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Certified Emotion Code Practitioner

  • 125 Worcester Road, Malvern, Worcestershire WR14 1ET.

About Certified Emotion Code Practitioner

My name is Jane Tomkinson, and my aim is to offer a safe place for you to explore the root causes of any emotional, physical, spiritual or energetic difficulties that you are experiencing in your life. Together, we will identify and clear blocks, unresolved issues and physical pain in order to facilitate and assist you in bringing emotional, spiritual and physical relief, understanding and balance to your life. Helping you to experience the vibrant, joyous life that you are meant to live.

The most popular treatment amongst my clients is The Emotion Code founded by Dr Bradley Nelson. I was drawn to the Emotion Code and qualified as a Certified Practitioner in 2010, impressed by its relative simplicity in ’getting to the root of issues and their point of creation’, without the need for lengthy discussions bringing up and relating painful memories. Within one session, a deep seated painful memory or trauma can be identified and released easily. The effects can be very profound. Another important discovery by Dr. Nelson and the main area of my work with clients is clearing Heart walls. It appears that trapped emotions gather in the Heart Chakra forming a collective energy termed a Heart wall. The Subconscious mind creates this as a form of protection from emotional, spiritual or physical pain or injury. Although it is an important protective mechanism which can be absolutely necessary to help you survive certain traumas in your life, it comes at a price. Energetically, the heart is the center of your being, it entrains the rhythms of the body (including the brain), and it is also a source of intuitive knowing. A Heart wall blocks the heart energy and gets in the way of the body having full access to the heart, blocking  your ability to fully give and receive love and to be in satisfying relationships with yourself or others. We often hear of people feeing ‘Heartbroken’ who are experiencing deep sadness and loss, or those who feel an underlying sadness or dis-connection from a part of their lives that they find difficult to explain. This could be due to a Heart wall.The majority of people feel better almost instantly, often unaware of the emotions that were identified, reporting that they feel ‘lighter with a sense of calmness, as if a weight has been lifted from them.Others experience the changes more subtly and over time and it is important to be aware that deep rooted issues will require more than one session and benefits will occur as you allow yourself the time to heal. My work with the majority of my clients is over the telephone or via skype allowing individuals to stay in the comfort of their own home and I also work as a proxy for individuals who live in different time zones

My Professional Background: I began my journey into health and healing 30 years ago, as a State Registered Nurse for 27 years. I worked as a Sister in Cardiac Care before leaving to explore an Holistic approach to Health and Healing. My time within the medical environment was so very rewarding, however I began to feel that there are many unexplored levels at the root of our illnesses that the NHS and allopathic medicine, in many instances, does not have the time or resources to explore or consider. However, there does appear to be a gradual shift in awareness of this possibility, which is so heart-warming!

Intuitive and Psychic skills: my work is based on the Emotion Code as per my training, however, I frequently utilise intuitive and psychic skills in a responsible, healing and empowering way to bring a deeper dimension to your session. Using insights and guidance, we go further and deeper into clearing issues such as Trauma, Negative beliefs and Programming which are personal to your individual experience from your current lifetime. We also clear those carried through from Previous lifetimes and those Inherited from our parents, Ancestors and our Culture. We may also consider the possibilities of the ‘Pain Body'.

It never ceases to amaze me of the potential positive effects of identifying and clearing these energies. In doing so we enhance your ability to live a life free from restrictive and unhealthy reactions within relationships, not only with ourself but within relationships with others.

If you have unresolved pain and anxiety in your life or are experiencing unfulfilling relationships, the Emotion Code may be the treatment that you are looking for. Clearing trapped emotions, negative beliefs and programming will allow you to live a life experiencing greater peace and fulfilment.


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