TOWIE star tweets about massage benefits

It would seem that the ex-Only Way is Essex star Mark Wright has been enjoying the benefits of a really good massage as he enjoys some time away with his father in Dubai. Mark, who is 27, shared his experiences with his legions of Twitter followers last week, and boasted that he’d been indulging himself with a spa treatment along with his father, also called Mark, before the two men went out to eat.

‘Just had dinner with the old man @BigMarkWright_ in my favourite restaurant in Dubai @nobudubai #thebest,‘ he tweeted.

He clearly enjoyed his massage treatment, as later on he waxed lyrical about his time spent in the spa;

‘Feeling sooo fresh tonight as well due to our amazing massage in the Shuiqi spa @ATLANTIS today. Such a good few days.’

Dubai is somewhere that’s close to the ex-reality TV star’s heart as he reportedly met the woman who is now his fiancée, Michelle Keegan, while the pair was in Dubai for New Year 2013. The couple have also tweeted and mentioned in interviews that they’ve enjoyed spa visits and massages, so they are clearly no strangers to the joys of a decent spa treatment. It’s also rumoured that Michelle intends to make the most of a spa trip for her hen party later this year, so no doubt she’ll be indulging in a massage to calm her pre-wedding nerves.

Mark also appears to enjoy giving his own brand of therapeutic massage to his friends – when he appeared in the TV reality show, ‘I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here’ back in 2011, he promised his fellow jungle dweller Emily Scott a ‘sensual massage’ when she returned from successfully completing one of the show’s ‘Bushtucker trials’ where the stars have to carry out a (usually unpleasant) challenging task in order to win food for their fellow celebrities.

Mark praised Emily when she returned from her trial to say that she’d won the maximum amount of starts for the group, securing them a decent meal. For her efforts, she received a soothing and relaxing massage from Mark which she said was “Amazing”- he must have a talent for giving the treatments as she was also heard to remark that, “I was melting into the bed it was so good.”

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