islam and reiki
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islam and reiki

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:)Hi I'm a muslim, two years ago I came to hear about reiki. I just knew that it was something right for me and I took the Level 1 attunement and a year ago, the level 2. I feel really at peace being able to help myself and others with the Divine's love. I have experience so much positive things in my life from my reiki experiece and i appreciate life and Allah's blessings so much more. The thing is I live in a country where people of different religions live peacefully side by side. Yet reiki is not something that is openly discussed among muslims. I would like to have your views on reiki and islam please. Love n light. Shein

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RE: islam and reiki

Hi Shein,

I'm afraid I know nothing much about Islam, but I'm glad you are getting the benefits of being attuned to Reiki.

Why not pop along the the New Members forum and introduce yourself over there.

I will be interested to read peoples views on this subject because, as you say, it's not something you hear a lot of muslims talk about.

Love and Reiki Hugs

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RE: islam and reiki

Salaam Shein,

Nice to meet you. i am a Muslim and i am also a reiki master, and much of my time is spent working with reiki and really it is part of life.

I came accross some interesting websites a while back and put them in my favourites.

One is a about islamic spiritual healing..there are other is one


And this is Mir sufi website and they offer sufi reiki attunements..first and second degree they give for free, i have recieved their first sufi reiki degree and manual and really enjoyed the may find this interesting.


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RE: islam and reiki

Hello Shein,

I don't see how Reike practice or attunement can compromise Islam. In fact, as with Christianity, I believe that one would compliment the other. If Reike brings higher levels of attunement and if you can reach that state of 'being' that Islam should be about, then there's no harm in it.

Go with what you feel best.


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RE: islam and reiki

You are right patsy, and in fact reiki is very much a part of what islam and the teaching s are about.

islam is all for learning and developement, we are encouraged to learn and push ourselves, both spiritually, mentally and physically.

healing and learning about cure, health etc and healing is important and we are encouraged to do as much as we can for our own benefit and the benefit of our society and mankind as a whole.

DR Kabbani is interesting..worth looking up on the internet for his writings on these matters and how they also relate to islam.

Dr. Kabbani writes that Prophet Muhammad was once in a session where he was curing people through spiritual methods when he was asked whether or not remedies should also be sought from medicines. He replied, "Yes, you must seek remedies from medicine, because whatever disease God has created in this world, He has also created its remedy as well. But there is one disease for which he has not created any remedy, which is old age." Each prescribed Quranic verse has its own unique healing property that differs from those of other verses.

"There issues from within the bodies of the bee a drink of varying colors wherein is healing for mankind." (Nahl 16:69)

we all know that honey has healing properties!

but over all the suggestions made throughout the Qu'ran is that health and healing must be sought on spiritual, emotional and physical levels..all are mentioned,


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RE: islam and reiki

Dear People who have written on this page,

I am soooooooooo happy to read your messages, I am a Muslim as well and I was searching the internet for answers to Islam and Reiki. I am inshAllah about to take first step in it. Reading your thougts has confirmed my decision. I totally agree with you all esp Hal. There is quite a lot of congruence between Islam and Reiki. Its amazing.

Peace, Love n Light : )

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RE: islam and reiki

Salaam Bushra,

Nice to meet you...I hope you will enjoy your reiki..I am sure you will and you will find it compliments your spirituality and your islam in such wonderful ways.

I tell you a little secrt of mine...this has come about after learning symbols, various enregy systems etc and the use of simple intent of the mind to chanel reiki.

Some people may make some affirmations prior to do I but I mention Allah and ask for his assistance in the healing...the first time I did that i was blown away! Incredible result and experience...


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RE: islam and reiki

Dear Hal,

Thanks : ) .... yeah i do agree with you ... After all it is God who is giving this energy and making it all happen isnt it ... yeah i am looking forward to learning the step 1 and hopefully more as well : ) inshAllah ,,, am v excited : ))) Thanks for sharing your secret with me : ) I shall do the same : )
will let u know how i get on ,, am going on next weekend ... I am v happy : ) God bless you !

Peace Love n Light

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RE: islam and reiki

Good Luck..I am sure you will have a lovely time,

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RE: islam and reiki


How did your Reiki weekend go? It was lovely to read this thread and I really wish you all the best with Reiki and with your faith -they are amazing gifts.

With love


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RE: islam and reiki

Hi all
By the Blessing of God I am muslium
i am working energy along ago and do bit of healing by using Quran. i also learn Reiki usui and Kundalini, in Kundalini reiki u all have to think so i guess ok. but it in Usui we use symbol and somethem bothering me so i show them to some sufi and asked there guidnces about it "they say(mantra) drwaing symbol is fine but u should say word according to islam"
Mantra created energy
symbol focusing the energy

he also give some qurnic vers 4 read b4 give reiki. I am working with him discovering reiki symbols in the light of Islam. find intresting things.

Hal I like if you send me ur sufi-reiki manul i like to study them as i am not intresting attun by them just like learn what they say if not hava any problem send me on my e-mail

Allah Make us follow the Paht, One whichhave his blessing
Tariq Sheikh

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RE: islam and reiki

Nothing to add to this topic - but it has been very helpful! Thanks!

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RE: islam and reiki


I know it was a long time since this topic was first posted, but I have really enjoyed reading all the positive comments. I believe that Reiki, and indeed the channelling of any healing energy is the act of taking God's light and love and shining that upon the Earth. I am glad that there are people who see Reiki as compatible with their religion, and are happy to integrate the two:D

I agree with Hal that doing Japa (repeating the sound/name of God) while healing can have a profound effect!

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RE: islam and reiki

Yes positive energy breeds even more, long may it continue, while i am not affiliatted to any relegion, it is pleasing to see that Reiki is enjoyed by your faith and can transcend everything, the Universere is a wonderful place and to be able to channell such an energy is a blessing.

May we all have open hearts and open minds for all time.

Love and light.

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RE: islam and reiki

Hi Hal,

Thanks for your post on Reiki in Islam.

I recently became attuned to the first level of Reiki and in my heart knew it was not against Islam. However, I randomly decided to look on the web to see the opinions and was very upset to see the first site I visited was a site where a scholar condemned reiki! Not only did the scholar condemn it, he basically claimed that you have to follow Buddha and must practice yoga on a daily basis. Not that there is anything wrong with yoga, but it was a false statement made altogether. I am so saddened that we have scholars with limited knowledge. So far that is the only site I saw with such a claim and condemning reiki, but will continue to search. All in all, I feel like I have found my calling in Reiki and would like to continue...
I want to thank you for your sites that you posted, because that helped me confirm my thoughts on reiki.

May Allah guide me and all of us in the right direction.


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RE: islam and reiki

Hi there,
I know that this thread is a bit old but it came up when I was searching about Islam and Reiki. I am a muslim and have just finished the Reiki Level 2 and found it a really amazing experience. However, a few things are bothering me. The drawing of the symbols and the incantation make me feel that I might be doing something not permissible in Islam even though I start by asking Allah to help the healing.

I would like to know whether muslims who are practising Reiki regularly also feel the same way and whether they use the symbols and do the incantation and drawing on the body, etc.

Many thanks,

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RE: islam and reiki

Hi Everyone,

I learned Reiki in 2001. I was a Christian at the time. I was told it was of the devil & that demons were behind the energy being given. At that time I just practiced Reiki on myself to keep my energy balanced. In 2003 I took Shahada & became Muslim. I was not sure if Reiki was ok to do in Islam so I stopped practicing Reiki. Well in 2005 Hurricane Katrina ravaged our home & we lost mostly everything. Since then I have felt so out of balance. When I try to practice Reiki now I don't feel anything coming through. I know I need an attunement badly.

My question is this: Are the Reiki symbols from Buddism? I hear that it can lead to polytheism. I guess that might be if you ask spirit guides to help channel the Reiki..... How do Muslims practice Reiki? How can I explain to my husband about Reiki, he thinks its Haram. I don't want to do the wrong thing.... but Ifeel I desperately need the healing energy of Reiki. I have done some web searches & found that there are some imams saying not to do Reiki & others say its ok. I am confused about this. I would appreciate input on this subject.


Amina 🙂

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RE: islam and reiki

Have just found this thread and I find it very interesting. I was brought up as a Roman catholic in rural Ireland where Reiki would have been seen as witchcraft. I am also a Reiki master of a number of Reiki styles, including other non-Reiki systems. I am currently studying the history of Islam because of all the current issues in the world andI find it fascinating that both religions, Catholicism and Islam, have very similar beliefs. I have a couple of reiki students who were raised in the Islmic traditions and I find that their issues are virtually the same as mine! The original intentions of both Christ and Mohammed was love. Neither of them intended that their messages would be used to make people afraid of spiritual power. The original teachings included spiritual healing, in both religions, therefore any rules against its use have been made subsequently, by self appointed leaders and rulemakers. These energies are brought through for the benefit of all of humanity and any religious rules that forbid them is not acting in love and in the true spirit of what was intended. Christ and Mohammed came to Earth to change things and we just don't get it! We continue to try and control it, it feeds our egos. God/Allah has given us a gift of Divine love and part of the healing journey is to become free of dogma and to realise that we are free to choose while still retaining hte best part of their sacred messages.
As an ex-Catholic I struggled for years with 'doing what God wanted me to do' only to find that, if I trust my soul to be part of that energy, then I would always know what is right.
Anyone, from any religion, who frees their thinking to the level of the soul is to be commended. All religions have benefits if we use them the right way, with our hearts.[sm=idea.gif]

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RE: islam and reiki

I subscribe to no particular faith... but I have faith.
My personal belief system isn't important with regard to this thread but the question of the thread is and also the mentioning of both the symbols and whether it contradicts somebody's faith directly if they are a dedicated adherent.

I found I was channelling healing with my hands long before I was introduced to Reiki. However, I wasn't aware of how to control it or manage it in any 'real' way; I only knew when it was 'switched on' so to speak by certain sensations that were identical each time it started.
Through meeting other people I was finally introduced to Reiki and other similar healing methodologies and began to learn how to manage it.
It is clear to me that almost every major religion throughout the globe advocates or has examples of this type of 'healing' – so I see no contradiction between 'hands-on (or off) healing' and any faith that I can think of.

But I admit that even as a Reiki master the symbols bothered me quite a bit and I could never put my finger on exactly why.
I feel that they helped me focus on what I was doing but that they in and of themselves are not required, they are after-all Japanese symbols utilised to focus a channelled Tibetan art to be initially taught to Japanese students.
If the symbols were the important and indispensable 'logos' that some Reiki practitioners vehemently assert that they are… then surely they would be Tibetan symbols?
So, I have dispensed with the symbols, Reiki and others like it have helped me to make my ability to channel healing energy much better than before, however… we all are capable of, and probably supposed to give this to each other, else why would we have it in the first place.
Ergo, my personal belief is that it is not solely the preserve of the 'Reiki world' but has existed through all peoples, faiths and histories and so, belongs to us all.

The symbols are to help us focus on the job at hand, and I agree with the poster who mentioned using mantras, whole heartedly agree with Hal and Azalia regarding doing Japa while healing and also agree with all points made by both Azalia and Hal; and much of what has been said by others.

To me,if energy is the same, it comes from but one source… so why should you not access it thru your own religious and spiritual doorways… and if you do, how in all the universe can it be wrong to do so?
Otherwise, any mother who upon learning her child has hurt itself and so automatically releases the heartfelt wish/thought/prayer that her child heals quick or remains unharmed… must be teetering on the boundaries 🙂

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RE: islam and reiki


I am new to this Forum today, so just finding my way around the site and this was the first post that grabbed my attention.

I lived in Egypt for a number of years where I taught Reiki to muslims on a regular basis. There was never a conflict between what I was teaching and Islam though one or two hard-liners were not entirely comfortable with the concept of Reiki - the fact that it did not come out of Islam was the problem I think.

I still go back to Egypt from time to time to teach classes and they are always very well recieved. The benefit for me is all the times that I have to stop during the class for the participants to do their prayers! Which of course just adds to the flow of energy at the class enormously!

For those that might be interested, they should look up the word 'baraka' to get an idea of the Islamic concept of what we in the West call Reiki or the Holy Spirit or the energy of God. I have a leaflet on this that I sometimes give to Islamic students when I feel that there might be a need for an Islamic perspective on the subject...

Hope that helps,


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RE: islam and reiki

Hi Shein, I'm glad you found Reiki and are loving it. I have a very good friend who is a Muslim but does not practice, he travels all over the world giving his demonstrations of the Divine Energy , you may like to contact him and ask his advice he will happily help. [link= ][/link] there is a contact addy on the site. lyn

For anyone looking at the site you need flash player which you can download free via Abdy's site.
The music is Galalisa Star, it is fabulous for doing any type of healing or massage work with, you can buy it through one of Abdy's angels Gisella ( sp)

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RE: islam and reiki

Hi All,

I meant to reply to this post earlier and didn't get a chance, so I apologize for the delay.

In terms of Reiki... When I first started out, I was also a little confused as to the attunement and symbols in Reiki and how it reflected our belief in Islam.

I have to say that I did a lot of research and including this web-site, found lots of information on how the Prophet himself used to meditate and heal with touch. Another great example is Jesus himself, who was known to heal with touch, as we as Muslims believe that he healed with God's will and he also was a human being. The web-sites given by Hal were also very helpful in my research and I also looked up the Sufi Reiki organization in the UK, who teach to pray 2 rakat nafal (after a ghuzal/wudu) before doing Reiki treatments and asking Allah to guide you and give you direction in the best form possible for your treatment.

In terms of symbols... I was a little weary of them at as we are not to idolize any object and use anything as a means of worship. But after further research, I found, for myself, that I was ok with it, because I also started to learn about energies around us and how movements can open up and help energies flow much better. The symbols are used to open up the energy around us and help focus on specific areas when giving treatments. I, myself, do use symbols, but I used them with intention and prayer from Allah to guide me. Just as when we make salat, the surahs we pray send an energetic vibration through the universe, the symbols are meant to be used in the same way... to send a positive vibration and focus area's for healing. This has been my own justification for symbols and by all means cannot declare they are or are not haram. I do beleive that in our hearts we must connect with Allah and follow the best guidance we recieve from Him. So if you are uncomfortable with it, then I suggest you pray and seek guidance and the answers will find you.

If anyone does have suggestions to replacing the symbols, I am open to looking into that as well. I do know that the Sufi Reiki Masters do not use symbols, and would have loved to learn from them, but unfortunately I am not in the UK.

Hoped this helped... if you have any questions then feel free to email me. 🙂

And most of all - Good Luck!!! 🙂


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RE: islam and reiki

Hi, I am a moslem too, there is an answer about reiki and Islam from
[link= ][/link]

by Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, Senior Lecturer and an Islamic Scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. "If the kind of treatment you have indicated does not involve any procedures unacceptable in Islam, and there is no assuming of invoking anyone other than Allah for healing, then there is nothing in Islam objectionable to this practice. In fact, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) taught us that if anyone can help his brother or sister in any way, let him do so without hesitation. Therefore, if Reiki has been found to be a beneficial method of treatment, a Muslim should never hesitate in making use of it." 😮 but despite of that, there is something that I would like to advise you to be aware of. I am from Indonesia, specificaly I am from javanese tribes that known to practice misticisms and also the cooperation with the 'unseen' which in Islam is not known as other than the ' Jinn'. The problem will be where the energy is from, what is coming with the energy and various other things. Now, if this is what happen then, off course it is forbidden in Islam. I ceased my training of Reiki, Qigong and pranic healing because of this. I was not sure if the attonement I received was pure or not, was it a natural or was it from such 'Jinn'. Some of my friends got possessed by such unpleasant unseen guest to their bodies and got nightmares after years he learned many kind of inner power training and various kind of 'Reiki' (I put in quotes because I am not sure were they Reiki we are discussing in this forum).

I am not in a position or capacity to judge wheter Reiki is right or wrong, but surely some of misticisms wrongly guide the the practician and judged as Reiki.

About the Islamic healing, the Messenger saw had shown medication with herb (black cummin, etc) and honey, and the one that known as "Ruqyah" which means the recitation of the verses and prayer directly to human, to water to be used or drank and by laying ones palm on the sick person (CMIIW). Physical illness or spiritual one (black magic, 'Jinn'/demon possesion etc).

Oh, by the way, I am new to this forum and it is good to find this forum. I can get more and more useful information for my future training.

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RE: islam and reiki


reiki has negative aspect too, where it is healing with positve energies it can be anti healing with negative energies,
in distant reiki ppl can send negative energies on gazing photos
this what told by some reiki masters,please commant (only exparts).

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RE: islam and reiki

ORIGINAL: huashshafi
reiki has negative aspect too, where it is healing with positve energies it can be anti healing with negative energies,
in distant reiki ppl can send negative energies on gazing photos
this what told by some reiki masters,please commant (only exparts).

Well, for starters, I would say that nobody can judge who is an "expert" or not, so you should be willing to accept views from anybody on this.
Essentially, you will get different views from different people. A lot of Reiki practitioners will believe that Reiki only works for the better good of a person. Some practitioners will believe that there are negative energies about and will take steps to create "protection" around themselves and/or their client to prevent negative energies from interfering. Some believe that it is possible for people to send negative energies to others whether they are doing that via Reiki or just negative intentions/thoughts; however there is the additional belief that a person's highest good will only accept good healing energies that is being sent to them.

Strictly speaking, there is no right or wrong answer to this. It's a matter of personal believe about what can be sent, how Reiki works, and what other people will accept.

With distance healing, gazing at photos is not something that is necessary, just a tool that some practitioners use to aid themselves in carrying out healing in this manner.

Love and Reiki Hugs

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RE: islam and reiki

reiki has negative aspect too, where it is healing with positve energies it can be anti healing with negative energies,
in distant reiki ppl can send negative energies on gazing photos
this what told by some reiki masters,please commant (only exparts).

No Experts here only those of us who have our own understanding based on our own experiences.

By own personal belief is that you will not channel negative energy.

As for gazing on photos IMHO this is not required the photo is only a tool.

This is what I teach my students:
You will learn to evolve a method of Distant healing, which is personal to yourself. Some healers keep a list of patient's, containing names, addresses and ailments. Some read through a list of names only, with a prayer, asking for healing to be given. Some may hold a book, photograph or list, containing the names of patient's and ask that they may all receive healing. Distant healing can be very successful, but psychologically you may find it beneficial to have a personal link with the patient, through a letter, photo, e-mail, telephone call or other means, so that you can form a healer/patient relationship/attunement.

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RE: islam and reiki

:)Hi, I have a few methods of sending distant healing. I use coloured tissue paper, each colour representing the chakra that needs healing. I then write the persons name on it in gold ink and reiki symbols. This I then place in my reiki box. It's a carved wooden box with a Celtic knot inlaid in brass on the top. I have cleansed the box and reikied it and add or remove names as is necessary. Also I have used a photo. When my son races, motorbikes, I always send the protection symbol by signing over the photo of him on his bike. It has helped him walk away from at least one nasty crash with only mild concussion and helped him stay on when everyone watching, and him too, thought he would come off. Whatever works for you is right.

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RE: islam and reiki

[sm=hug.gif]Hey guys![sm=nature-smiley-008.gif]

Strange - I am not muslim but I have been contemplating this very subject just lately having been to Egypt at the end of last year. I met so many wonderful muslim chaps out there and got into some fantastic spiritual chats, but none of them had heard of Reiki. I therefore got to wondering what the view of Islam would be on this... espscially having recently completed my angelic reiki 1 and 2 in the uk and subsequently thinking about going back out to egypt to do my 3 and 4 (strangely enough the 'founders' of angleic reiki now live there).

This thread has been very helpful indeed - cheers!!!![sm=1syellow1.gif]


Ps for the record I really think Reiki can and should benefit those of any and every religion for it is an act of faith and a service to mankind that relies only on your belief in universal energy,or a creator. It does not specify who or what this should be and I can see no reason at all why it should contravene any religious values. Being able to offer healing to those in need is an absolute privelige regardless of your background don't you think! Good onanyone and everyone who opensthemselves up to this divine gift! [sm=love-smiley-009.gif][sm=love-smiley-009.gif][sm=love-smiley-009.gif]

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RE: islam and reiki

Ps for the record I really think Reiki can and should benefit those of any and every religion for it is an act of faith and a service to mankind that relies only on your belief in universal energy,or a creator. It does not specify who or what this should be and I can see no reason at all why it should contravene any religious values. Being able to offer healing to those in need is an absolute privelige regardless of your background don't you think! Good onanyone and everyone who opensthemselves up to this divine gift!

You are so right

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RE: islam and reiki

hi dear

i have seen urls mentioned by u ............... good but need ur guidance....................... i am a muslim and wana gain knowledge of rieki .................... can u help me .............. u attune me in distance and send me required material by mail.......................... step by step ................... or tell me free site or community where such people r doing great jobs about riekie................... especially islamic riekie..................
can u guide me................... waiting for ur +ve answer...............

some websites r facilatating master level in first query....................... do u believe on such kind of free rieki websites............................... please answer

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