Hypnotherapy – Does it really work?

Many people are sceptical about the validity of hypnotherapy. They do not think that they themselves can be hypnotised. Some think that post-hypnotic suggestion is just mumbo-jumbo. However, the fact of the matter is that hypnotherapy does and can work, with varying degrees of success, for the majority of people.

Although popular belief has it that hypnosis relates to a state of deep sleep, this is not strictly true. Hypnosis induces a state similar to a trance. When in this trance-like state, the patient experiences an enhanced awareness brought about by the practitioner’s voice.

With hypnotherapy, the practitioner can suggest concepts and ideas to the patient. These then become firmly implanted in the patient’s sub-consciousness.

The way that hypnotherapy works

Hypnotherapy is believed to work by changing the state of your consciousness, so that the left side of the brain (which is the side that carries out analysis) is switched off. At the same time, the right side of the brain (the non-analytical side) becomes more alert, thus awakening your sub-consciousness, allowing suggestion to be deep rooted.

According to Net Doctor, studies have shown that hypnotherapy can have a positive impact on various conditions including IBS and various skin ailments. It can assist with pain relief and can also help people to combat some addictions, such as smoking and drinking. It can also have a measure of success when treating depression. You can also use hypnotherapy to help you lose weight or conquer certain fears like agoraphobia or the fear of flying.

Searching for a qualified hypnotherapist

Hypnotherapy, or clinical hypnotherapy, as the NHS refer to it, is classed as a complimentary therapy. It is practiced by some doctors, and even some dentists. However, it is also offered by some individuals with little or no training, as here in the UK, there is no legal obligation for hypnotherapists to have any specific training, or to belong to any professional body or organisation.

It is therefore strongly advised that you should choose a qualified hypnotherapist who has a solid and reliable healthcare pedigree. Look for a hypnotherapist that belongs to a professional body such as UKCP (UK Council for Psychotherapy) and who is regulated by the CNHC (the Complimentary and Natural Healthcare Council). Browse our directory today.

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