5 strategies to improve your personal development

We all lead busy lives and most of us have a set routine to stick to, which we can quite easily get caught up in if we don’t take the time to stop and work on ourselves. You might have heard about personal development, but most people don’t incorporate it into their daily routine. However, it is vital if you want to grow as a person, improve your life and the lives of those around you. These are some strategies to incorporate into your routine to improve your personal development.

Get up early

If you are one of those people who struggles to get up in the morning – you are not alone. However, getting up with very little time to spare, running around trying to get ready and not really being prepared for the day, are not good ways to approach the day. If you are serious about making improvements to your life, get up early and give yourself time to actually work on your own development.

Read daily

Knowledge is power, as they say – and a lot of our knowledge comes from reading. Personal development, self-esteem and well-being books are a great way to help improve your mindset and there are lots to choose from, including ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’ and ‘The Miracle Morning’. Quite often, we spend far too much time reading things which don’t offer anything useful to our lives and not enough of the good stuff.


Self-development is as much about your physical being as it is your mental, so take some time to ensure you exercise at least three times a week for 30 minutes. Our bodies are designed to move and if you work in an office all day, you are probably sitting down much more than you should be. Exercise is vital for good overall health, so make sure you incorporate this into your self-development strategy.

Vision book

If you don’t know what you want, how can you really develop? This is where a vision book can be very useful. If you compile images of the things you want to achieve in the future and look at these on a daily basis, you will soon find that these start to manifest. You need to know what you want – before you can improve.


Development on a personal level is all about learning, so to improve yourself you should find ways to constantly learn. It might be a new course or challenge, or even learning a new language. There are lots of things to learn and we have the capacity to learn loads, so keep feeding your brain and you will find yourself developing in all respects.

Ready to get the most out of your life? You can search for personal development therapists via our directory at Healthy Pages and keep an eye out for any events which might be relevant to personal development, we are always updating our list.

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