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I've called this souls, but am not sure if that's the right description.

The point is, I was told years ago that we are not a single entity and that there may be other identical copies of each of us in different parts of the world. I was told that we have probably up to 6 copies or souls.

Has any other Spiritualist heard or believe this. Also once we pass over is it possible that we can resume a relationship with somebody, if that relationship was disrupted whilst on earth.

I hope somebody can throw some light on this.


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It's beyond our comprehension

My receivings for want of a better word are that when people die their soul/spirit has the experience it needs for it's individual journey/learning, in the same way that apparently we choose our own life situation before we are born, to experience what we need to follow our path. It's like nothing we can possibly imagine because it is so different to our heavy, solid life on Earth. There are very many different experiences to choose or be placed into. ( I'm not sure which. )
You might find some sense of understanding & purpose through Diana Cooper's Orbs & Unicorns website & books/cds.
This is not my belief; just the answer I get whenever I ask the question:- What, if anything, happens next?

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I've called this souls, but am not sure if that's the right description.

The point is, I was told years ago that we are not a single entity and that there may be other identical copies of each of us in different parts of the world. I was told that we have probably up to 6 copies or souls.

Has any other Spiritualist heard or believe this. Also once we pass over is it possible that we can resume a relationship with somebody, if that relationship was disrupted whilst on earth.

I hope somebody can throw some light on this.


Speaking as a Modern Spiritualist I'm fairly confident that the first point raised is not to be found in any Spiritualist philosophy or teaching.

As for the second question, it's widely taught that after our passing we can meet up with almost anyone prepared to meet up with us, irrespective of whether there had been a disrupted relationship whilst incarnate. 🙂 I don't know if this is the kind of relationship you were thinking of?

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Regarding first point I do not agree with it and about second question I believe a soul can meet a person whom it longed for in the life on earth in certain circumstances.

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It also depends whether we want to meet up with those souls in which we had a troubled relationship while on the physical plane.

There are also soul groups including the folks we met while in the physical body.
Those we felt immediately at home with and friends throughout life.


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It also depends whether we want to meet up with those souls in which we had a troubled relationship while on the physical plane.

There are also soul groups including the folks we met while in the physical body.
Those we felt immediately at home with and friends throughout life.


My earlier remark(posting #3) dealt with all these points, viz: "As for the second question, it's widely taught that after our passing we can meet up with almost anyone prepared to meet up with us, irrespective of whether there had been a disrupted relationship whilst incarnate."

Love determines. No-one can force another to meet up with them - each must want to do it. Wholly unlike in this dimension.... 😉

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Sorry,didn't see your answer,Mac for some reason I'm not receiving emails from postings.
To your answer:-

All I can say 'Thank God' for small mercies.


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Sorry,didn't see your answer,Mac for some reason I'm not receiving emails from postings.
To your answer:-

All I can say 'Thank God' for small mercies.


hear, hear to that, J

If you look in your 'User Control Panel' at your personal settings you can tick a certain box to get email notifications of postings - periodically it seems to get switched off because I've had it happen to me.

Let me know if you can't find it and I'll walk you through the settings after I'm back from training this evening or tomorrow if you prefer. 🙂


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It also depends whether we want to meet up with those souls in which we had a troubled relationship while on the physical plane.

There are also soul groups including the folks we met while in the physical body.
Those we felt immediately at home with and friends throughout life.


I'm coming at this from a shamanic point of view, so ignore if you're not interested, but my experience of the Land of the Dead is that large numbers of souls never get there anyway and those that do will heal/review/plan before setting out into the next life. Those that don't will be sucked into the next life without any healing/reviewing/planning. If the relationships are really troubled (i.e. more than just the usual irritations that we all have), then they can only be sorted if both parties have reached the Lof the D.

Souls that didn't get there, and are reborn without the healing etc., will be born with all their previous baggage.

I guess this isn't a general spiritualist view. Am I right?

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I'm coming at this from a shamanic point of view, so ignore if you're not interested, but my experience of the Land of the Dead is that large numbers of souls never get there anyway and those that do will heal/review/plan before setting out into the next life. Those that don't will be sucked into the next life without any healing/reviewing/planning. If the relationships are really troubled (i.e. more than just the usual irritations that we all have), then they can only be sorted if both parties have reached the Lof the D.

Souls that didn't get there, and are reborn without the healing etc., will be born with all their previous baggage.

I guess this isn't a general spiritualist view. Am I right?

absolutely right

Your ideas are completely different to any learned from highly respected, spiritually-evolved teachers and guides.....

Some of your notions appear to carry the burden of humankind's ideas.

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Your ideas are completely different to any learned from highly respected, spiritually-evolved teachers and guides..... .

Actually, they come from spiritually-evolved spirit teachers. And my own experience.

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Actually, they come from spiritually-evolved spirit teachers. And my own experience.

Saying that doesn't change the way they sound to me but, then, Shamanism isn't my field of specialism - Spiritualism is.

Hence you won't find me contributing in a forum where shamanic issues are being discussed.

horses for courses.....

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horses for courses.....

Absolutely. I wasn't arguing, just curious. I'm aware that spiritualists do 'soul rescue' which sounds (a bit) like shamanic psychopomping, so presumably things do 'go wrong' with the soul getting where it should. I find it hard to pin down those spiritualists that I know, so I'm taking advantage of people on this forum who, I assume, are prepared to explain. What is it that spiritualism teaches happens to the soul from the moment of death? And do all spiritualists believe the same?

Didn't mean to irritate. Sorry.:o

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hear, hear to that, J

If you look in your 'User Control Panel' at your personal settings you can tick a certain box to get email notifications of postings - periodically it seems to get switched off because I've had it happen to me.

Let me know if you can't find it and I'll walk you through the settings after I'm back from training this evening or tomorrow if you prefer. 🙂


Sorry Mac but this is the first email notification I have received for a good while.
Didn't even know your posting was here.
Was just about giving up on HP.
I'll check now to see what I have in Profile.

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Absolutely. I wasn't arguing, just curious. I'm aware that spiritualists do 'soul rescue' which sounds (a bit) like shamanic psychopomping, so presumably things do 'go wrong' with the soul getting where it should. I find it hard to pin down those spiritualists that I know, so I'm taking advantage of people on this forum who, I assume, are prepared to explain. What is it that spiritualism teaches happens to the soul from the moment of death? And do all spiritualists believe the same?

Didn't mean to irritate. Sorry.:o

No problem when you come seeking information - where I can offer help I'm happy to do so...:)

To answer your "What.... Spiritualism teaches happens....." question could be a long process and might still miss what you're looking for.

I would routinely explain in whatever way seemed best suited to the enquirer's knowledge level and/or the reason behind what they were asking. If you specify your particular interest, I'll do what I can to reply in kind.

I can't answer for what other Spiritualists understand about any specific issue, of course. 😉

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Sorry Mac but this is the first email notification I have received for a good while.
Didn't even know your posting was here.
Was just about giving up on HP.
I'll check now to see what I have in Profile.

You know where I am if you need help, J. 🙂

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hear, hear to that, J

If you look in your 'User Control Panel' at your personal settings you can tick a certain box to get email notifications of postings - periodically it seems to get switched off because I've had it happen to me.

Let me know if you can't find it and I'll walk you through the settings after I'm back from training this evening or tomorrow if you prefer. 🙂


Checked it Mac,all correct.
Right postion is 'ticked' so why no email notification being sent.?

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Will check back later to see if any answers have been recorded.
That's if anyone answers my posts.

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Some of your notions appear to carry the burden of humankind's ideas

Not sure I understand the above comment.

My reason for asking what happens to the soul on death is - apart from curiosity about what others believe - is mainly that I get quite a few spiritualists on shamanic workshops. When I talk about psychopomping, or soul retrieval on these workshops, I realise that the two practices have different ideas about what does and can happen to the soul. These people have often not delved deeply into spiritualism, but have read a bit and attended spiritalist churches (I supose that's inevitable. If they'd found a deep committment to spiritualism, they probably wouldn't be trying shamanism). As a result, they cannot explain to me what they (let alone anyone else in spiritualism) believes.

I gather from most of them that everything will be okay after death, and no intervention is needed. That seems a bit 'staying in the comfort zone' - and, as I said, isn't my experience. I do know that the two have different enough beliefs for anyone who takes them seriously to eventually have to make a choice between them.

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Not sure I understand the above comment.

My reason for asking what happens to the soul on death is - apart from curiosity about what others believe - is mainly that I get quite a few spiritualists on shamanic workshops. When I talk about psychopomping, or soul retrieval on these workshops, I realise that the two practices have different ideas about what does and can happen to the soul. These people have often not delved deeply into spiritualism, but have read a bit and attended spiritalist churches (I supose that's inevitable. If they'd found a deep committment to spiritualism, they probably wouldn't be trying shamanism). As a result, they cannot explain to me what they (let alone anyone else in spiritualism) believes.

"I gather from most of them that everything will be okay after death, and no intervention is needed. That seems a bit 'staying in the comfort zone' - and, as I said, isn't my experience. I do know that the two have different enough beliefs for anyone who takes them seriously to eventually have to make a choice between them."

Re the above underlined section.

They are mistaken. Not all individuals will have a 'text book' passing. Some appear to 'get stuck' between physical and etheric dimensions. Keeping things simple at this point, incarnate rescue groups sometimes reach out to these often-termed 'earthbounds' in an attempt to get the individuals to understand what has happened - effectively to realise they're 'dead'. (not a word I generally use but you get my point?) I've kept things simple until I'm sure that's what you're asking about.

I don't understand the following at all, quote: " I do know that the two have different enough beliefs for anyone who takes them seriously to eventually have to make a choice between them"

Have I addressed your first point and can you address the one that puzzles me (above) please?

Then we may be able to move forward to any other queries you have.

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I didn't understand what you meant by
Some of your notions appear to carry the burden of humankind's ideas

As for my comment
I do know that the two have different enough beliefs for anyone who takes them seriously to eventually have to make a choice between them
I didn't make myself clear. I meant that spiritualism and shamanism are different enough for people who take them seriously to have to decide between practicing one or the other.

So, are the "earthbound" literally earth-bound? In that they remain here? I've found that, while some are still here (would you call these 'ghosts'?) many souls are stuck between here and the Land of the Dead, in the area that is full of fog.

What do rescuers do? Do they take the souls to the Land of the Dead, or do they send them?

And thanks for your time and patience.

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quote Crowan

I didn't understand what you meant by
Some of your notions appear to carry the burden of humankind's ideas What didn't you understand?

As for my comment
I do know that the two have different enough beliefs for anyone who takes them seriously to eventually have to make a choice between them
I didn't make myself clear. I meant that spiritualism and shamanism are different enough for people who take them seriously to have to decide between practicing one or the other. Why do you feel that? Spiritualism isn't something that is, or would have to be, practised.... I can't compare that with shamanism as it's not my speciality as you know.

So, are the "earthbound" literally earth-bound? no In that they remain here? no I've found that, while some are still here (would you call these 'ghosts'?) no many souls are stuck between here and the Land of the Dead, in the area that is full of fog. fog? I'll be blunt as I'm sure you'll appreciate that. I don't know where the "Land of the Dead' is or what that might mean to you. The Spiritualist perception is that there is no death - it's simply a transition from living in one dimension to living in the next.... As for 'fog' well I'll refer again to my earlier suggestion, quote: " the burden of humankind's ideas"

What do rescuers do? Do they take the souls to the Land of the Dead, or do they send them? Depends where rescuers are. If it's an incarnate rescue group - folk working from the physical - they'll work with the individual needing help and help her/him to realise and accept that they're no longer incarnate. If they're discarnate rescuers they'll try to do much the same. Neither can force the issue - there's no "taking" of the individual but naturally (s)he may be accompanied there by the discarnate rescuer(s). As for "sending" them, how would that work? Again such wording sounds, to me, to be a human concept, what incarnates believe might happen.....

And thanks for your time and patience. Not at all - happy to try to help. I hope you won't be put off where I challenge the words you've used? I'm hoping it will show you how differently we express the concepts you're asking about.

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Will check back later to see if any answers have been recorded.
That's if anyone answers my posts.

This is your test message, J....

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This is your test message, J....

No emails received,Mac.
Luckily the topic is recorded also in my profile. So found your message.
Checked email notifications in my mail box for the last three hours but none received.
Email notifications are correctly ticked.
Please can Mods check my profile to verify that email verification is ticked correctly.
As a second opinion.
Thanks Mac for your help,followed your instructions to the letter.
Let's see what happens.

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No emails received,Mac.
Luckily the topic is recorded also in my profile. So found your message.
Checked email notifications in my mail box for the last three hours but none received.
Email notifications are correctly ticked.
Please can Mods check my profile to verify that email verification is ticked correctly.
As a second opinion.
Thanks Mac for your help,followed your instructions to the letter.
Let's see what happens.

weird - The notification of your own message reached me OK so it shows that the notification system's working OK - might it be that you've registered with an email address that you're no longer using?

Of course if you are you won't see this message to be able to check!

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weird - The notification of your own message reached me OK so it shows that the notification system's working OK - might it be that you've registered with an email address that you're no longer using?

Of course if you are you won't see this message to be able to check!

I'm in,Mac. Had to dig to find it.
Still using the email addy I've always used,same one you use.
Still no answer from Hp.
Going to start a new topic off in Spiritualism.
Watch for it,answer it and see what happens.

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I'm in,Mac. Had to dig to find it.
Still using the email addy I've always used,same one you use.
Still no answer from Hp.
Going to start a new topic off in Spiritualism.
Watch for it,answer it and see what happens.

curiouser and curiouser - I guess there's a bug in the software? 😮

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curiouser and curiouser - I guess there's a bug in the software? 😮

I've checked silverhoodedowl's settings and notifications are enabled. Therefore the next most common reason for emails not being received is that they may be treated as spam.

If you are not receiving notification emails and they are enabled in your account settings, check your computer's spam folder.

On behalf of the moderators

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curiouser and curiouser - I guess there's a bug in the software? 😮

I've checked silverhoodedowl's settings and notifications are enabled. Therefore the next most common reason for emails not being received is that they may be treated as spam.

If you are not receiving notification emails and they are enabled in your account settings, check your computer's spam folder.

On behalf of the moderators

It's what I've just been wondering about - spam settings can be harsh and aren't always obvious. Occasionally a notification from any of my several regular websites (from which I get numerous emails daily) will inexplicably end up in the spam folder.

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quote Crowan

I didn't understand what you meant by
Some of your notions appear to carry the burden of humankind's ideas What didn't you understand?

My first reaction here was to think – if I knew what I didn’t understand, I’d understand it! However, later you say, such wording sounds, to me, to be a human concept, what incarnates believe might happen.....
so I shall assume that’s what you meant. Okay. You understand that that’s what your ideas sound like to me, also? I don’t see that that matters. I’m not attempting a conversion and (again, I assume) neither are you. I want to understand where particular students are coming from and anything I’ve written about shamanism is only to explain what I meant by “what happens when people die?” I appreciate that this is not the area of the HP forum for debating the differences. I’m just seeking information.

As for my comment
I do know that the two have different enough beliefs for anyone who takes them seriously to eventually have to make a choice between them
I didn't make myself clear. I meant that spiritualism and shamanism are different enough for people who take them seriously to have to decide between practicing one or the other. Why do you feel that? Spiritualism isn't something that is, or would have to be, practised.... I can't compare that with shamanism as it's not my speciality as you know.

I don’t ‘feel’ anything. I’m stating fact. I’m not saying why the choice comes up, only that it does. The reasons might well be different for each person. But generally, I would say that what is discovered through shamanic practice contradicts what is believed in spiritualism, and people find they can only believe one or the other. Remember, I’m not directing this. I’ve just observed it several times. It’s largely because of this fact that I wanted to understand what the conflict is.

I think I have a clearer idea now - although if anyone else would like to chip in, that would be great. I don't think this area of the forum is quite the right place to take the discussion deeper - maybe in "Inter-faith", if anyone were interested?

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