut me as a Virgo are right on. I should say that when I said i met her recently, we have been talking for about 6 months and I have known her for aover 3 years now.

I am trying desperatly to convince myself to remove myself from an romantic involvement with her and it is very hard to do as I fell for her completely and totally. However, she still wants to retain the 'other twin' side of her that makes any involvement by me, with her romantically, extremely difficult. So, I am trying to scale back the relationship a bit. I don't want to 'box' her in but just about any man would have trouble accepting her lifestyle in a serious relationship based on love and trust. As a Virgo I give and love completely and need the same from a partner - but it is not to be in this case. I must move on I feel.

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As a curious gemini woman (who is loyal and dedicated to her husband (Venus in Cancer I guess) :D) , I'm intrigued to know how this all panned out for you?

At least she was honest from the start.............

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To be honest it sounds a bit to me like she was "using" her gemini star sign to excuse her behaviour. I am sure most people have another side to their character that others dont often see, maybe a side that others dont like as much.

I too would be interested to hear how this panned out, Steve. It sounds like you made the right decision IMO.

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I am

I am still trying to break away from her 'spell' over me. There are times when we cannot talk for a few days (when she is with her ex) and I feel much better, not so much turmoil going on in me when I don't have to talk with her, but yet, if the phone rings I will run to it. I've decided to talk with her about anything other than 'us'. I will even talk to her about her and her ex, me and my spouse and about our work, but I cannot talk about an 'us' anymore as it hurts me too much.

iluvcats, you're right - she was defintely honest from the start, but she painted a picture of hope and dreams for an 'us' - and now I know it cannot be as long as her ex is around. She is going to go to therapy with him, and she tells me that it is important so that he can see that he cannot change to meet her expectations. I don't think he understands her or 'sees' her, I know more about her than he gathered in the 6 years they were together. I listen to her, I see her.

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What does your spouse think about this?

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It sounds like you are still in turmoil Steve (although I too was surprised to hear the word 'spouse' mentioned :D.

Anyway, I hope you find a place of inner peace with all of this and can move on..........

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This has been a mental/emotional affair, a soul mate connection that turned into love on my side and only an 'option' on her side.

The spouse, my spouse does not know about this - her ex does and he has become much more attentive to her since he found out about it as he knew we were getting serious.

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I would be interested to know her 'moon sign' as that tells you more about her emotional side then the gemini sun sign itself.

I believe that people come into our life for a reason to discover more about ourselves. they say that everyone that comes into our life is a 'mirror' of ourselves. The ones that cause us to get emotional - angry, hurt, irritated etc are our biggest teachers they say.

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How would I determine her 'moon sign'? Is that related to her time of birth? I can ask, we are still talking - she now wants to be best-friend soulmate kind of talking as her ex and her are going to get back together (even though she credits me with that as I made him jealous enough to try it again with her and despite the fact that she thinks he is lacking in many areas). But, even though this is her plan, she still talks to me of a future with her. We are still connected in our thoughts, hearts and soul.

I am now interviewing for a different job in a different location which will mean a move away from my wife. It pays more money and I am using this as the rationale to move, although I think it is really because of the things she made me see about my relationship with my wife.

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To find out what sommeone's moon sign is you need their date and year of birth.

Are you still married - just trying to understand the whold story. What sign is she.

I think that when we meet people they can be instrumental in making us looking closer at our lifes and bringing about changes, However, moving away is a big step and I think that you need to take a big breath and think very carefully about the whold picture before you make any big decisions.

The opposite sign to virgo is pisces and you have to take on board that we can take on their qualities as well as the virgo qualities. Your relationship with this gemini women might have bought out the romantic side of your nature but piscies people can tend to look through rose tinted glasses and not see the whold picture - which is what you need to be doing.

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Oh, the Gemini was born June 7, 1955. I'm a Virgo. My is BD Sept 7, 1950/50.

Yes, I am still married. my wife is a Sagittarius.

I have given it a lot of thought and after how I have seen what a relationship should be like again, I decided not to continue the one I am in. The current one just doesn't work anymore for me - and I suspect not even for my wife but we haven't admitted it to each other yet. I know it will be difficult, but I feel I need to do this - it may work or it may not, I just don't want to continue in the current one.

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Perhaps you and your wife need to sit down and have a good chat. There is no perfect relationship and all of them require communication to make them work - then at least you can walk away knowing you have done your best.
Sagitariams are the opposite sign to gemini can you see similarities in your wife and the other women?
A good exercise is to write down all the things you want in a partner - perhaps you could see how many boxes the women in your life tick.
We learn from each relationship we are in. Those women have been in your life for a reason. The positive qualities you see in others are the positive things with yourself and the qualities which you don't like in others are like the shadow side of you. I've done alot of work on 'mirrors' and a good exercise is to write down the names of the people in your life - friends, relations etc and write down under each name all the qualities that annoy, irritate you etc - then ask yourself if you have been guilty of having those qualities yourself (this takes alot of honesty with yourself). You then write down under each name all the things you love about these people - those qualities are within you.
A good book to read I think is 'You can heal your life' by Louise Hay.

I'm not telling you what to do with your life - it's your path and your choices. I just know that all relationships take alot of effort, especially when the honeymoon period is over. I'm in my second marrige and was a single parent for 9 years. I've found a good man but we both have our own personalities and sometimes he really pisses me off and i expect that i do piss him off to. He mirrors alot of things in me and that is really irritating lol! However he also is kind, generous, faithful, affectionate etc and i know that is also a reflection of my qualities.

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i've tried talking with her - she won't communicate with me about anything. I see no similarites at all between my wife and the other woman - they are so different in many ways. I just feel this is the way to go at this point in my life - it will be painful and yes, I could wake up one day and feel that I have thrown a ood thing away - but by leaving is the only way I'll know for sure.

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It's hard if your wife won't talk to you - has that always been the case?
If it isn't then it might because she is perhaps angry, fearful, finds it hard communicating. would you want to try and sort things out or are you set on going?
It would be interesting to know your wifes moon sign - day, month and year.
I would write a letter to her and your gemini friend pouring all your feeligs into it, as if you were talking to them - you can swear and curse all you like!
You then tag the following words onto the letter:

I forgave you for your behaviour

I now forgive myself and realease any anger , desire and resentment that i have been oding to do with you over the .....(time you have have known them in years, months and days - don't have to be spot on)

I release ou from playing this role for me

I release you with love

sign your name

You then take the letters outside and burn them.

this is called 'letter therapy' and i use it all the time and it releases the negativity around the situation and also clears stuff and emotions for you.

Leave it a few days and then see if anything changes.

Good luck!

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We haven't

We haven't communicated for years really. She was born Dec 13, 1949. I don't know anymore if I want to try to save anything between us - i have been without love for a while now.

I might try the letters


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I looked at her moon sign and it is virgo. and her mercury is in capricorn - mercury is do with how we communicate and think. I would say that she is cery cautious in her thinking and there would be a need for a continuity and security in her life. do u think that the two of you both have fears about communicting your fears and what you are wanting from each other.
a gemini women has come into your life and gemini is about communication so i would take it as a sign that you want to be communicating more with people.
You ca't of courseforce your wife to commmunicate, - and believe me it can be very hard for people to communicate what's going on in their hearts, including myself, and i'm a real gas bag! You will probably have to be the one to communicate with her, She deserves to now how you are feeling about your relationship and if you want a seperaation then at least you are coming to her with honesty - I'm sure that you would want that yourself and we should treat others as we wish to be treated ourselves don;t you think.

i would write your letters first because you need to unload some of your anger and other emotions first - it gives you more power when you communicate without anger. Use letter burning as a tool in your life when you are feeling angry, fustrated, irritated etc. It's one of the best gifts i have ever been given. After that sit her down and say how you are feeling.
I don't know if she will listen but at lleast you wil have tried and maybe you will have a clearer idea of what the next step should be.
She may need time to process what you have said. You may get her anger and fustration back, because her fears may come flyig out because changes are scarey, even if they may be for the better for both of you in the long run. You may have to write and burn some more letters.

you may be thinking can i be bothered with all this palarva but one day it could be you in a relationship with the other person thinking that way.
I don't know the history of your marrige but i'm guessing that you have had happy times with each other and loved each other enough to want to get married.

Take good care of yourself.

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Forget the star signs for a while,
I presume that your marraige is stale, because of this you have formed some sort of relationship with this other woman, you say you have been talking to her, i am presuming on the internet firstly, so both of you had spouses and now you have shared stuff between you.
Im not here to judge so what i have said before is just to see where its going.
I think firstly when you have a failing relationship its easy to see another one with rose coloured spectacles, yes this woman may understand you, yes shes still hung up on her ex other wise she wouldnt be spending time with him, so be under no illusion. But ask yourself what has been your main conversation together, has it been about your unhappiness in your relationships maybe?
Secondly i think you need to pull yourself out of the situation, deal with your relationship with your wife first.
If its not going to work then go your ways, then maybe see where the other one is going, or even look for another.
But you need to sort out your own first.
Its easy to talk to another about failing relationships and believe they understand you then the more you talk the more connected you get. Just be careful you choose wisely.
I hope it sorts itself out for you. Its hard to leave and hard to stay. But the importance is on what makes you happy.
Good luck

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Hi Steve,

I have pm'd you.

Luv Binah

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Thanks Binah, it helped a great deal

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going too


I'm probably going to take a job in a different state - to get some time to myself and sort out all my feelings. I just think it is best right now. I hae to do something. you made some very valid points that made me think a bit and I appreciate it.
The main topic of prior telephone conversations with her have been about US and we painted a very romantic picture for us as we found we were alike in many ways, our feelings, our thoughts - we felt like soulmates, often spending over two hours on the phone together. her current ex doesn't like this so we have stopped - he only allows us to talk about work during certain hours of the day. I think she is tryng to give him a fair shake as she left him before, but he is trying to change to suit her. so she has put me on hold for the time being.

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Dont be put on hold Steve, remove yourself from the situation, believe me when i say you will always be second best, if she really wanted the change she would have done it by now, you are the illusion of change for her, the illusion that life can be different, the illusion that while she is talking to you she can escape.
Dont spend your life being that illusion.
If her ex is allowing her to do certain things, then they still have connections somewhere, ask yourself why she left and went back, there must be something worth trying for both of them.
She will be one of maybe many or maybe few, she has given you something at least, the fact that you know your marraige is probably over (sorry if thats blunt) but you can move forward, just dont waste time waiting for this woman, if she was the one, she would be believe me.
Good luck.

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Well, I have finally realized that she was not good for me. I looked around and determined that I ended up in my current situation because of her - that is, I have moved and taken a different job in a different city. I really don't know if I am more angry at her or at myself for being such a fool. I haven't talked with her for quite a while now and I feel better for it.

I look for some things I have learned. She did leave me with something - not to be so foolish again, but also that I couldn't stay in the situation I was in anyway and this was just a way out, that, you were right, I would always be second choice for her despite what she says, to not always take so literally what she might say to me. I just feel like she really played me, telling me things I wanted to hear and I was silly enough to beleive it
I hope I have not lost my ability to dream and to hope though and that if i'm lucky I'll find another and this time it won't be so bad for me.

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