Get yourself back on track with a post-holiday detox therapy

Holidays allow us to relax, unwind and indulge, but a fortnight in the sun can often leave us feeling less than our best when we return to reality. Here’s how a post-holiday detox therapy can help.

Cleanse your body of excess waste

A holiday wouldn’t be a holiday if you couldn’t eat or drink whatever you fancied, especially if you are a fan of all-inclusive. Yet, the effects of over-indulging are often all too easy to spot when we return home and step on the scales. A detox programme can help undo some of the holiday excesses, by purging toxins from the body, especially the liver and colon, leaving you feeling lighter and more energised.

Healthier skin and hair

The effects of the sun and chlorine from the pool can wreak havoc on your skin and hair, causing dryness, flaking and a dull appearance. To restore the shine and vitality to your skin and hair, turn to detoxing to help, such as a sauna or massage with essential oils. A detox therapy that focuses on improving your nutrition will also bring noticeable benefits to your skin and hair.

Boost your immune system

Have you noticed that you often get ill after you return from a holiday? The change in routine and increased exposure to germs on public transport can leave your immune system worse for wear, making it easier to catch bugs on your return home. Many detox therapies boost your immune system, so are well worth a shot post-holiday. Herbs that purify the body and recharge the lymphatic system are especially beneficial for giving the immune system a helping hand once your holiday is done and dusted.

A healthier mind

It’s common to experience the blues after a holiday, and all that time spent relaxing can make you question aspects of your life that could do with an overhaul. Detox therapy after your holiday can help to give your life a new perspective. By focusing on cleansing your body from toxins, your mind becomes less overloaded, allowing you to think clearer and make the right decisions for your future.

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