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Newton St Petrock is an ecclesiastical and civil parish in the Torridge district of Devon in England, occupying approximately 1,500 acres. It has a population in 2001 of 163. A mile to the east of the village are the earthwork remains of Durpley Castle, a medieval motte-and-bailey castle. The parish’s famous landmark is an ancient oak. Its profile is, appropriately, that of an acorn whose western border follows the River Torridge. It is contiguous with the parishes of Abbots Bickington, Bulkworthy, Shebbear and Milton Damerel. Wikipedia

Did You Know

HypnoBirthing is a philosophy and a set of techniques that prepares parents for a natural, gentle birth. It teaches a program of deep relaxation, visualisation and self-hypnosis which then promotes a calm pregnancy and a trauma free birth.

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