Are you an Evolutionary?
I remember, many years ago, listening to an interview with Bruce Lipton, the evolutionary biologist. In it he said that all the kids who opt out of society and get shitty jobs at McDonalds are actually participating in the evolution of society by refusing to contribute to the old paradigm. I had to reflect on that for a bit before I got it.
Now in my life I am surrounded by healers, artists and people living in new ways. None have any money to speak of. There is no security. They do not follow the old rules or buy into the old values.
Instead they create art, community, raise healthy children, and attend to their own physical and emotional well being. They look to break down the old thinking, the conditioning that we all grew up with.
These are the evolutionaries and if you were drawn to read this, then you are one too.
As we follow our hearts to create more authentic lives, all the energy that would have been spent creating a secure life goes into delving into the unknown.
We are looking to reinvent at the most fundamental level, starting with ourselves. How we can be healthy heart centered beings living authentic lives?
For each of us the answer is different. Some are living off grid, out in nature, generating their own power and growing their own food. For others they forsake the security of owning a home so that they can travel and share their work globally.
Whatever you are called to do in order to be completely true to yourself, you may find it takes you to places of uncertainty. This is part of the evolutionary experience.
When caterpillar breaks down it’s body as it becomes butterfly it lets go of safety, it lets go of the known, so that it’s evolution can take place.
So when life feels uncertain, when the money is not showing up and when you are wondering whether you are on the right track, remember that your willingness to step into the unknown is paving the way for those that will follow. You are the imaginal cell that encodes the blueprint for what humanity is becoming.
And for the courage to be one of the first to take that step…thank you!
Dominique Mallee Meeroff is one the leading Metamorphic Technique teachers and the creator of the Inner Alchemy system. She teaches about transformation from within and how to co-create with the Field. She practices yoga and lives an Ayurvedic lifestyle in St.Leonards on Sea, East Sussex. Her teaching takes her all around the UK, The US and Australia.