Therapists in Letterbreen

Letterbreen is a hamlet in County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. It is 5 miles southwest of Enniskillen on the main route to Sligo. It lies in the foothills of Belmore Mountain. The hamlet has a Methodist church, a Church of Ireland church hall, a shop, a post office, a pub and several houses. It is served by a primary school at nearby Florencecourt. Letterbreen is a request stop on the Bus Éireann Sligo-Manorhamilton-Enniskillen Expressway route 66. The coach stops at Sligo bus station which is beside Sligo railway station. Connecting trains from Sligo run to Dublin Connolly Irish Rail - Official site Wikipedia

Did You Know

HypnoBirthing is a philosophy and a set of techniques that prepares parents for a natural, gentle birth. It teaches a program of deep relaxation, visualisation and self-hypnosis which then promotes a calm pregnancy and a trauma free birth.

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