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Steph Beever

  • 44 Summer Lane, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S70 2NH.

About Steph Beever

Hi, I’m Steph Beever and a qualified holistic therapist working online and in Barnsley, South Yorkshire. As a stressed and over-worked worker, I suffered for years with constant low-level stress and turned to complementary therapies to recover my body and clear my mind. I began to build a ‘tool-kit’ of effective therapies to integrate into my lifestyle until, in 2013, I had the epiphany to say goodbye to the high-stress environment of teaching in mainstream education and retrain as a therapist.

My mission was to help people like myself, stressed-out, run down workers who don’t allow themselves to rest; suffering from this modern-world stress epidemic. I used all my free time to train in the therapies that helped me, taking the Eastern approach that the body and mind are part of the same organism; one cannot function full without the health of the other.

“the body and mind are part of the same organism; one cannot function full without the health of the other.”



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