5 Top Benefits of Baby Massage

Baby massage has become increasingly popular during the last decade. Parents are now being told that massage is therapeutic for both baby and mother. But, what exactly are these benefits? Below we explore five of the many benefits that are associated with baby massage.

1. Can help baby sleep

If your baby is a very light sleeper, then baby massage can help them to sleep for longer. The massage should be incorporated into your baby’s nighttime routine, ideally after their bath. You’ll soon find that baby will settle quicker and have a more restful sleep, so that you do too.

2. Can help with postnatal depression

Baby massage is often suggested by midwives and health visitors as a remedy for mothers with postnatal depression. Massaging your baby every day can help to reduce those feelings of restlessness, can help to strengthen the mother-baby bond, with the baby having quieter periods of alert time. Massage really can improve the mother’s mental health.

3. Can reduce symptoms of colic

Many studies have been conducted into how massage can help reduce symptoms of colic. Babies that have a twenty-minute massage during the day, and then before bed, are more likely to sleep for longer and to cry less. It’s thought that the combination of skin to skin contact and rocking motion is what helps the baby.

4. Can improve physical and mental health of the baby

Not only does baby massage benefit the mental health of the mother, but it can also help improve the mental health of the baby. Various studies have been conducted involving babies under the age of six months that have shown babies are less stressed and are generally more happy and settled. It’s thought this is because melatonin is released during massage, which helps to regulate sleeping patterns and decrease stress.

5. It’s a way to make new friends

Becoming a new parent can be very isolating, especially if you don’t have family living nearby. Accessing a baby massage class or group is a wonderful way to socialise with other parents, swap tips and ideas and gain much-needed support. It’s also a lot of fun.

If you want to find a baby massage group or class near you, then please do browse our site directory today.

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