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  • 92 Goldcrest Road, Liverpool, Merseyside L31 1LT.

About Luv2lash

Eyelash extension studio in maghull, Elain has over 12years experience in applying semi-permanent eyelash extensions. She is also a Eyelash Extension trainer, accrediated by Lash Inc.


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Breath therapy is your trick to making it through the working day

Breath therapy – also known as breathwork…

Top 3 benefits of acupuncture

Acupuncture dates back thousands of years from…

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What you need to know about eating before bed

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Breath therapy is your trick to making it through the working day

Breath therapy – also known as breathwork…

Top 3 benefits of acupuncture

Acupuncture dates back thousands of years from…

4 benefits of hot stone massage therapy

Massage has long been established as a…